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Dec 12, 2017
Story: Average
Being predictable isn't a shortcoming, but being predictable without any charm is.
We know right from the start what is the goal of the series and we are there just to lay down and enjoy the ride, and I sure didn't.
Most of the reason for that comes from the characters, but the plot is also at fault. If you make your end goal known to the public at least make your journey until there fun.
I mean, I'm pretty sure that I have watched this already. Isn't this just a mixture of ReLIFE, NetoYome, and Gamers! ?
- Romance involving two main adult characters
while having some sort of "rehabilitation". ✔
- Having characters that know each other in a game meeting irl. ✔
- A bunch of misunderstandings or slow progression that could have been easily solved if they talked with each other. ✔
Sound/Art: Fine/Bad
I don't have much to say, I found the music a bit above average while the art being somewhat bad. It's more or less consistent, but I don't think that it has any appeal. Backgrounds and characters designs are really generic and I don't have any memorable moment where I thought that the show looked good. On the other hand, I have several memories where it was meant to look good, but it wasn't.
Characters: Very Bad
So, let me see if I got this right. For a change instead of high school age characters we have adults, but instead of making any good use of that we just use them as if they were still high school age characters.
Yes, we have this huge superficial difference while everything else that really matters is the same as any other anime out there.
This story could easily have been made without them being adults while having almost no differences, just changing some events to something similar or changing them to something different while getting a similar purpose/intent.
I just feel like it was a waste on that part.
But hey, they are not even the only characters, we have more which we know absolutely nothing about and were always there. I guess that we shouldn't expect much since not even the main characters were that well developed. We known about Sakurai's past and we kinda know about Morioka's. But it's in a superficial manner. Sakurai only has that going for him because it was needed. Otherwise, he could not share a bound with Morioka, and the exact same thing with the MC. A superficial plot point for them to have some sort of connection while making it "so beautiful", otherwise they would have 0 reasons to want to get to know one another. Especially taking in considerating both their personalities, especially Morioka's.
Overall: Average
I feel like I made this series seem worse than it is. I honestly just found it average. I ended up focusing on the bad points of the series since most of the reviews are positive with some high scores and I wanted to give some "balance" to it since I really don't think that this series was as good as people make it out to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 17, 2017
Outbreak Company had an iffy start, it started somewhat light-hearted while being extremely generic, but despite that, it managed to have some funny scenes here and there. The comedy of this series is one of the few good points about it, if not the only one.
The iffy start wasn't only because that the show is generic, but also the fact that it executes drama extremely poorly, or at least something that was meant to be drama.
The first time that we see this is in episode 3, where some drama happened and the results were the following. Character A was stabbed defending character B,
leading to character B changing the way that she perceived character A. This was all done with the light-hearted theme presented at the beginning of the series and some comedy scenes here and there. Yes, someone got injured but all while having comedy. Which I honestly couldn't care less about either the drama or comedy since it isn’t funny when someone is getting stabbed and isn’t sad when you have a character pushing his face against a woman breasts while being kidnapped and on a life of death situation, all while the woman is moaning. Which is really bad since the comedy is the strong point of this series.
The second time and last one that we see this is on the last 2 episodes of the series, where after multiples episodes of extremely absurd comedy we get a drama arc. But again, all while being light-hearted and trying to be funny. I won’t go into details about what happened but it was the same exact thing that happened in the beginning drama arc of the series. Drama and comedy altogether. Why wouldn’t work?
Think about this. You are with some people in a life or death situation and from nowhere someone goes and tells a joke. Would you find it funny? I at least wouldn’t. But that’s me, when it exists actual consequences I can’t find it funny. And this series goes and tell us that it indeed it exists consequences, but continues with the comedy and give us absurd situations while something is at stake and that’s why in my opinion it doesn’t work.
While I do think that the drama of Outbreak Company is horrible, on the other hand, I do think that the comedy is great. I mean, a 10 years old dwarf with beard attending school and learning hardcore Otaku terms like “Haitenai” is something that I will never forget for the rest of my life. (Which btw is when a female character might not be wearing anything underneath her skirt, but keep in mind that whether she’s actually wearing any or not doesn’t matter).
The show also makes a lot of references to another anime, which in my opinion is quite funny if you know what they are making references to.
That’s the type of comedy that this series uses most of the time. Absurd situations, that are only available because of the medieval/magic world that they are. And I do think that it made good use of that for the comedy.
