Nov 19, 2020
tldr; The insert-song videos are beautiful and the music is well made and catchy. It's a good introduction to the people behind ARP.
I should probably state right off of the bat that I went into this show completely blind. Most of the anime I watch is based on recommendation or what's currently popular, but this one was completely a "Let's see where this goes!" pick.
Now what the hell is an ARP?
ARP, also known as Artists Republic Performers, is an augmented reality idol project that debut back in 2016 under Avex Japan. The universe is built from an anime, a web-radio show [], and- of course-
music. As of typing this review, they have 10 singles/eps and a full-length studio album released; and have no intention to stop releasing music in the future.
The anime was my introduction to ARP, and to be honest, I came for the cute boys and stayed for the music. It's similar to shows like Love Live! and Pripara, where the insert-songs are shown using 3D models and everything else uses normal animation... it's just that the animated parts aren't as good as they could be. In the special, Paradise, they use the 3D models completely and it looks really good! If there's ever a season 2, and there likely will be due to it's popularity in Japan, I really hope that they use the 3D models instead of the drawn animation.
That's coming from someone who almost dropped AASide because of the 3D model usage, haha </3
The music is the best part of this show, hands down. It ranges from Shinji's ballads and classic-idol music to Rebel Cross's heavier rock, and it honestly feels like there isn't a type of song they haven't produced yet. Serenade Under a Starless Sky could put someone to sleep, where as Dive Into Love makes me want to get up and dance my heart out. If you're on the fence about starting the series, just do it for the music and 3D modelling. Seriously. The anime might not be super strong, but the music really is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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