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Aug 8, 2023
I don't write a lot of reviews but I was randomly scrolling through Netflix animes to see what to watch and I watched the little trailer/clip of the show and I was actually intrigued enough to watch which doesn't really happen often. I didn't double check or anything but it's fairly obvious it was done by the same animators who made Boruto which also turned me onto it to be fair.
When I originally looked at the reviews before watching it to see what I was getting into, I was a little nervous because of all the mixed reviews. In reality, this is way better than
a lot of things in the similar genre that I've seen. I enjoy it for the short 5 episode story that it is, and I feel like others are looking over that. Vampire in the Garden reminds me a LOT of the anime No. 6 which has a slightly higher score than this anime despite Vampire in the Garden doing a better job with the concept in a shorter amount of time, in my opinion.
Both No. 6 and Vampire in the Garden have that slightly dystopian, slightly apocalyptical atmosphere. Both have characters where it is them verses the world, both have some sort of threatening monster the main characters are trying to fight against, both have very subtle lgbtq representation, etc etc. Vampire in the Garden gives a little more simplicity in the story that I think I was looking for in No. 6 and didn't receive. No. 6 was very confusing without a solid idea of what was going on until barely the end. Vampire in the Garden besides the slowly revealed backstory that went pretty smoothly and I felt like I was connecting puzzle pieces with each new reveal verses becoming even more confused. I enjoy how short this was and even though some concepts and characters were trimmed a little short, specifically the uncle and Fine's assistant guy, I believe keeping it short built into the simplicity of it.
I would like to try and keep this spoiler free though, so I'll finish off saying that I think this is worth a watch if you're wanting a short story man vs the world with good animation and it doesn't require too much thinking unlike other anime in this similar genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 29, 2019
Just a heads up, this anime is not for everyone. The whole thing is very conceptual and isn't really plot driven. The whole thing is very colorful and uses a lot of abstract concepts to supply the art and story. There's a lot of things that you just have to accept and not question, which sounds hard sometimes, but when you do it, it makes the experience so much better.
I personally love abstract, conceptual anime like this. It has a more simplistic style that's wacky and interesting and you never get bored with it. It's similar to Mob Phyco season 2 with its uniqe
style and a more philosophical driven plot. However, Mob Phyco definitely has more of a plot to it. Sarazanmai's plot is so loose that you experience the art form of it all and the concept it's trying to relay rather than the plot. Many things in the anime are purposely undermined to focus more on the concept, which is another thing the watcher needs to accept. For example, there are repeated scenes regarding the action scene where the characters are fighting the 'monster'. The reason they repeat this section is to undermine the fighting scene because this anime is not about the fighting. Even still it's not boring.
Now I don't really want to make this review super long so I just wanted to talk about the opening and ending really quick. Both are AMAZING. They COMPLETELY convey what is happening in the anime and uses the fun art style with the more deep and overarching concept. The ending is something unique on its own. You CAN'T skip the ending to go to the next episode. This anime very creatively uses the ending to build suspense. Many times there's still a couple of minutes after the ending which continues what happens before for the true ending to the anime. The suspense you build up while watching the ending makes the next scene all the more important, which it is. Some other anime do the same thing of putting content after the ending, but this anime does it almost every episode and actually uses it in a conventional way of building suspense. Also, the ending is unique by itself! The use of real-life pictures and adding the characters and different glowing animation techniques is just so bizarre and interesting, I can't help watch the entire ending every time.
I totally recommend this anime if you are into more conceptual anime with unique styles. However, I don't if are looking for action and a clear plot, because that is not what this anime is about. Do not watch this anime with logic, rather do it with creativity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 22, 2019
I just want to say, I don't actually hate this anime as everyone else in the reviews do. It's not great, and it's obviously not as good as Naruto, but this has kind of become my guilty pleasure. I mean, at first when he was in the academy, I really didn't enjoy that. Once he became a genin I really began to enjoy it a lot more. So although I know it's bad and I know it's kind of a money grabber, I still enjoy it.
The one thing I do kind of like is the implementation of more real life and controvercial scenarios. I
feel like that's probably it's one redeeming quailty though besides the fact I get to see Naruto characters and their kids lol.
But yea Boruto is basically just my guilty pleasure. I also don't judge it too much because it's directed more at kids, and so it doesn't really have any complex story lines or anything, so try not to judge it too much. -v-'
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 22, 2019
I'm just going to write a semi-short review on how I felt about this anime. So, being in highschool myself and going through similar things, I really felt a connection to what was going on. Yes, obviously there are things in this anime that were exadurated more than what it would be like in real life, but that's in all anime. Many of the things talked about are actual stuggles people in high school now struggle with.
The anime had the sort of cliche masochistic and perverted main character, but it wasn't weird like in a lot of anime make those characters out to be.
It didn't feel like a harem either because unlike a lot of harems, the Sakuta, the main character, wasn't clueless about the love around him, which I always found irritating, acutally. Sakuta has some amaturity to his character which makes him more real of a character (and he actually reminded me a bit of a friend that I know from school). I honestly appreciated all of the characters and the development for each one was amazing.
I absolutely loved the ending. Both the music and the changing of characters in accordence of who was being focused on for the adolescence syndrome was beautiful. I never skipped the endning. The only thing was that, I'm not sure if it's just me, but the walking animation from the side seemed so weird. It looked like the character's knees were too high up and they were about to fall over. Idk if it's just because they were walking slow or if it's that or it's just me. It just seemed very weird...
