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Oct 10, 2024
So, this is the second time I watched this, after realizing that the author of the original work did To Your Eternity. This time, I wasn't crying, though that's mostly because I was watching this to analyze the details more since I was digging into the characterization of the characters.
STORY (7/10)
Not too sure how to characterize the story as I enjoyed how in-depth the plot was and how many details are incorporated in characterizing the story and its characters. The pacing, however, sometimes was a bit too much with being too much of a slow burner and of course, ramping up at the end
like any good movie (supposedly). But, the fundamental idea was interesting enough. Though, of course, with this type of story, it was more character driven than plot driven.
After reviewing the characters and such, they mostly felt like real people. Though, as we get more details on the protagonists of the story, the side characters are lacking in terms of depth considering how many frames they take up, and we mostly have to take two scenes from the past and one in the present to build character (nothing like their home life, which is an important factor on how people grow up). Some of the motivations aren't really justified or explained well for certain actions, such as one certain female bully and the new male friend. Because of where they are placed in the movie, it seems they are there for plot reasons, which I feel is a shame for a story that is about characters. But, the two protagonists are well-outlined, though, obviously the main character takes center stage for that.
Although this was a story that was clearly about the protagonist, so his feelings and memories are the most important aspect of the movie, it's a shame that the rest of the characters were more like backdrops, and even the other main character was slight dressing for it (or the present day her).
ART (9/10)
Kyoto Animation has never disappointed with their animation and art style. No weird goofiness (like surprise 3D that wasn't blended well), surprising lack of real lewdness (though I'd like to think it's because it was a female author), and great hand animation for sign language. Of course, as someone who doesn't know it, I can only comment on the realism of the gestures as human-like and it fit in with the rest of the style of the animation.
SOUND (9/10)
Extremely well done, can't fault anything. Attention to detail in certain scenes is immaculate.
OVERALL (8/10)
Definitely watchable, and I think would be an interesting and approvable watch with family who aren't into anime since it's a great movie. Although there's some bugging flaws, perhaps just because I want to know more about these characters, it is a nice watch and does make you think more about the subtle effects of bullying in all aspects. Though I would be certain about the effects of re-watching it. It may be slow, but it was a fulfilling watch, so definitely not a waste of time at clocking in at 2 hours long. In a list of recommended anime, I would definitely put this on the list.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 28, 2024
Somehow, this and Your Name happened to be a watch my non-anime fan family wanted to watch. And, initially, I didn’t feel compelled to watch it since I didn’t want to watch another Your Name. And, well, since it’s been some time since I watched it, well, perhaps my memory’s failing me, but it was notably worse than Your Name.
STORY (???/10)
Pacing was excruciatingly slow. What I thought was the turning point ended up being an hour in. Motifs and subplots lead to nothing. It was worse than being red herrings (like Spirited Away). They had no build up. The subplots were not tied up nicely,
nor had any basis to exist. I don’t know who greenlit this, because this is not writing that would be found in a western children’s movie. No, it wouldn’t even be found in 7/10 anime known for its inconsistent writing.
Animation was, unsurprisingly, their main strong suit. As a stickler of bad 3D, it blended in nicely with the rest of the animation, making it much more bearable than other writing. Nothing stuck out weird and it was beautifully done.
SOUND (6/10)
Well, the music was decent, but not as hard hitting as in Your Name, which I can’t exactly blame Radwimps for. The theme song, Suzume, came only once, without any of the lyrics despite it being the title song practically. In a lot of anime, I can pick up on music and be like “wow, that really is catchy” but the only cool thing was a jazz-like song, which, was, unique, but didn’t mesh with everything else. The SFX sounds were smooth, even if the content that was being shot was questionable.
Wow, were the characters ordinary. Even by anime archetype standards, we have a pushover who suddenly dislikes their only family member, and a hardheaded college student who seems dumber than rocks. And, for the other main character/rival/antagonist thing, they seemed to exist to force the story forward rather than explain their existence. Which, was how the other two main characters felt like to me. Especially toward the ending, MC was not only an idiot, but a selfish idiot. And that was praised for. I felt Emily in Paris (for our non-anime fans) level of awful. And, somehow, Belle’s MC had better character development than whatever we got here.
OVERALL (5/10)
If you want a typical anime movie that does the typical things and tries to do too many things at once, but fails at successfully doing any of them in the whole 2 hours, go for it. But, if you need a starter anime, just go for Your Name (even though that has its own set of issues). Or even the first episode of Oshi no Ko while you’re at it.
