This was never an AMAZING anime, but the first season had some interesting enough themes, and the second season had some interesting characters. This season, though, I think is where they lost the plot entirely.
They introduce a character who supposedly has known one of the main characters forever and was so super important to her, but was never previously mentioned. Oh, and turns out that that main character was also long lost royalty all along. Okay.
They leave the village unprotected, without a SINGLE person capable of defending it, and surprise! It gets attacked.
The characters from the village who are the same race as the female
Mar 5, 2025
(This is a review of both the first and second season of this anime.)
I recently heard about this anime from a friend and it sounded interesting. I decided to give it a watch, and I was glad that I did. This is a really cute anime if you're in the mood for something cute and light-hearted. It was a really good one to watch in February around Valentine's Day, especially, but it has good spring and summer vibes, too. The visuals are really nice. The backgrounds and scenery are pretty to look at, and the animation is good as well. The story is cute, and it ... Nov 6, 2024
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
I will admit, I fell for this one because of the art style, which is gorgeous. And if it were an art book, I would definitely recommend it. But it was not an art book, and you need more than pretty pictures to make a good anime.
The story was very simple, but it lacked conviction. I think they humanized the enemies a bit much with cute little eyecatches of baby goblins being adorable, or monsters chilling out at home minding their own business when they are suddenly attacked by our main characters who need to kill them I was not convinced that the characters ... Oct 26, 2024
Majo no Tabitabi
I'm not quite sure who the audience for this show was meant to be.
If you like cute stories about girls adorably bumbling through life and growing up along the way, you will find parts of it excessively dark and unsettling. If you prefer darker themes, for the most part, you will find the story boring and the characters annoying. I do not think all of the episodes are in chronological order, either, so sometimes the main character will say she is eighteen, and then later in the series say that she is seventeen. But it isn't too confusing aside from that, as most of the episodes ... Oct 26, 2024
Ooyukiumi no Kaina
This is a pretty fun anime. The concept is really interesting, and there weren't any times when I felt that the story was just dragging along for the sake of increasing the amount of episodes. The subsequent movie really adds to the lore if you want a bigger picture, but it isn't necessary to watch it if you're just looking for a short, simple anime to fit in between longer shows or if the world doesn't really interest you much.
I like the two main characters. I think they're really relatable and likeable. I like many of the side characters. I think the villain is a ... Oct 18, 2024
Death Parade
This is a good anime. My biggest complaint is that it could have been longer, but for what it is, it's still pretty good.
The concept is interesting and easy to grasp quickly. I would have liked to see more about the world that the arbiters inhabit, however. It seemed as though there was a story building up surrounding them, and I would have liked to see it. I did like that they introduced us to different arbiters to give us a feeling for how the main character differs in this judgements from the others, but I was really interested in seeing more. The animation is amazing. ... Oct 17, 2024
Steins;Gate 0
This anime is an alternative to the original Steins;Gate. It isn't an alternative ending, really, but more like an alternative way to get there.
A few people who liked the original didn't like this one as much. I think maybe it was because the main character was different. He clearly struggled more with the weight of his decisions throughout the show. However, I personally enjoyed this one more than the original, because it added more depth to the supporting characters, especially Mayuri, and I really liked that. I don't think I would recommend watching it instead of the original, but if you like the side characters ... Oct 16, 2024
This anime is a favorite of many, and with good reason. However, don't be discouraged if it doesn't seem apparent to you early on, because it does start off a little slow. It took a few episodes for me to really be hooked, and I'd say it starts to hit it's stride right around episode seven or so.
The concept is very interesting, and it's done well. If you enjoy the theme of time-travel, I think you will enjoy this anime. I didn't find the story itself very complicated or confusing. As long as you're paying attention, it isn't difficult to follow. The characters are all ... Oct 13, 2024
Sousou no Frieren
This is a very good anime, and there is a reason that a lot of people have enjoyed it. However, I've found that the more hyped-up an anime is, the more likely it can be for people to be disappointed when it doesn't meet the hyped-up expectations. So I'm going to try and review it without hype.
This is a story in a fantasy setting. There is less action in this anime than you would expect from a fantasy story. Although it is there, I would describe this anime as more slow-paced, almost slice-of-life. It has a strong focus on the characters. It has a strong ... Feb 26, 2023
This anime had some potential, but...I just think it missed the mark.
The main character never really appealed to me at all. I cared about her the least of any of the characters in the show. She's bright, and sunny, and everybody loves her. She can do everything, be everything, always saves the day, etc. etc. She's boring. I didn't care about her at all. Some of the other characters were a little interesting, but you really don't learn enough about them to care too much about them by the end. The story was interesting at times, but other times it dragged on. I think if there ... |