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Mar 31, 2024
This is a good anime, I’m surprised I enjoyed this! The best way I can describe the main character is if you got Sawako from Kimi Ni Todoke and made her overpowered/strong with powers, then that’s the premise of the show 😆
I would say this anime is more like a comfort anime, not something to take too seriously. It’s like a slice of life with the backstory of Yumiella trying to blend in the background and not attract too much attention in order to let the otome game’s protagonist continue as normal. It’s quite a funny show that has similar humor from Sawako
in Kimi Ni Todoke, so if you enjoyed that show you might enjoy this one.
The show had more depth than I expected. I found myself sympathizing much for Yumiella and her daily encounters of bullying and discrimination, to slowly being able to make 1-2 friends by the end of the show.
The love interest minor sub plot was well worth it, I really admired seeing a different kind of storyline where the guy is working hard to level up and be almost on par with her (driving him to improve himself), and also him being a big supportive friend throughout the series. So yes, the romance sub plot was well deserved and I won’t spoil anything, but I will say that I’m happy with the outcome and that we didn't have to wait in til the last episode (hate this cliche lol).
Yumiella is quite the nice/kind strong (but dense) gal, and I hope people give this show a chance at being a comfort/laidback anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 30, 2024
It was okay. The first episode was really captivating and really got me excited for what’s to come in the show, but the rest of the season kind of fell off and ended up being a bit boring and confusing. I usually go into shows with low expectations, so it was a surprise that the episodes after the 1st one were different.
1st episode shows a bit of how she’s led past lives and met death at each one, so this 7th time she’s trying again to find another way to live. We see this powerful strong female protagonist with many skills to protect herself.
And then that’s it—those protective/defensive skills kind of go into hibernation (except 1-2 episodes) and instead the rest of the season progresses with everything going perfectly as planned, except now she’s just a wife/fiancee. I was initially kind of impressed at first of ‘wow she knows how to do this’ but then the show ended up being ‘let’s outdo everyone and save side characters’.
The chemistry between her and Arnold is really just not there. I love romance, subtle ones too, and I don’t understand exactly when they fell for each other 😅 one episode he’s glaring at her (in a non-joking way) and the next episode he’s like “you are my treasure”. And honestly this happens even til the last episode so sometimes with the way he talks to her you still don’t know if he actually loves her or just sees her as a form of entertainment. So I don’t even know if I could say the relationship is healthy either, just because throughout the series he keeps referencing violent tendencies like ‘I could flatten the world if I wanted to’, or ‘I could easily have you k*lled’ and in its definitely not in a joking way. So I don’t understand how she can say ‘I know you wouldn’t do that’ when he’s literally done it every single time in the past 6 lives 🤣
Overall, if you’re looking for a strong female protagonist, you could probably watch this show but it won’t be fulfilling, as you might feel disappointed by the role and lack of power that she actually has.
For the reincarnation aspect, I would recommend Tearmoon Empire because the FL and show is hilarious and actually does a good job of trying to avoid death, while trying to save a country.
If you want a strong female protagonist that isn’t tied to being someone’s fiancée or being squished to that role and has more aspects to them that they can show without being perfect, I would recommend Apothecary Diaries (anime) and Yona of the Dawn (manga).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 22, 2021
Story is interesting! Not gonna lie, it was sometimes confusing but it makes sense as you watch it. On the other hand, it was enjoyable enough for me that it made want more and to go to the next episode. It is BL, but as usual in the donghuas due to censorship, you pretty much can't tell at all.
The art and animation is ABSOLUTELY outstanding! I know people are often put off with this kind of animation, especially if it's not done right, but the quality is so amazing that I'm blown away. I've seen a fair share of donghuas done in this style and
usually the action scenes get quite pixelated and blurry, but the scenes still continue to be crisp and clear *chef's kiss*
This show also has a really hilarious meme aspect to it which I enjoy! XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 5, 2021
It's okay, but not good or great. Story is quite lacking, MC is the absolute most blandest person in this show, and many things aren't explained. But the real things that really bothered me were how predictable the show was, especially as someone who didn't read the Webtoon or never heard of this show, and the blandness and inexcusable reason of the MC.