Well, I now have a reason to avoid this studio and be wary of their stuff. Which sucks because their animation is S-tier. But, if the story is awful, then, the animation is wasted on it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 9, 2024
I've read the all of the volumes that have come up, getting my currently favorite arc in print. I will say this, like I've said in my review of the manga, but, this show is for those who can appreciate worldbuilding and not need immediate gratification for everything. Hilariously enough, everyone thought the first episode set the pacing for the remaining episodes, but, no, it isn't as cliche as people were just reaching for it to be (which, only when you jump to that conclusion could you make an error like this, disregarding the tone of the show).
Since it's based on a manga which
I've read, I can appropriately score it to be a near perfect adaptation. The scenes are identical, and nothing is removed or added on to change the show's direction. This is good, if you liked the manga (and vise versa if you're wondering if you want to get into the series --- with better art to boot).
Ok, so, it's serviceable. But, it does a lot to hide things, and some of the characters' faces are weirdly drawn. The fight scenes are rather short as well. And often, I wondered if it was Crunchyroll or not being weird because the voices sometimes did not line up with the animation. But, when I see the trailer for Magilumiere and think back to K Project, I just wished that a different studio picked it up. If this was done by Bones or Madhouse, it would catch so much more attention.
ART (8/10)
Although the animation is its weakest, the art is fantastic. We get that nice defined lines of newer manga with a dark tone. Considering the source material being black and white and to my knowledge, no special colored pages, the art and color are fantastically well done. The character design is exactly what I expect (though the "Beast" is a bit toned down for my liking). But, there is the exception for certain scenes where the characters are in goofy positions.
STORY (8/10)
So, the world-building is the strongest part of the story. It sucks you into a fantasy world that no isekai could ever (because it's not the typical kingdom western fantasy settings).
The characters are likable. Some may say they're archetypical, but, I don't believe that to be true. Not when there's clear reasons why one of the main characters act the way they do. It's not archetypical, it's balancing. I mean, what story has two main characters that see eye-to-eye on every little thing? Anyway, the side characters are more characterized, though, this is on the basis that the two main characters are traveling on a journey (Kino no Tabi). However, the growth is slow (apologies to those who want character development after one episode after one epiphany).
So, yes, they sound exactly how they should. I didn't exactly have too much expectations, though it did remind me how much breath and drawls some voice actors put into their characters and how it sometimes bothers me. But, I didn't get put off enough for me to stop being immersed in their acting. Though, there was some goofiness in the background characters (definitely noticeable in the English dub), but the side characters were excellent as well.
As with most 7+ anime on this site, if you are intrigued by the description of the anime, you'll probably enjoy it. For this one, it is a lot more story/writing/world-building focused (with it being more like a prologue to the main bulk of the story), so, if you couldn't stand Frieren, don't waste your time. However, to a general fan of anime, I wouldn't say this is a waste of time to watch. So, if you have the spare time, watch it, then read the first volume of the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 24, 2023
Up to 10 volumes, I've re-read the first few volumes multiple times just because of how interesting the world-building is, both literally and figuratively. For anyone looking for an interesting concept rooted in dark and ambiguous themes with equally impressive art, this is a definite story to not miss.
Overall (9/10)
As someone who has been looking for new worlds to ponder and read about, this was one of the most unique settings in a while. The pacing, some may consider slow, is perfectly reasonable and creates a sense of intrigue and wanting to get to the next page to see how everything turns out. Art is
top-notch and the architecture and attention to detail are possibly one of the best I've seen in recent times. Characters, I certainly enjoy, and they feel like real people in a world, rather than story elements being used to continue the plot (AKA, we're reading their story, rather than reading what happened to them).
Story (9/10)
The main story of a person trying to get rid of their curse by the witch who cursed them is compelling when the art is extremely non-shoujo and extremely dark. Then, when the subtle worldbuilding comes in, it intrigues. What is this world that these people are living in, and why are the people acting the way they do? As you explore more of the world, you find different areas with their own quirks, leading to an interesting adventure. The pacing of the story, I find well-paced with enough dialogue without boring me fitting the sub-stories seamlessly into the main overall plot. In a prey-chasing-predator type of story, it may get infuriating for some, but because of the interesting world-building that actually builds into the overall plot (unlike a lot of adventure stories), it did not lose me.
