|Edit: This is the same review as I did to the 1st episode but I've changed some things since I've finally watched the 2nd and the 3rd episode so you can see me comparing the 1st episode with the 2nd and the 3rd episodes. I've saw some people say the 2nd and the 3rd episodes are the savior of this OVA series but I didn't have much hope since the 1st episode wasn't that good so It took me a while for me to sit down and watch this because of my exams but I blame myself for my laziness since I'm the one who
waited the whole summer to watch this. I'm sorry about that. Also I don't know how did I end up with silly numbers such as 4.33 and but whatever.|
Intro: I thought this was going to be horrible and pretty much unwatchable at first but It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (still better than the Nozoki Ana adaptation). Don't get me wrong though it is still average. I read the manga but I tried to reset my memories and only remember the anime so I'll not include anything from the manga and review just the anime.
Story (4.25-Decent): It was kinda episodic, there were no bonds between episodes and transition between parts were horribly done in the first episode. In the 2nd and the 3rd episode, they fixed this problem quite easily but what story can you expect from an ecchi show.
Art (4.33-Decent): "Contrast, have you ever heard of contrast? It was really fucked up with this anime. Background images were really good but the character drawings and animations were pretty shit. They should have hired artist from deviantART or something. Mangaka's drawings were great but instead, this garbage was presented to us, how brilliant." was what I said about the 1st episode. What about the 2nd and the 3rd episode? Were they any better or any worse? Character drawings were fixed and the animation was better (at least the contrast problem was fixed). It is still not too good but the quality is quite improved between the 1st and the 2nd episodes.
Sound(5.25-Mediocre): (From now on I'll divide Sound into 2 parts "Music" and "Voice Acting")
- Music (4.5-Decent): I was quite harsh on the 1st episode in terms of "Music" but my ears finally witnessed some soundtrack in the 2nd and the 3rd episodes. Actually I was quite impressed about soundtracks in the 2nd and the 3rd episodes, I would have give it a 6.5 but the soundtracks were so out of place it was unbelievable. I'm not comfortable about giving it a 4.5 but I have to because it didn't fit the theme of the show. There's no opening in this show but there is a closing which is just average.
-Voice Acting (6-Fair): I was surprised when they announced the VA cast because the voice actors are newly shining and I actually know most of them from previous series. They did a good job at voicing (even the side characters had good voices). Not much else I've got to say here.
Character(5-Mediocre): Characters were generic, nothing special with them. The character archetypes are as simple as the other ecchi show out there. Only difference may be how the 2 main characters (Nozomi and Kimio) act in the situations this show has. I'm neutral with characters, I don't love them but I don't hate them either.
Enjoyment(5-Mediocre): This is where I suck, the Enjoyment. I haven't been watching an ecchi show for a while. If I have watched this after finishing another ecchi anime, I would have fall asleep while watching the 1st episode even if how it gets better in the 2nd and the 3rd episode. The style is really similar to Nozoki Ana (suprise suprise) and To Love Ru.
Overall(4,766 which makes it 5 in MAL score):If you're looking for mindless, boring, just ecchi, you might like NxK, If you despise these kind of shows you can avoid it but my recommendation is for you to give it a try but don't be suprised if you didn't like it.It is still the mediocre ecchi show we have seen over the years but It doesn't take itself any serious whatsoever. Instead I can fully recommend you go read both Nozoki Ana and Nozo x Kimi manga.
|I might have grammar mistakes, that is pretty normal if you don't live in a native English speaking country. If you have any other problems with the show (basically anything to add) or If I have any wrong points about this review of mine, feel free to message me.|
Aug 23, 2014
Nozo x Kimi
|Edit: This is the same review as I did to the 1st episode but I've changed some things since I've finally watched the 2nd and the 3rd episode so you can see me comparing the 1st episode with the 2nd and the 3rd episodes. I've saw some people say the 2nd and the 3rd episodes are the savior of this OVA series but I didn't have much hope since the 1st episode wasn't that good so It took me a while for me to sit down and watch this because of my exams but I blame myself for my laziness since I'm the one who
Mar 22, 2013
Nozo x Kimi
This review doesn't include spoilers in it so be calm. * BEFORE * If you haven't read Nozoki Ana (which is another older manga from the same mangaka Honna Wakou) then don't care about my point.I gave it 6 points because it's the copy of Nozoki Ana. If you still want a overall point, well If I haven't read Nozoki Ana I'd give this manga 8 points out of 10.If you have read Nozoki Ana, Enjoy reading my review and I think you'll understand how I feel about this manga. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Entrance - Do you have any idea how I rage quited this ?! I think you ... |