I've seen most shonen animes, seen most "bland" MCs like Midoriya from MHA, and I don't often think that much of MCs being bland. But GOD this MC was the textbook definition of "Bland".
The ending to the show is so farseen and
predictable that it was pretty annoying and dreading to wait for it. Seriously, when watching it, since episode 2 it's so obvious that there's only 2 ways it will end. And I hate that the creator only left it at those options (the most obvious ones) instead of getting creative with it. At some point it became a chore to continue watching, and the only reason I kept watching was to see how Rachel turned out for the rest of the season.
MC is uncomfortable to watch to be honest. The first 5 minutes, we see that Bam (MC) is trying to keep Rachel (his friend) to stay with him; he won't let her leave. Rachel has her own dream she wants to achieve, but Bam isn't gonna let her go.
^^^^ That kind of behavior is obviously looked down upon in society and is bad; do not let someone hold you down from achieving your dreams. However, Rachel is seen as the 'bad guy', not just from the show but also viewers as well. Honestly, the show is kinda cringey to watch as MC continues to push himself on Rachel, especially when she's went as far as to tell him all this straight up to his face. An actual toxic relationship, yikes.
Some of the elements were interesting, but episodes felt dragged on and predictable. Would not rewatch again.
Also why does the OP and ED suck? DX
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 5, 2021
The most memorable and enjoyable anime of 2020!
Seriously, each new season we keep getting such lackluster animes, but THIS is the gem of 2020.
Story and characters poke fun at the obvious shonen tropes, so the first episode is quite a hoot! But damn, I didn't expect to laugh then cry in the same first episode?
Easily on par with Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer). In fact, it's better than Demon Slayer in several ways, especially with the characters and their story.
As a shonen, it's pretty surprising how well it hits on every aspect of a good show. For example, what may be
a good story may lack in animation or fight scenes. But MAPPA took great care in telling the story of Jujutsu Kaisen along with animating PERFECT focal points that get you in suspense! This is no longer a mere anime adaptation, but an art.
Overall, would definitely recommend this to anyone, especially new anime watchers! My dad even got into it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 4, 2021
A very symbolic show.
This show really displayed the true reality of what is was like to live in this era. In most animes, we often only see the good sides or see the rough side of things for a little while, but this anime does not hold back.
Quite a realistic telling of how Hyakkimaru got back what was stolen from him.
Tackled gender identity quite well in the show, especially not trying to fetishize it (anime shows typically do this unfortunately).
Overall a great show. If you're looking for a good story, growing characters, and great development, would recommend this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 16, 2020
What could have been a great show...but wasn't. I wasn't even expecting it to be better than the original Inuyasha, but god this sequel is terrible.
** Note for new viewers: If you haven't figured it out, this is a SEQUEL to Inuyasha, so yes, you'd have to watch Inuyasha to know who the original characters are. **
That being said, as I've just finished watching Episode 11, my disappointment in this show has grown tremendously. If anything, this sequel feels more like someone's failed fanfiction. I will go over a few things below.
The reason fans were excited about this sequel was because of seeing our beloved
original characters living their life. They've brought back some or most of the original VAs, so why use them so little in the sequel? I understand that this show is focused on the new characters, however, what I don't understand is why the show is trying so hard to disassociate them from the original characters. Seriously, all this time they've spent with Kaede and they still have no idea what kind of parents they had LMAO The writers make it seem like the daughters have nothing to do with their parents. I also don't get the attitude for that... The entire show, the daughters question about their parents, but when it matters or when they have a chance, they suddenly couldn't care less. It's like the writer's own characters are going out-of-character LOL
Secondly, the writers used a cheap trick of killing off their parents. (Not a spoiler since this was already talked about when Yashahime was announced and also we still don't really know). There's better ways to do a sequel, and killing off characters randomly without even a reason isn't one of them.
