This manga is probably one of the cutest things I have ever read. The teasing can be a bit cruel, especially in the earlier chapters, but it turns into this way for Takagi to convey how much she cares about Nishikata. Really, the only way she could tease him this bad is if she liked him enough to really learn about him and there is something really heart-warming and adorable about that.
Story-wise, this is definitely on the less plot driven side of the slice-of-life spectrum but it does have reoccurring plot points and to some degree, a sense of direction. The later chapters become increasingly
Mar 17, 2019
Servant x Service
What I really like about this series is how even though it is a romantic comedy, it's not purely romantically focused. The characters are given room to breathe, grow, and interact in many ways outside of romance and it feels more natural for it. It's enjoyable to see the characters develop and while the individual strip gags don't always make me laugh out loud, that isn't to say they aren't humorous.
My one criticism would be the art. It's alright but characters tend to have similar faces and there isn't much background art. The anime fleshes out the appearances quite well, which makes me wish for ... |