Characters (9/10)
Our two main characters don't get their full love until later in the volumes, but the snippets you get of their major personality traits and their relationships with the world and others are anything but boring. There won't be any 2-dimensional characters in any of the main cast, so, that beats like 80% of most manga. Not to mention, the designs of the characters are extremely fun and in-theme.
Art (10/10)
Seriously, for the debut work to be so good has to be a crime. How someone can be this amazing at art, and also storytelling is something I absolutely envy. The battle scenes are top-notch, and the attention to detail in the buildings and characters is beyond what is required for a manga. With a lot of adventure manga, there are two camps of art style, one that is a lot more simplistic and fitting for an anime, and another that is rather sketch-like with a lot of details with extreme stylization. I would say this is a polished art style, especially when you get to the full-page arts (and not to mention the full-color in the first few pages of the first volume) that I would consider to be more detailed than most, but maintains a sense of balance in where it doesn't overwhelm.
Definitely hyped for the anime adaptation (kinda eh on the studio, but trailer looked amazing, so I'm going) and seeing the action scenes. But, yes, when it comes to the manga, it's absolutely a must-read for those who like adventure (mystery-esque) stories with an adult spin to it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 12, 2023
Okay, so I decided to put my foot down and watch this since I couldn’t find anything else to watch recently. As someone who watched Trigun, albeit a long time ago, I wondered exactly where this was going since it definitely wasn’t the western I recalled. And, so, like I learned what Riverdale was based on, it seems to me that it only borrowed the name and setting (maybe not even).
Overall (5/10)
Sad to say, but this was probably one of the most mediocre anime movie (ahem, TV show) I’ve watched in a while. Although nothing could disappoint me more than Parasyte the Maxim, this was
just a show that was boringly normal. Story was extremely average and the pacing was surprisingly slow with what just feels like filler although each episode did have some stuff going on. Characters were foils for an already unoriginal and uninspiring main character (still love the original) and lacked any more originality than I would expect from its namesake. Art, uh… well, it’s 3D and it’s normal issues of basically being 3D and lacking any creativity that would differentiate it from an anime vs western animation, much less this anime compared to another action anime that did 3D (hey Chainsaw). It was extremely uninspiring even though I had little expectations, but, if you like your cookie cutter plots in which this had little more to add to the conversation it was trying to discuss, sure, go ahead, watch it. Just… if you like most of it, maybe don’t watch the last episode (not like that changed the opinion of the show for me that much).
Story (5/10)
I’ve watched way too much anime. I’ve read a lot of stories. And, this plot was extremely uninteresting to me. It reminded me of just a worse version of “Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood” and “A Promised Neverland” if they were to be combined. But even if you were to like the plot despite its rather mediocre creativeness that a lot of mid sci-fi stories (or B-rated movies) spurn, it just felt like an elongated movie that wasn’t edited properly and went on for way too long. Although disappointed it didn’t follow its predecessor and was more comedic, the way certain plot points developed irked me due to either the stupidness of it, or just the lack of explanation for them. In that sense, it felt much more like a movie (Vash originally being wanted still doesn’t get explained properly) due to how much is unexplained and left for us to imagine on our own (with like only one town that is properly described and lived through).
Art (6/10)
As someone who can tell immediately when 3D is used in 2D anime, I have to dock points off a lot. I never liked the shininess of 3D in which there is a strange lack of shadows, making it obvious they are 3D models in a scene. It felt more like I was watching a video game cutscene than anything. Animation was honestly more akin to older American 3D action animated series. In my opinion, lacked enough creativity to make it Trigun in comparison to “a 3D animated tv show.” However, it was somewhat styled enough that it wasn’t completely off putting every second, but I still cannot see 3D taking over for a long time if they don’t fix the realism of placement of characters.
Characters (4/10)
As a great character in the original, Vash disappoints in this one. Despite his age, he acts the same as every isekai and harem protagonist. He’s no longer interesting. Stripped from everything, his only characteristic is being overly kind. The charisma and funniness that I recalled in the original was no more. Even side characters were just cookie cutter. They’re just there to be foils and nothing more. Their backstories were near meaningless and besides being unable to empathize with any, it was a shame how major parts of the story never supported Vash’s ideals. As in, there were times characters weren’t desperate enough, or were so ignorant to certain facts that the moral compass was (ironically) black and white. This would only work if they were doing an adventure slice-of-life journey like Kino no Tabi in which these types of characters are there to be foils to tell a greater tale. In this story, it would only make sense to be more in the grey zone of morals and not only have one side that’s sane. Villains, despite the actual doings in the show, did not seem that harmful (one even just being forgotten later—exception being the obvious main villain) and were barely driven by anything except forced story points.