Third; there's no plot. I would've been satisfied if this was a slice of life or a series of episodes for all their battles, kind of how Inuyasha was when they weren't worrying about the Shikon Jewel. But it's really confusing. Even as an avid Inuyasha fan, a lot of the things in this show don't make sense or aren't even explained. The writers have failed to asked themselves, what is the purpose of the 3 daughters? What is their individual purpose? When watching this show, it's painfully obvious how there's no clear direction.
Fourth; as I mentioned earlier, this show seriously feels like someone's failed fanfiction. There's so many things that don't make sense? Rainbow pearls? Okay, so there's 3 of them---wait there's actually at least 7 of them?? Doesn't even explain where tf the rainbow pearls came to be, why each daughter has it plus random monsters/"Perils". At least we understood how the Shikon Jewel came to be! If you're going to introduce something new, you better have a story for it!
Unfortunately, the writers couldn't take a hint from the original show and do a little story narration at the beginning, like Inuyasha. Would have saved all this pointless confusion and lack of organization.
And so we go to the last point; storytelling. This show is doing is really terrible job at telling the story. As someone mentioned, the pace is all over the place, often times too quick. If Towa thought it was hard to leave her modern family, you would think she'd brood over it for at least 2 episodes, considering how impactful and important her modern family is to her. But no, within 3 minutes she easily makes the decision and that's it lol
I don't know if Rumiko was involved in the making of the story? I thought she only did their character design. But yeah, whoever wrote the story for this show is definitely not an actual fan of Inuyasha... Writing is poor, takes way too many shortcuts, hopes ____ and ____ make sense at this certain time when it never did.
Really the only thing this show has going for it is the nostalgia of the original characters and teasing the audience in hopes we'll see them (i can assure by ep. 11, we still won't).
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 4, 2020
"16 year old girl gets pregnant with a guy who's made up of the ocean and derived from herself; or in short, she fucked herself."
"Her entire family wants to rape her the whole season."
"The entire family line is literally built upon incest."
^^Just a few one-liners to introduce you to the show. ^^
----[ Initial Review at ep. 17; read below for final review ]----
Damn, I can't believe this. I was actually enjoying the anime in the beginning, but I'm at episode 17 and it's going SO downhill.
The first couple episodes were pretty good. We got trauma, drama, directed almost like a thriller that actually had me on my toes, and some kind of character development from our main characters (oh except Toya, that guy literally never gets any until AFTER episode 16/17 LOL).
This anime gets pretty dark at certain times, and the way it's depicted gives a thriller/suspense kind of feel. That's what I found really cool about this, was that it was able to build up suspense and drama in a good way.
However, I notice after episode 13-14, the directing starts going to shit. The transitions and story-telling in the anime become ABSOLUTE CRAP halfway through the season and so much stuff is happening without proper explanations that it gets really confusing.
||| Often times when I start a new episode, it seems like it does a time-skip and doesn't pick up where the previous episode left, so I have to check to make sure I'm watching the right episode. |||
This happens a lot. I notice that it glosses over really important and drastic things / turn of events that I'm wondering "when did they do this??? why is she attending a new school all of sudden??"
Furthermore, there's SO MANY PLOT-HOLES. A lot of the stuff doesn't make sense, no proper explanations and it becomes so irksome that it's ridiculous.
The only character development we've seen is Yuhi and the celestial being herself, Ceres. Suzumi, although seemingly introduced as a major character, actually ends up being on the sidelines and out of the story a lot, so not much from her.
The romance in the show started off good in the first couple episodes, but by episode 13-14, it starts falling apart.
Why does it fall apart? Well, in the first couple episodes we have one guy who has gotten close to Aya and always protects her. They even have their 'moments', Aya doesn't really mind it either and even says she doesn't mind being kissed by him and may actually fall in love with him. We have ALL that chemistry built up for a good TWELVE EPISODES and lots of scenes where they get to know each other. So they have this guy here as the possible love interest, and you're led to believe they'll be together because he's been there for her in all of her roughest times and saved her every single time, /and/ they're progressing in their relationship.