Overall, this anime was very satisying. Everything right now has been very stressful for me, so this was an extremely enjoyable anime that was exciting enough to keep me captivated and chill enough to not be stressful. It all just felt like a very pleasent journey. I'm really glad gave this a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 15, 2019
This anime was easily a mix of several different parts of stories from other manga/anime which was placed into one, creating a bit of a mess.
Such anime/manga include:
the inside and outside world of Attack on Titan, Erza's backstory with Jellal from Fairytale, D.Gray-Man's final arc premises, and personally, it reminded me of the manga version of Circue du Freak (very good please check out).
I'm also sort of writing this for the second season since they are very similar in structure. I feel like it's all very messy and the main character doesn't seem to stick to a goal. It's like it's leading me
on as being a shonen, but then disappoints me by treating the main protagonist as an idiot, power hungry and irritable. It makes me as a watcher not want to root for him.
Although there were parts that I guiltily enjoyed like Mika's character, the fight scenes and the demon, angle, human vampire controversy on who's the worst. I'm a huge fan of D.Gray-Man, and this anime is somewhat similar (accept much less good) to D.Gray-Man, so it felt a little nostalgic.
Before I finish of this sort of informal review, or rant, I wanted to mention the pacing. I have not read the manga, so I don't know what the pacing is like with that, but the pacing in the anime is terrible. Everything seems very rushed and I feel like their were several characters throughout both the first and second season that didn't get enough development. I sort of understand that they were trying to possibly keep watchers somewhat detatched from the characters in order to serve the purpose of the bigger meaning, but it still doesn't work. The "bigger meaning" would have to be a whole lot bigger in order to justify just how rushed it seemed. It's like Jojo part 1 all over again, except worse.
Overall I did enjoy it to an extent through all of my frustrated yelling at the main character. Although this could have had SO much more potential with better organization and not having the crappiest main character ever. Honestly, I could rant about Ku for days. It had an interesting story, or something, I'm not quite sure, that kept me entranced to watch all of season one and two.
(just a side thought too, Ku, the main character, is very similar to Tota from UQ Holder if anyone knows what that is. I read the manga and then gave up at 11 because of how terrible it was getting and how irritated I was getting with Tota. -u-')
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 10, 2019
I'm just going to write a short review since it's a short manga series, haha.
So I really love this manga series because of it's phenomenal art and it's simplicity in story. Sure, there are some plot holes. Sure there are some cliché fixes. But the pace of it was meant to emphasize the beauty and the moral of the overall story. It uses a mix of classily cliché characters and throws them in through a loop. It gave me a simple easy story to read so that I can enjoy it's classic and calmness that satisfies me like a healthy home cooked meal. It's not
mind melting, but it's not boring.
Overall I don't really recommend this if you are looking for something action packed, but I recommend this if you are tired from action and don't want a slice of life or comedy, but just a simple fun fairytale of a story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 10, 2019
I picked up this series a couple years ago at the library and since then it's become one of my favorite manga series ever. (Right behind D.Gray-Man, which is also amazing! Go check it out!!) At the beginning it's very playful and fun with some innuendos thrown about here and there, but it get's extremely intense. The character and plot build up is very similar to shonen manga like Blue Exorcist and D.Gray-Man. All of which have a have a fun and goofy beginning that eventually builds up to become extremely serious to the point of self reflection. I absolutely love stories like that so
if you liked the manga for those two, you'd love magi. (The Blue Exorcist manga is way better than the anime btw).
Like I said, it's got an amazing build up. It's very friendly and bubbly at the beginning, but towards the end it gets super serious. It's heavily influenced religion and politics creating controversy through different perspectives shown in the manga. It really reflects politics in real life where it almost seems like an opinion sounds amazing, but then another opinion is told which makes you completely contemplate your likening in the previous one and the cycle continues. It's very eye opening and makes you much more aware of everything that's going on around you. Magi's story, plot, controversy along with it's extremely good representation of people's different views and the research that must have gone into it is all terrific. (I really wish the anime kept going because it just started getting good with the Magnostadt arc)
The simplistic, unique, bubbly sort of art style holds extraordinary use of detail to bring out an intense scenes and movement throughout the series. A little bit similar to the dramatic faces used in Assassination Classroom (the manga, I'm not sure about the anime), Magi uses gruesome facial features or other characteristics besides the face to emphasize certain characters and scenes. My only problem is that with adult faces (mainly Sinbad) seem to be a bit wonky in the volumes and on the covers, and out of everything from the manga, I do like the improvement. (but yea *cough* volume 35 *cough*) Otherwise it's great.
I basically talked about the characters when talking about the plot and art. All I'm going to add is that the characters in magi really bring out the fact that we are human, and remind us readers of the basicness of being human and our needs, wants and naturalness. Besides that, the development is great and although I don't really like Sinbad (he's hella scary!!), his character is extremely well done and is the face of what I talked about with the plot.
Overall I enjoyed it immensly. I have about five more volumes to go, but I've been reading it for years (I wait for the library to buy more volumes instead of reading them online or buying them) and I reccomend it along with D.Gray-Man to everyone because of how amazing it is. The only reason I wouldn't recomend it is if you are a light reader and don't want to have to read about deep topics that make you self reflect and contimplate. If you have watched the anime, read the manga, it's better. If you haven't watched or read it, read the manga first. Like I said, the beginning is light hearted and possibly a little bit cheesy at times, but it builds up to become one of my most favorite manga of all time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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