For context: I watched both extra stages AFTER finishing S1-6 so I know what this anime is capable of.
I love how Initial D's main storyline deals with character development which is why I have some pretty strong feelings about this OVA. In short: the production team had a metric f*ckton of potential to work with, but decided to toss it in hopes that 2 pairs of boobs could carry the whole special.
Mako was one of the side characters that received a great deal of attention in her respective story arcs, which is a big privilege for an Initial D Side Character. I felt like her
inner workings and her way to cope with feelings for Iketani were well laid out in the main storyline and her course of action was understandable.
Mako was an insecure about her racing career and how it affects her dating life, trying figure out a way bring her love for racing and desire for romance under one roof.
Even though she had relatively little screen time her character development was well implied into the story.
This OVA, with her as a main character, was the perfect chance to further explore the depths of her character. Instead, the writers settled on riding the previously mentioned dilemma even further. This in itself is not a bad decision. There is still lots of potential in that idea.
That's where my problems with this OVA start: they made the MAIN CHARACTER of the show feel like a plot device. She just HAPPENS to have a blind Date arranged for hear, and doesn't seem to hate the guy! There is one catch though: if she wants to date him, she has to quit racing...
Great, good start for an intricately crafted character story! I can't wait to see how this plays out! What does Mako think of this situation? No inner monologue? Ah damn... Surely she's gonna explain her feelings to her best friend? ...No? Ok that's fine there is still a weeks time until their next date, there will be enough opportunities to hint at her opinion on the situation and let some character development happen... No? Time skip! Then, a 30 second scene of him asking her out. Perhaps worthy of being awarded the most unmemorable love confession in all of anime. Mako dodges the question by buying herself a week of time in a which we accompany her through a journey of brooding over her complicated feelings for- ...jk here's another time skip! She breaks up with the guy by making him ruin his underwear in her sileighty. Don't get me wrong: this COULD have been a very powerful ending to this story, if only we were led to give a shit about this little romance thing they had going on. There was nothing at stake in this finale. There was nothing to cling on as a viewer.
What distinguishes Initial D from other racing shows is that it's races and are not seldom coupled to complex emotions. In this aspect, this OVA really managed to try too hard and too little... At the same time! There was two races against jerks who did not believe women could be good drivers. Theres important messages to get across here: about precipice toward women, about underrepresentation in motorsports, about blatant sexism - especially in niche subcultures... etc. Those messages were probably even moreso important around 2001 when this anime came out. And I want everyone to acknowledge that. I just have a feeling that a) we got the gist of it the second, if not the first time these issues were attended to in the original show and b) there was not nearly enough background story to the main characters in order to make the message truly powerful. The viewer never got to SEE the hardships mako and sayuki had to endure to get to where they are today. We only ever experienced the following archetype of a race:
enemy racer: "haha women bad"
Mako: *gets angry*
Sayuki: "Show 'em, gurl!"
*sileighty absolutely smokes enemy racer and nobody ever speaks of it again*
This gets old really quick. Matter of fact, after the first time. There was no need to insert that trope TWICE within a - barely - hour-long OVA.
I also thought they would - finally - expand on the night kids lore upon seeing shingo and nakazato the first time. I assume you don't need to hear my opinion on the fact that they did not do any of that.
I didn't WANT (or need) to talk about the fan service but I feel like a review would be incomplete without it so watch out here it comes. My ultimate opinion on seeing boobs: 5/10. Inoffensive. Doesn't add to the plot but doesn't take anything away either. I don't get why ppl have such strong opinions about it. Grow up.
After ranting more than enough I'd like to touch up on the good in this series and why I couldnt get myself to give this a below average rating.
Number one for me is just the aesthetic. They greatly improved on the CGI and after all: it's initial D, man. The vibes - especially during race scenes - are immaculate.
I really enjoyed all the bits and bops of lore and all the subtle and less subtle hints toward the main story line
Despite the lack of character DEVELOPMENT I think that they implemented all characters very nicely into the ecosystem that is Initial D.
Shingos and Sayukis dynamic is a refreshing one to see at the very least, even though it feels unsubstantial to the story.
And I dont believe I will need to talk about the music. You wouldn't be here, reading this review, if it wasnt for the music.
TL;DR I hate, that I hate it. It all fits snug within the Initial D story line but does a terrible job with character development and pacing.
Should you watch this?
YES IF you are a completionist like me and got time to spare, or if you just want to put your brain in autopilot and enjoy some good clean Japanese anime 90s racing vibes.
NO IF you actually care for the story and the characters. You will be biting your toenails off by the time you get a crumb of progression.
Feb 27, 2025
Initial D Extra Stage
For context: I watched both extra stages AFTER finishing S1-6 so I know what this anime is capable of.
I love how Initial D's main storyline deals with character development which is why I have some pretty strong feelings about this OVA. In short: the production team had a metric f*ckton of potential to work with, but decided to toss it in hopes that 2 pairs of boobs could carry the whole special. Mako was one of the side characters that received a great deal of attention in her respective story arcs, which is a big privilege for an Initial D Side Character. I felt like her ... |