Then we have another guy who seems like the main love interest based on the OP, except what? He doesn't have ANYTHING with Aya. This guy literally responds to Aya with 1-2 lines in the first 12 episodes and she rarely ever saw him. Yet somehow she's in love with him??? This is a weird love story. She fell in love with a guy she barely knows, a total complete stranger that remains a stranger until around episode 13-ish. And the guy barely knows her either, yet he says he's in love. Not only that, but around episode 16-17, they start throwing ALL KINDS of new stories to make up for his lack of character development.
The story at this point doesn't make sense anymore. I notice that a lot of times the story drifts away from the plot. The story keeps drifting away from finding the celestial robe. I'm really close to dropping it at this point lol
Also, I don't know what it is with the mangaka's obsession with rape, but yes this show does have several scenes that mention it or hint at it. There's also a lot of sexism and misogyny in this /sigh/
----[ Final Review ]----
I finally willed myself to finish watching the last couple episodes in hopes that the show will redeem itself. No, it does not.
|| I really had to ask myself if I was just watching a really bad Hentai. || The plot became something you'd find in a hentai, but even more disappointing and cringey. No more suspense or thrill felt from the first episodes, which sucks.
It didn't improve. It just kept building and building onto the clusterfuck called its 'plot'. I felt like I was watching several different animes jumbled into one, or like the mangaka thought "what if i kept adding random stories that didn't make sense and was never hinted EVER in the story?" And the amount of plot-holes was astonishing, like nothing ever made sense.
Remember, this is a story on a 16 year old girl. Everyone is trying to rape her, she gets pregnant and is like "I will carry your baby" to a guy she's barely known, becomes reduced to a character that really doesn't do shit after episode 13-ish except for screaming.
I mentioned before about plot-holes. The amount of plot-holes is astonishing, there's way too many. When you watch an episode, it mostly doesn't pick up from the last episode so often times you're wondering what's going on /now/ and if you skipped an episode.
The || animation || in this show was so cheaped out. It's very noticable how they cut corners with animating things and being really lazy. Often times the audio doesn't match up with the mouth, and often times the official licensed translation is very off and awkward.
!!!!!! Lastly, there's a lot of rape and incest themes in this. The entire storyline is based on incest, so you have been warned. !!!!!!
I don't know what can compel someone to want to continue watching this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 29, 2020
Compared to the 1st OVA, this OVA was better but not by that much. If it weren't for the character exploration for the supporting characters, then this would have stayed at a score of 6.
It kinda continues where it left off in OVA 1. Once again, the story and everything happening was pretty rushed. It had a bit better pacing than OVA 1, but I still felt like it prolonged the emotional scenes and didn't provide enough for the actual events.
The cool thing about this OVA was that we get to look in detail about some of the Suzaku Seven members' past like Chichiri
and Nuriko!
The thing I didn't like was that some of them were out-of-character. May be done on purpose to cover for the story, but it was strange and kinda made me start disliking the characters :/
imagine liking a character for a whole 52 episodes just to see their likable personality thrown down the drain. Even if and when they recovered from being out-of-character, they just seemed awkward for the rest of the OVA..
Overall, an 'okay' OVA.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2020
If you thought the original show was fast-paced, then you're in for a ride for this OVA LOL
The OVA episodes were really fast paced, most notably the 3rd episode. I found myself having to replay the scenes to catch what was going on. If not, it can get really confusing fast!
The 3rd episode was probably the one I didn't like as much as the others. It was weird buildup for the last few minutes, and the reason why all of this happened was because something her friend did, who was actually not repentant about it.
I liked the new music. Something different.
Just really wished they made
this into 5-6 episodes instead of 3 episodes. A bit too much going on way too fast that it didn't give time to process what the heck was going on lol
It seemed really cool for an afterstory like a new plot, so it really would have been nice if it had its own season, even if it was 5-6 episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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