I came into this series having read the manga and avidly anticipated what was my favourite satire of the most saturated genre in anime. It's easily evident from minute one that this series does not capture the same tune as the manga attempts to; a lot of the jokes, though present, are toned down or played in a way that better resembles the classic isekai 'cool mc' without any of the irony. A good example would be Cid's knife toss in episode 2, which was a really well-done gag in the manga, but is quickly glossed over during the anime's run.
The thing is, I
Jun 16, 2021
I don't think I'd ever watch this show if I weren't watching it through the current season, I'd almost definitely drop it after at most the third episode thanks to its audacious pacing. It's poor, the humour's crude and never lands, virtually every cast member is unlikable either due to stupidity, insanity, or a mix of both.
As said, the whole cast kinda sucks, but 'Main girl' Reona's excessively petty and repetitive personality is especially disappointing - though it's clear the author attempted something here, I'll assert that I don't believe they succeeded in creating someone enjoyable to watch or interact with the protagonist (who himself ... |