Sep 4, 2014
The hype surrounding this series caused me to go in with a cheerful look of joy and hope, awaiting humor that I expected to make me be throwing my head back in laughter. I ended the series slumped in my chair with a face of dread and fatigue.
Simply put, there is barely any story to be found in Panty & Stocking. Two angels kill monsters made out of shit or vomit and bitch at each other. I just summarized the entire show, oops spoiler alert! The show is actually two different "stories" or 'mini episodes' in the 23 minute run time. At the start
of each mini episode, a monster is introduced. Then, for the next 9 minutes, Stocking calls Panty a slut, and Panty calls Stocking a diabetic fatass. The humor has zero deviation and it gets extremely stale after the 2nd episode, because the show is absolutely saturated with these 'jokes'. The final minute of a mini episode is the monster making some dick or vagina related joke and then getting destroyed like he's made out of fresh Elmers Glue in 3 seconds. This repeats OVER and OVER again and I found myself drifting off and falling asleep 2 or 3 times an episode after episode 5.
The art is very fitting for the show. While I'm not very fond of it, I don't feel like this show could have "worked" with any other art style (I use the term 'worked' extremely loosely). The animation is nothing impressive, and is quite standard. However, the simple nature of the art can give the illusion that it's animated better than the run of the mill anime. As I said, it's not my cup of tea, but I have to give credit where credit is due.
The sound was actually quite good. The music was very catchy and fit the up-beat nature of the show and everything that happened usually had a very fitting effect to accompany it.
Oh christ. Where do I begin? Each character is a worthless blob of shit. There is zero development, and the dialogue is absolutely stagnant. Stocking eats a lot of sweets, and Panty loves to fuck, that's it. It is all the two main characters do throughout the entire show. The entire show is so fulled to the brim with sex 'jokes' and 'insults' that it feels like you're just watching a terrible stand up comedy act than an anime. The insults are almost completely irrelevant because they are all true. Panty IS a slut, Stocking SHOULD BE a diabetic fatass (But, y'know, anime). The sex jokes are all the same and just reworded and plastered back in after a few episodes. Even the most redundant "That's what she said" moments are taken to the extreme and treated as actual humor. The only redeeming character in the entire show is Garterbelt, simply because the voice actor in the english dub is excellent and actually managed to get a chuckle out of me, but other than that the characters are as horrible as it gets.
I really wanted to like this show, but the double episodic nature, mind numbing 'humor', and horribly stale characters left me with an extremely foul taste in my mouth. The only thing compelling me to continue was the music and the confidence to write a complete and objective review on such a god-awful piece of media.
If you haven't progressed past the pre-pubescent stage in your life, I can understand the appeal of this show, but beyond that it baffles me. If you are past that stage in your life though, feel free to listen to some of the soundtrack if you want a taste of the show but don't want to gruel your way through this awful sludge of an anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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