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Oct 13, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (9/12 eps)
What's new, Scooby Doo? Nothing. Characters are developed and dimensional enough to not be tropish. The writing is good enough their growing pains feel tangible and therefore believable. But again, if you've seen it once, you've seen it all. We've got yet another forgettable, generic insert character trying to do right by others. Of course this one's about girls, and we can chalk it up to "ethical harem anime:" Let's tend to their feelings as romantically rejected women so we can identify the most viable love interest among them since they're all available. Yawn. Every man's wet dream? Sure. But... YAWN. Don't process hurt women's ...
Oct 9, 2024
86 Part 2 (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
My final conclusion is that this show didn't do enough because it tried to do too much.
The entire first season focuses on Major Melize's attempt to reconcile her social standing as an Alba with her military role. Season 2 spends almost all its first half disarming your perception of Gia as the "big bad evil" in its marred reputation as the original aggressor through use of the Legion to conquer other nations. In the second half it tries deconstructing Shin's scarred psyche as a soldier.
Will he reconcile his existential crisis in the face of possibly living through the war?
I don't need to cover every point ...
Oct 8, 2024
86 (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
BURIED POTENTIAL - This show could have been a juggernaut in sci-fi dramas but falls short by opting to pace itself in a way that whips up quick emotional poignance that distracts from the world building and character development it sacrifices. Make no mistake, the people who like this show are attracted to the emotional rollercoaster ride and not any other aspects that make shows like Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Made In Abyss best in class.

This show pulls from great books like All Quiet On the Western Front which is shown in the last episode of season 1. If you haven't read ...
Jun 14, 2024

Storytelling through parallelism is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to tell a story. This one does so through flashbacks. I've seen comparisons to Kimi no Tabi. This isn't anything like that. Kimi no Tabi was dull and dredged on for its entire run. It's a vibe type of anime for sure, like Lain. However, this is about growth and reflection. It's about learning from the past to become better, meaning to live in the present and not take it for granted.

I don't think Frieren gained masterpiece status with fans because it's the ...
Jun 18, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (8/12 eps)
Did anyone else find the second part of season one not as good as the first part? The charm is consistent. The character development seems just as consistent. But there's no ramp up in energy. The story doesn't get you closer and closer to the edge of your seat. And while I think that resolving family situations is admirable and infrequent in anime as a whole, which itself is a fresh change of pace, this doesn't necessarily make for a compelling story.

Hopefully everything happening now serves as simple character development as an overall strategy to help us care more about the characters once ...
Feb 21, 2018
Preliminary (139/148 eps)
HUNTER X HUNTER: Why Gon’s character is so appealing and How Fathers Are a Factor.


This is an analysis comparing like shounen to Hunter x Hunter and its main protagonist to the protagonists of these like shounen. I will not include One Piece or Bleach in this article since my knowledge of both is limited.

You know it: dads with unknown whereabouts, the popular training/arena arcs, deus ex machinas, main characters with exponential power growth, etcetera.

Shows like Fairy Tail and Naruto among others share these common traits. However, one show’s got them beat. That’s Hunter X Hunter.

For those of you who have not seen it, ...
Jan 13, 2018

Devilman: Crybaby is a masterpiece, revealing the nature of our current human condition in the digital age affected by gross misjudgement and reactionary behavior.

My review:

Devilman: Crybaby decries the nasty habit of quick reactions in a quick world with no time to think about anything. Proving that makes it the easiest to take the most destructive advantage of ourselves.

The age of the internet. Too much information; too little time to process. We've taken it to a point where with some slang and memes we don't even complete sentences.

Sep 11, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Engaging. Entertaining. Elevating.

I've had a falling out with anime over the past year. Nothing was interesting. Nothing was new. This show isn't necessarily either, but it gives a new dimension to the hackneyed shounen dynamic of an underdog undertaking a new challenge in his life as a matter of circumstance which he found he
is surprisingly apt at dealing with.

But this show isn't just finding itself going through the 12 banal steps of the hero's journey like Bleach or Naruto. Such series become trite with repetition. Powers become bigger and larger and we lose the intimacy associated with smaller scale story-telling which ends ...
Jul 19, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (9/12 eps)
The first season made for some of the most interesting developments in anime history, but where the story has gone has ruined the initial excitement and mystique of Shingeki no Kyojin.

Eren has all the trappings of a basic shounen protagonist with no real subversiveness or uniqueness to his role. Mikasa is dull. Obviously, she still needs to be developed more, which I suppose second season is doing, but i just feel like it's doing a really bad job at it.

Mikasa has more facial expressions it seems now than first season. However, it seems as though the drawers are content with her facial expressions ...
Jan 12, 2015
Story: 7
Art: 6
Sound: 10
Character: 8
Enjoyment: 6
Overall: 7

This is the most awkward anime I have ever had the most vacillating feelings for. PP the Animation is a very pleasant experience for the 11 episode you get out of it, and the character development is quite...unique as well, but when it comes down to asking "what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?", there is hardly an answer that can be settled upon.

First off, the soundtrack is amazing. That is indisputably the best part of this anime, which wouldn't have gotten the ratings it did on MAL without it. But, I've been watching anime for ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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