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Mar 13, 2025
Preliminary (10/12 eps)
There are literally no things that are not explicitly said in the story. That is how a toddler tells a story. There are no actions speaking for themselves. If an evil dude does evil things, they're always sure to get that dude to say, “I DID THESE EVIL THINGS! I'M EVIL!”. I'm not convinced this isn't written by a pre-literate child. Someone probably couldn't make their deadline and just asked their 4-year-old to tell them a story and wrote it all down.

The characters are all one dimensional

The whole thing is very unoriginal

The character designs are all really dumb

How's that MyAnimeList? Can I submit the review ...
Feb 7, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
The premise is dumb, and the MC is unlikeable. All this has going for it is the animation, but it's not exactly outstanding in that regard either. Visually, it's only just a step above the bulk of stuff that comes out each season that you watch once and forget forever. I suspect the cute girl is what's keeping this show above average now because I really can't see what else this has going for it. I don't think I'm going to watch the whole season. The MC is just so obnoxious. Each episode is so tiresome because of her constant female dogging and moaning.
Sep 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
This came off as an attempted cross between Kaguya-sama: Love Is War and My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU. It fell flat in my opinion, though. Alya is cute and the speaking in Russian shtick is sometimes funny and/or adorable, but that's about all it really has going for it. There are interesting plot points that are just kind of there, but not addressed much at all. I couldn't even tell you what the overarching story or what this season was supposed to be about, and I don't think the writer knows either. When the season ended, I was left sitting here confused. It ended, and ...
Aug 9, 2024
Preliminary (5/10 eps)
Utter nonsense. This show makes shows like The Misfit of Demon King Academy seem coherent by comparison. There is no context prior to the mountains of gibberish crap that you're dropped into in episode 1 and as it progresses clarity never comes. It actually manages to get more confusing each episode. The feeling this show creates is what I imagine a toddler feels like. Everything is new, bizarre, and all basic concepts are entirely unknown. Things on the same level as don't touch the hot stove, for example, are just completely foreign. There's no explanation for anything. The viewer is just left to dangle cluelessly.

If ...
Aug 3, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/10 eps)
Have you seen Hyouka? If you have and loved it, you're probably left like me underwhelmed and slightly irritated. This is essentially a Hyouka wannabe. The premise and the art are obviously inspired by it, and this is an attempted mirror, minus the skilled writing. The story is very lacking. The “hook” in the first episode is dull and bent. There's nothing there that makes me want to keep watching. That to me is an immediate drop for a series as a whole to the craplist. I don't owe you my time. You have to earn it. Maybe it does get better later on, but ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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