This is my 2nd review on MAL, the first one was 1 year ago, I don't usually write review so it may not accurate and critical, just my opinion about this anime. Let's start!
I had dropped watching anime about 6 months and this anime made me wanna come back to watch seasonal anime. I started watching it when it's on hype train and first time I feel "This is an average anime uh huh", nice art, ecchi, weird mecha, and good soundtrack and a liitle fan-service here. The story is quite common and nothing special, the character development is not really good too. I decided
Apr 16, 2017
Ashita Dorobou
This is my first review manga on this site, my friend introduces this manga and I can't stop read it until the end. It's a romance manga with sci-fi elements with a great story backline. The art is good, not the best but I think it's ok, but sometimes I feel the lips of present Ashita is too big lol. About the story and plot, I think author has created a creative story with 2 girlfriend, present and past for main, and because of this, Kyouichi decide to choose one. Overall it's a sweet, great short manga for people to enjoy with no doubt.