Nov 9, 2015
when i heard the title gangsta i thought it was about the local bloods and crips near my house(ha ha haaaa...wish i was joking). So it is set inside a city or yeah.. a city called Ergastulum and inside this city of gangs prostitutes and drugs yes it is like Roanapur from black lagoon. people took drugs and those drug babies are are super strong and stuff. that's the premise now the story is ok not really great and the producers decided to end it on a cliff hanger. why well because fuck you ya Otaku trash. the art isn't really out standing
Oct 17, 2015
blood lad is about a weeb. ..... yes blood lad i s about a weeaboo vampire named Staz that is trying to make a ghost girl a not ghost....a..stop her from being a ghost .... yeah that's....that's it. alot people give this show crap because of "vampires" witch is stupid as it should be judged on it own quality and as such it is a great show. the story is good and the art is fantastic reminding me of stuff like gurren lagan and soul eater with out pushing the limits to far the sound is ok but the show really stands
Oct 9, 2015
Samurai Champloo
samurai chapaloo is a story about guys with swords brake dancing and if that's not cool then i give up on anime as well as life. now i cant really keep talking without mentioning the dam story its not good and basically consists of 3 parts. two of with finish in ep one.
STEP 1. heroes group together STEP 2. heroes go to find person STEP 3. the find person Yea so not that strong but then what is strong on it is the art. it is new and very well reminding me of cowboy bebop. The action is amazing with Mugen doing a bey-blade while hes ... Oct 7, 2015
Black Bullet
black bullet also known as little girl murder the show is good now the story itself is stupid and so rushed it looks like a Moe girl sprinting to school with toast in her mouth only to bump into Mr spiky hair main character number 117 how ever i found the general setting to be a refreshing take on the caged humanity setting the art it self is good and refreshing although not revolutionary now i am going to sound absolutely crazy but i found characters both the best and worst part of the show the main character the two little ten year
Oct 1, 2015
Shinseiki Evangelion
Neon genesis is a good anime......yep it is however it is also so stuck up its own ass that it is eating its own crap....but yeah its good the characters them selves are soooooo generic because a lot of tropes are based on them and the story is good. untill the end when the end came i could only think... (and bear with me i am also talking about the end of evangalion) why there were robots with human faces stabbing themselves with large spears to get off like really why its weird like really weird but it has its place now i have watched
Sep 22, 2015
IS: Infinite Stratos 2
Infinite Stratos is like crack you know that it is bad and horrible but you just cant help but like it watching it now the story is set in a world where most military assets like tanks and planes are replaced with large body suits that can adsorb damage fly and have heavy wepons yes i am talking about mechs these mechs are called infinite statos or is for short now the only problem with said mechs said mechs is that only females can use them enter the main character the only male that could use one of the suits i could not