Jan 19, 2019
There are few titles that are so apropos of my feelings towards them as Death March. That is to say this show was a death march of boredom. Never have I been as bored watching a show as when I watched Death March. A boring story about a dude who gets transported into an alternate world made up of mishmash of videogames he helped developed, Death March follows the exploits of Satou as he fights things in this new world, makes new friends, etc. This show is the epitome of generic videogame isekai. In fact it is so generic that I can hardly remember anyone's
Jan 13, 2019
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.
There's a certain art to writing an OP MC. When done well it makes for a very enjoyable show. Prime examples of this include the expertly written Saitama and Mob from genius writer ONE. So why is it that this show fails so spectacularly in writing an OP MC and as a show in general? Let's break it down.
Characters are only made interesting by their flaws or their challenges. Saitama faces existential dread wondering what his purpose in life is after achieving the overwhelming strength he desired. This challenge of finding fulfillment in life is universal of the human experience and achieves the incredible feat ... Feb 2, 2016
Tokyo Ghoul
Did not care for this one at all. The philosophy of the main character is stupid. This show just acts like it is so much deeper than it is. This show is NOT a deep show with complex themes like Death Parade. What this show is is a confusing world that took me like 5 times to watch it to get a semblance of what the the hell was going on. Making confusing relationships doesn't make a show deep or complex. It makes a show confusing.
Now some may wonder why I brought up Death Parade. Well I gave that show a 10. That show ... Jan 18, 2016
Mahou Sensou
Oh dear lord the HATRED I have for this show. This show was the worst anime I have ever laid my eyes on. Please Note that in order to accurately and thoroughly explain my hatred for this series I will be spoiling quite a bit.
Story-1 Where to begin with this wreck of a narrative? How about how it's one of the most generic things I've ever laid eyes on. This story goes through the check list like it enjoys ticking those boxes for a 100%. It starts with a flashback years ago the world was one and some people could use magic. Then this ... Jan 8, 2016
Death Parade
If you want an anime to really make you think; to really make you question how you would act in certain situations then this is the anime for you. Death Parade starts strong with a kick ass and energetic opening that really gets you pumped for the show itself. The story is amazing that makes you think. It makes you question if people, when pushed, really have a choice in how they act or if survival takes over. The art is incredibly pleasing to look at and is very smooth. The characters you're supposed to like you love and the ones you're supposed to be