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Oct 18, 2024
Death Parade (Anime) add
This is a good anime. My biggest complaint is that it could have been longer, but for what it is, it's still pretty good.

The concept is interesting and easy to grasp quickly. I would have liked to see more about the world that the arbiters inhabit, however. It seemed as though there was a story building up surrounding them, and I would have liked to see it. I did like that they introduced us to different arbiters to give us a feeling for how the main character differs in this judgements from the others, but I was really interested in seeing more.

The animation is amazing. ...
Oct 17, 2024
Steins;Gate 0 (Anime) add
This anime is an alternative to the original Steins;Gate. It isn't an alternative ending, really, but more like an alternative way to get there.

A few people who liked the original didn't like this one as much. I think maybe it was because the main character was different. He clearly struggled more with the weight of his decisions throughout the show. However, I personally enjoyed this one more than the original, because it added more depth to the supporting characters, especially Mayuri, and I really liked that. I don't think I would recommend watching it instead of the original, but if you like the side characters ...
Oct 16, 2024
Steins;Gate (Anime) add
This anime is a favorite of many, and with good reason. However, don't be discouraged if it doesn't seem apparent to you early on, because it does start off a little slow. It took a few episodes for me to really be hooked, and I'd say it starts to hit it's stride right around episode seven or so.

The concept is very interesting, and it's done well. If you enjoy the theme of time-travel, I think you will enjoy this anime. I didn't find the story itself very complicated or confusing. As long as you're paying attention, it isn't difficult to follow. The characters are all ...
Oct 13, 2024
This is a very good anime, and there is a reason that a lot of people have enjoyed it. However, I've found that the more hyped-up an anime is, the more likely it can be for people to be disappointed when it doesn't meet the hyped-up expectations. So I'm going to try and review it without hype.

This is a story in a fantasy setting. There is less action in this anime than you would expect from a fantasy story. Although it is there, I would describe this anime as more slow-paced, almost slice-of-life. It has a strong focus on the characters. It has a strong ...
Feb 26, 2023
Shangri-La (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
This anime had some potential, but...I just think it missed the mark.

The main character never really appealed to me at all. I cared about her the least of any of the characters in the show. She's bright, and sunny, and everybody loves her. She can do everything, be everything, always saves the day, etc. etc. She's boring. I didn't care about her at all. Some of the other characters were a little interesting, but you really don't learn enough about them to care too much about them by the end.

The story was interesting at times, but other times it dragged on. I think if there ...
Jan 22, 2023
Spy x Family (Anime) add
(This review is for both parts one and two of the first season, but there are no spoilers.)
Initially, I thought this anime was merely okay, but it really grew on me.

The animation is really well done. I have no complaints there. The animation is clean, has it's own look, and there aren't any sloppy moments that I noticed at all. It's really fantastic in my opinion. The music, also, is great. Very fitting, very cool.

The story is a good one, too, although I'm personally not that into comedy. It has enough underneath the comedy to give it depth, but the humor is where it really ...
Nov 13, 2022
Mixed Feelings
I liked the overall message of this movie. I just thought it took too long to say it, and it didn't have a very satisfying ending for me.

This movie focuses on bullying. I found it to be interesting for that reason. I'm sure that most people have felt picked on at some point in their lives, and so it's very relatable. I also think most people have been in a dark place that they can't see their way out of, and for that reason, too, it was very relatable for me.

Every now and then, I did get bored. I felt like the same thing kept ...
Nov 8, 2022
Eden (ONA) (Anime) add
This anime is really bad. The premise was interesting enough, but it really wasn't anything that I expected.

The animation is terrible. It looks like your average, dime-a-dozen daytime children's show with terrible computer graphics. Ordinarily, I could look past that, but the story wasn't very good either. It was overly emotional and way too preachy. It spent a lot of time falling into cliches and it was very predictable throughout the entire show.

The music wasn't bad. It was actually kind of pretty. And it was also only four episodes long, so it didn't waste too much of my life. Still, I'd only recommend this if ...
Oct 24, 2022
The first half of this season is terrible. Legitimately terrible. I almost stopped watching it. It was really too much. I'm glad that I didn't though, because I really enjoyed the second half. I would recommend, if you are going to give this season the typical "three episode test", start with episode seven and test it from there. If you then want to go back and watch the first half for more context, do so. (Episode six was pretty good too, but episode seven would be a better starting point.)

The music was good, about the same quality as the previous season. Same with the animation ...
Aug 31, 2022
I was disappointed by this anime. It seemed really promising at first. The story was interesting. However, by the end, I felt like it had been a complete waste of my time.

I think the story could have been better if the series had been longer. I didn't grow attached to many of the characters, and for a lot of them, when they died I found myself wondering who they were more often than not, all while the entire cast bawled their eyes out on my screen. It felt really strange to me. I think the show could have benefited from additional episodes and a slower ...

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