Audio (6/10)
Can’t say anything bad about it. But, nothing really stuck out either. When it came to VAs, I watched in Japanese first, but due to the nature of the show and the western setting, I switched to English. It was definitely better than standard typical VAs of American animated action TV shows, and surely better than a certain few dark sci-fi dystopian ones.
Overall, it was an okay time killer when I was trying to pass time. But, if you’re looking for the next big hit, it certainly was not this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 27, 2020
So, I watched this a few years ago since it had an interesting name and I'll be honest, I remember a lot of confusion. I'm not completely sure if I finished the show, but I always remembered liking it. After getting sucked into the utaite and vliver world, I ended up somehow rewatching it since I was reminded of it and wanted to watch it again.
Story (8)
Okay, so you'll need a good eye for this one. With the plot unraveled, it's a pretty good story. It's also the most important part besides the music since most of the songs with lyrics relate to the story.
Watching it blindly, you'll most likely be confused, but just remember that most of the story is based heavily on the past. The concept of students with powers isn't new, but the diversion of it in this story was very interesting and rather unique in comparison. Although how the plot handles itself and the time skips after retelling a story or leaving you at a cliff hanger is kind of a bummer since it forced you to use context clues to figure it out. Not exactly the most audience-friendly, but what can you expect when one guy was the major creative director and sound director of it?
Art (8)
Compared to the slice-of-life anime around this time, it's pretty good. Character design is nice, the sci-fi elements are also nice, and the lack of background characters is also nice. But, you're not here for the art per say.
Sound (9)
I'll just say that everything related to the sound was pretty amazing. I can't say it's 100% atmospheric like K Project, but their songs are good.
Character (7)
Well, you're also not looking for realistic character development in this show. The plot is the main focus and characters are stagnate and very streotypical for slice-of-life anime characters. They're nothing new, but they're not unlikeable. In other words, they're bland if you're used to watching action shows or over-the-top romantic comedies.
Overall, it was interesting. Although I do have quite a few critiques, I don't think this should stop anyone from watching. If you have the time and the premise interests you, go watch it. Honestly, scores below 7 should only be of worry when it comes to harem anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 20, 2020
So, I just saw the name and was interested and when I first watched it, I wondered "oh, is this based on an otome game?" I was partially correct, finding out later it was based on a game a few episodes in.
This show, well, I had no expectations, and finding out it was based on a game, had even lower expectations. Possibly because of this, it was surprisingly interesting at times. But, no, this won't be a diamond in the rough for most.
Story (7)
So, I honestly hate analyzing fictional stories (especially in English class), but when it's in your face, I'm not mad at it
since it's something that can be figured out.
Note, this show has a lot of religious (Christian) themes and S I N S, which as an atheist who has no clue of the Christianity lore, I really didn't understand anything. I understood only the most basic part---their names and how they use their names. I found this part interesting, with the idea of (what I assume) morality. It had an interesting plot when it comes to that, but the more the show went on, the lower the score is for me.
Art (8)
I mean, since it's based on a game and has otome game like characters, yes, the art is well done. No complaints there. Backgrounds are very well done.
Sound (7)
I honestly don't remember the sounds themselves, but I remember thinking that they were well timed. The OP and ED are fine if that's your standard for good sound. The voice acting well good, but I felt bad for our character named Isaac/Zac since his screams, although somewhat well done, I can't help but imagine someone recording themself screaming for hours.
Character (6)
With the introduction of our main character, I was like "aah, this is our normal female character in a thriller video game..." but then at the end of the episode, I was like "hah?" Watching the show, I understand, but it's still so strange. For the other characters, fitting as they're bosses, they're good at being evil and eccentric. Isaac, the most interesting to me, had an interesting story though his motives were kind of whack (as well as his relationship with the protagonist). To cut it short, you'll only care about what happens to Isaac and everyone else is literally more messed up with him.
Well, after I watched the ending, I was "meh" on it since it wasn't the ending I was looking for, but it suited what the whole show was about. Although someone with more interest in the bible will understand the dark undertones, anyone can kind of understand the surface/major meaning of the show. I wouldn't recommend this show for a new watcher of anime or a major anime critic who has high expectations for everything. I would say if you enjoyed 91 Days, this is a show that can't be as good as that, but probably gives the same amount of fulfillment as it (you know what will happen in the end, but you keep on watching and is still unsatisfied with the ending).
