Just a heads up, there may be some spoilers so read at your own discretion.
Having finished the series completely, I noticed that there were a lot of unfair treatment to this show. To answer some of the more common complaints; Yes, it was a slow show. Yes, the characters seem a bit generic, and Yes, this show is not as flashy as we'd all hope in this genre. Despite all of these, I knew from the start that this was a show that I could finally appreciate. Very seldom do we see a show that actually takes the point of view of an unwilling person
suddenly thrown into a completely different life style in a blink of an eye. If we compare it to say... Sword Art.. we have the main hero literally cutting through everything and just owning the scene. Here, our main character acted as if anyone one of us would if we were suddenly thrown into a "fantasy" world living a game-like life. I like that aspect of this show, taking the steps slowly to understand where they are and let their reality finally sink in (given the first few episodes were repeated grind on goblins).
Many of us if not all, have played a MMO before, and we all know that in these games, there are parts where we have to grind out experience to level up. To finally have a show break down the actual parts of leveling up, I will have to admit, it does remind me of the hours I'd had to put in, in order to gain a skill or level up to access the next part of the world. The pacing in this show is slow, but it's slow because we see more or less the same thing over and over again. What I do appreciate, is the development of our characters as they become more comfortable with actually killing a living creature than what they felt from the start. I know for sure if I were suddenly forced to kill someone to live, I'd be taken aback slightly and would be hesitant. As the show went on, we actually do see the transition of what appears to be a person who has never experienced killing, or partaken in some sort of leadership role, into someone who has become dedicated to improving themselves and taking on tasks they themselves wouldn't normally do.
Beginning with the general story line, I applaud the directors and the author of this anime/manga for taking a route that is generally less taken. Instead of rushing from one end to the other, we are taken on a path that shows the beginning or rather the creation of the "hero". We are on a road that shows each step by step development and eventually leading to their own triumphant goal, if only a short one. It did a solid job leading into the next episode making me wonder what'll happen next.
Sound? The music was done in a way it should be done; complimenting the scene. Granted the music may not be as memorable as some blockbuster movies or anime may be, it none the less worked out for the better.
That being said, the art shown here in this show, was unique in its own aspect and was rather very soothing. To be able to look at a painting and imagine it being played in the background as part of the scenery to create the mood. The drawing of the characters were well done, and worked well with the artistic style of the background.
The characters felt a bit lacking or boring, however as the show went on, we started to see slowly what is on the mind of these characters. We see transformation of each character going from being clueless to a sense of determination and growth both physically and mentally. None the less, there weren't any characters that flashed out as the perfect poster child, but they did an adequate job fulfilling their role as part of the anime.
Despite what many may say about this show, I thought it did a great job doing progressing the story well. It's not your typical hack and slash show, nor is it your typical romantic love show, but a rare breed of showing how one must adjust to an abnormal lifestyle previous of their experiences. I would have to say... a beginning of any hero in any story will always have some sort of hard upbringing, and here we see a normal group of people become a party of inseparable friends who depend on each other and look out for each other as anyone would in a violent world.
I'd like to give this show a fair 7.5/10 but to round up, it'll have to be an 8 on MAL.
Thanks for reading and do check this show out if you haven't yet.
Edit: forgot to mention, that like most anime, it is made to sell the manga. I say it's fair that this show has peeked my interest to want to know what'll happen next by reading the manga aka it did it's job selling the manga to me.
Mar 27, 2016
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Just a heads up, there may be some spoilers so read at your own discretion.
Having finished the series completely, I noticed that there were a lot of unfair treatment to this show. To answer some of the more common complaints; Yes, it was a slow show. Yes, the characters seem a bit generic, and Yes, this show is not as flashy as we'd all hope in this genre. Despite all of these, I knew from the start that this was a show that I could finally appreciate. Very seldom do we see a show that actually takes the point of view of an unwilling person ... |