And that’s it. It actually had more good episodes than bad ones, but the bad ones were awful. Making this a series that I would never recommend and one when I look back at it will only think of how good it could have been. That said, overall I did enjoy the anime and that’s why I gave it a 6 out of 10 (Fine).
With that, I conclude my review. If you are looking for an anime that it never takes itself seriously, even when it does, I recommend this series since the comedy is pretty good and despite the plot being complete nonsense, it is an enjoyable anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 22, 2016
- Well this is meant to be a prequel to the new movie "One Piece Film: Gold" and to be honest i don't think that i need it.
-The Story is very simple. New girl appears and we are going into an adventure to find a piece of gold \o/
In the adventure, exists a villain called Mad Treasure (Horrible character btw) that will be trying to get to the gold before the StrawHats, while being in their way.
-I actually was pleasantly surprised with the art. Taking into account the anime series of One Piece that the art usually is really not that good :/ This special
had some really beautiful art and fluid animation.
-The sound was very average, dont recall having something special about it, just the usually One Piece Soundtracks.
- The characters was what it really failed for me. I think that the only characters that it needs to be mentioned are the villain called "Mad Treasure", Olga and her father... and i really didn't enjoy any of these characters.
- The Villain was really bad. In the beginning the episode i remember that he said that he likes treasure hunting because of the excitement... and ended up using the StrawHat crew to pass the traps. Why? Because he is a villan and needs to be a bad person -,-''
- Olga was that generic character that appear from time to time, that in the beginning of the episode don't trust people and in the end of the episodeend up being friends with the StrawHats.
- Olga's father was a simple character.. Just there so that in the beginning of the episode Olga started with hating him and liking him in the end. (Never saw something similiar.. really original...)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 31, 2015
Kanon starts when our main male character, Aizawa Yuuichi, goes to live with his cousin, that he visited quite often when younger, but the deal is that he don't remember absolutely nothing of those days, but then he start being surrounded by these "girls" and the funny thing is the most part of them carried a little part of his past...
The begging of Kanon is a little slow.. But is that a bad thing? Of course not! Because of the slow begging Kanon had the proper time to to introduce all the characters that needed and after that tell us what the Story line would
be. So when begins to close all the points that introduce in the early parts of the show ,you will realise that kannon is almost in the end. So that slow start is very helpful. Plus is quite enjoyable.
This is one of the things really good about this series, not that kanon have really bad things about it, but the characters, in my opinion they are all very enjoyable, Yuuichi is a very interesting character, his personallity is just awesome, and the way that he interact with people is very realist, this may sound very simple, but it have so much anime these days that failed miserably in this area. But i need to point that i just found funny the fact that the most part of the persons that he interacts is mostly girls it puts me thinking that maybe he is trying to buid a harem, and no one realized, (Poor Yuuichi).
And the girls, also very weel done, they are all very different from each other, and that makes that the interactig between them never boring.
I will be honest here, i was a little apprehensive in watching Kanon, because it was from 2006, and i already watched some anime from that year, (more or less) that the art was unbearable, i don't think that the Art makes an Anime, but the truth is that If the Art is Good, is a really nice bonus. And i dont think that exist anime watchers that dont like to see really good animation and Great Art. And Kanon made a really nice joob in that part. A fun fact is that you can notice that the anime is a little old just by looking in the eyes and the hair of the characters.
I should researched a little bit before saying anything about this topic, but i think that the soundtracks are from a piano (at lest i hope so), and like everyone knows, tastes in music varies from person to person. I enjoyed the music quite a lot.. in the start. But more to the ending i was getting a little tired of hearing always that style of music. But the anime dont drop the quality because of that, is just that this kind of music is just not my favorite. However i need to say that i really like the opening, but again, the ending, it was just not for me.
In the end even though I dislike some things about this anime (minor things by the way). I really enjoyed watching Kanon, and you can see that, because i am making a review (my first one by the way) if i didn't found this anime good i wouldn't make a review (maybe if i hated i would also make one). I really recommend this anime to every one. Even more if you like Mystery, Supernatural and a lot of emotional scenes. It exist a really high chance of re-watching this anime in the Future, or at lest the last episode.
Thanks to all that read my review, like i already said this is my first one, and i tried my best to make it efficient and short. (Quite failed by the way).
If you found something in my review that you don't agree, or if you want help me improve my reviews, you can send me a private message. By only doing that it would help me a lot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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