So, if you watch it, it's because you're bored, not looking for a good show. I can't say the same for those who read the Bible, maybe you'll get more out of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 20, 2020
So, I take back what I said in my review in Charlotte--the show was just badly written. So...
I remember I first watched this because I confused it somehow with K-On a few years ago and when I saw it again on Netflix, I decided to give it a shot even though I was so confused when I watched the first episode because I had no idea what was going on. At the time of writing, I actually finished the 2nd season a few weeks ago after watching the movie after the 1st season which serves as an epilogue--an important part. I've always said that No
Game No Life is my favorite anime whenever I thought about it, but K definitely breaks that.
Story (10)
The two genres I avoid are action and adventure since it prolongs a lot to a point that it becomes stale (which is why I stopped watching Fairy Tail). Possibly because this was meant to be shorter than that, it's well done.
People may complain about too much mystery, but my first reaction to finishing the second season was "so season one was a set up to the next." It isn't the newest plot, but it is in no way stale. I had no complaints in the beginning or the end (or the middle parts).
Pacing is apparently too slow in the beginning and too fast in the end, but I didn't see it that way. I found the pacing nice since it introduces characters and the major plotline. I have no idea what you, the viewer, may look in a show when it comes to story, but this is a show I would watch again even though I know what happens and would choose this to show friends who don't watch too much anime to watch (of course given they don't hate this genre).
Unlike my other reviews where I got annoyed at the ending of the shows, this is one of the few anime where I enjoyed the ending and was deeply satisfied by it (referring to Season 2, but Season 1 had a good ending from memory).
Art (10)
Okay, except for the 3D parts (which I understand since I wouldn't want to draw those scenes either), the art is amazing. I may or may not be conflating great art with bright colors (like No Game No Life), but the animation is smooth, the designs are sharp, and aesthetics are on point.
If comparing to Fairy Tail and No Game No Life (as much as it hurts to say it), when it comes to fluidity of animation and character's shapes, this beats it. For slice of life watercolor-like art, this is on the same level as them, if not better. I would say that I would prefer the art of this anime in comparison to Mekakucity Actors or Blood Lad.
I can't see any competitors in 2012 for art honestly. Especially since it was from 2012 while beforehand, we had things like Angel Beats, Fruits Basket, and Fairy Tail (love them, it's just that when looking back, it seems very choppy).
Season two honestly had really good animation, but I do have a question on the gleaming lights of the buttons that seemed to be a major point for the Blues as well as the *ahem* certain physics of one character in particular... (why now did you choose to do this?! I understand she's the only adult female, but it was too unexpected)
Sound (10)
When I heard Mikoto's theme, I was captured immediately. The sounds fit perfectly with the alternative history futuristic setting. I would like to make a comparison to Mekakucity Actors if possible (though I watched that such a long time ago) since I remember it having a similar vibe (or not--I'm planning on watching it later this week).
If you're looking for a great soundtrack to listen to, I honestly think K would be a major contender. I'm not crazy on the OP and ED of most anime (mostly since I skip them), but I remember really liking the beginning and ending. No Game No Life (my holy grail of anime at this point) was my favorite OST, beating Your Lie In April and My Little Monster, but seriously K beats all of them for being my favorite.
Character (9)
Although in season 1, character development isn't seen greatly since there's no need (in the sense that it focuses on the story of one person and the conflicts are based on our protagonist). But the range of characters is not boring. Although you can see the personalities as being generic, I actually think they were well-made considering the different clans and the type of people they make them, with one character being most interesting in his switch of clans.
But, the whole cast isn't made of certain archetypes for no particular reason (or at least in my opinion). Comparing it to Fairy Tail's enormous and colorful cast with their own weird common sense, K is a lot more tone downed. Characters don't do crazy things to do crazy things (or at least not in the first season). Honestly, only about 15 characters are important in the whole show, which means a lot. Although the past of all of them isn't known in the anime, flashbacks and character interaction will tell the relationships between all of the characters. Because of the nature of the show, thrusting our MC into a new circle of characters (like in Fairy Tail and Aria the Scarlet Ammo--defined character bonds) with a major problem, the whole history can't be shown.
The character dynamics between all of the various characters are the most interesting. Friends, enemies, "lovers(?)", and follower. It follows a typical shounen "always listen to the leader," but it's in a way that I'm not even annoyed at it
Overall (10)
So, I watched this in the order of Season 1, the first movie (really the epilogue), and Season 2 with probably months intervals of watching. Story is interesting and holds you in, the graphics and character design is a masterpiece to me, sound is impeccable, and characters and (especially) the relationship between characters are most intriguing. If anyone is trying to watch anime from every year, this is the 2012 anime that you shouldn't give up because it's old.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 13, 2020
Warning: This review was made over a year after watching it because the reviewer is procrastinating.
I watched this because a streamer I liked talked about it and when it came on Netflix, I watched it immediately since I was interested in it. It had a similar premise with Zootopia, but a lot darker and more mature.
Story (8) -- I love stories that have philosophical meaning to it, which is why I love Kino no Tabi. But besides that, it was kind of boring. There was a storyline, I'm not telling you there isn't, but I personally found it kind of boring. There was action,
social commentary, and character development, but when I finished it, I felt disappointed in a bored way. Maybe it wasn't for me. I guess the good thing is that the plotline didn't accelerate as fast as Charlotte.
Art (8) -- It was very well done, there was nothing wrong with any of the designs. I don't have much to say since there wasn't anything that felt out of place.
Sound (7) -- I don't remember any of the music, but I also don't remember feeling unsettled by the music choice during some times. The sounds were well timed, but I was okay with the intro.
Character (7) -- I really disliked all of the characters and the development given to all of them. I can't explain it fully, but at a certain point, only the dog was interesting to me. I didn't really like the main character, even with all of the reasons for his weirdness, or the rabbit girl (there isn't any particular reason for so, she just didn't make me like her as a person). I liked the deer boy since he was quite twisted, but I didn't care for his life as well as every other character's life. I really just disliked the situations they were put into more.
Enjoyment (6) -- At the end of the show, I will say it simply, I actually felt that it really was a waste of time. It had okay social commentary, but it wasn't as hard-hitting as other shows, say Death Parade, Kino no Tabi, or even Parasyte.
At the end of the day, it was quite mediocre for such a dark anime. It was less than Parasyte, the characters being the only plus when being compared, but better than Plastic Memories (if that means anything). Watch it if you want it, but don't expect greatness (and if you enjoyed this type of show, great).
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 10, 2020
Well, this was an interesting anime to re-watch. Although I have no memory of watching it the first time, felt by my surprise as I watched the whole show, I remember one comment about this show, going along the lines of "it packed too much in the last few episodes." I decided to give it a whirl anyway, since, well, it was there and I liked the concept. Only later when I looked at the reviews here, did I realize that they were from the same person as Clannad and Angel Beats. I can definitely see that by the array of cast and sad backstories.
it were more slice-of-life, I think I would've enjoyed this more. But, it did veer off in the end and I felt a bit disappointed. Not as much as "I wasted time watching this," but rather "I feel sadness even though I shouldn't." As in, unlike Zankyou no Terror, this sadness seemed misplaced. A series of unfortunate events that lead to the ending which I actually didn't hate. I hated the reasons to the end more than anything.
Story (6)
The concept was interesting. Powers that are given to kids and lose them when they grow up. I liked that part of the show. It would've been interesting if it became like Angel Beats, but the build-up wasn't out of no where if one paid attention a bit too hard.
Art (7)
It's really nothing crazy, the art. It's satisfactory, not on the level of K or No Game No Life (my new 2 favorite standards for 2015 anime). You're not here for the art of this story.
Sound (7)
Music was put in the right places, nothing sounded too out of touch. I guess I hurried too much to finish the last episode because I have no recollection of watching the full opening since I just habitually skip all the time. Didn't deeply resonate with me like Shigatsu was Kimi no Uso, but I'm never expecting things like that. (I would like to say that the surprising amount of bad English voice acting in the Japanese version is laughable. The Japanese voice actors are fine, and can be considered pretty good--especially when you know they've done countless other iconic characters.)
Character (5)
Now that I know it's from the same creator as Angel Beats, I'm not surprised by the lack of character. I don't care for any of them, though I do feel regret for the unfair actions against some of the characters. Characters are bland and not as colorful or fleshed out as say even 91 Days or Classroom of the Elite.
Enjoyment (6)
I enjoyed most of it until I finished the show and while watching it, it was a solid 8, but when I finished it, it felt kind of boring. I never thought that I was one who thinks a show without external reasons to exist outside of the plotline would matter, but I guess I found out that I really do care. This is a show whose plot is the best part of the show. I don't care for the characters, art, or sound.
Overall, a 7. It was good, but it wasn't fulfilling.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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