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Sep 23, 2022
The biggest problem with this show is that they changed the title by dropping the first word "Slave" the title of the LN is actually "Slave Harem in the labyrinth of the other world" The slave part is important because a lot of people haven't read the light novel and were legitimately not prepared for how much slavery is an integral part of this story. The MC is purposely buying slaves specifically for sex and also to fight with him in the labyrinth (I don't consider this spoiler territory). This story also occupies that middle ground between ecchi and hentai, just like Redo of Healer,
Isekai Reviewers and many others. These are things you have to know going in because if either of those things bother you, you won't like this anime.
Now, if you're past all of that... your results are still going to very. If all you care about are the harem and the sex, then sure, this will provide that for you. If you care about having a story along with that, then you're going to be a bit disappointed. It's not because the show is slow going, that's actually somewhat okay. It actually is paced much better than the LN so that's a plus. They would've done better to have more episodes since they are going at the slow pace that the managa goes in, but other than that, it being slow slice-of-lie if okay. It's just that the plot is pretty dull and somewhat repetative.
It's only 12 episodes which means it doesn't reach a point in the story where anything really happens. So there's not even really a satisfying end to the season. The best they can do is preview what will happen next, but the preview jumps so far ahead it'd be season 3 or 4 material based on the pace of the story. I'm not sure if they plan on doing this for the long haul, if so, then good on them for commiting up front, but if this turns out to be one of those one season and done shows, then they wasted their time, because I don't think they did nearly enough to entice people to read the manga or light novel, but that's just me.
Long story short, it's okay for what it is, the adaptation is pretty much spot on, it's just that they haven't really gotten to anything exciting at all so it's only worth the watch if 5 years from now you're reading this review and there are already 3 or 4 seasons out for you to binge.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 23, 2022
The best way to describe this light novel is so close to being good it's frustrating.
The author developed an interesting world, with interesting mechanics of how things like levels and abilities work. It's a pretty decently well thought out backdrop and I honestly like everything about the world and its nuances.
The problem is the main character. Many people complain that he's paranoid or overly cautious or whatever, but none of that is the issue. The issue is that the author spends FAR TOO MUCH TIME on the character's inner monlogue. Every single thought the character has is given to us. Even when his mind
wanders, we're treated to 2 or 3 paragraphs of his train of thought going off on a tangent before he gets back to whatever he's supposed to really be thinking about.
It's like if you were reading a novel and it took time out to describe every bathroom break the characters have. Like... you know the characters use the bathroom, you don't need to read about them going in, sitting down, the size and shape as they do their business... none of that is necessary. That's what this is like. Every thought, even if it's a random thought, ESPECIALLY if it's a random thought, is given to the reader in full detail. So when he goes ot make a decision, you get to hear his ENTIRE train of thought as he tries to make up his mind about something. It just grinds the story to a hault, and that's why people complain about him being paranoid or overthinking things.
It's actually not a bad thing that he's thinking things through, and honestly if you were in his situation, you'd do the same thing probably, or at least I would. But we as the reader don't need to know every thought that went through his head to come to his conclusion. Especially when the decision is something like "what will we eat for dinner tonight?" which is a decision he makes EVERY DAY and that we have to read about EVERY TIME.
Because of this, the story grinds to a hault often and it's really frustrating. This is why the manga and anime get better reviews because you don't have to deal with any of his internal monologue (or significantly far less of it).
The other issue is that the author is slow. The story is already slow and drawn out, and the author takes his time releasing new novels, so it makes it painfully slow. There are actual things that you want to learn and know, like there is an actual good story burried beneath the MC's train of thought, but it's nearly impossible to get to becasue of how slow everything is.
So like I said, it's so close to being good that it's frustrating. I can't help but think if this story was in the hands of a better writer it would be amazing. It could still be slice of life, that's not the problem, it's that the author does not know how to tell a story, it's like everything he's thinking about he writes down as the character's thoughts and that's how he writes. It's a shame.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 17, 2022
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this one, thus the rating. On the one hand, it's a pretty trash anime, but on the other hand it's trashy in a kind of interesting way. It's hard to explain, but I will try.
This actiony/slice-of-life-ish/rom-comish show is just all over the place. You'll get a lot of tonal whiplash and the ecchi is just in no way trying to be subtle. The story starts out with our MC summoning a demon as his familiar and the school-centric hijinks that follows as he tries to reach his goals and also keep his demon familiar a secret, and
then at some point it becomes an action-fueled mystery-box sort of plot where you're trying to unravel some grand scheme lurking in the background I'm really not sure. Lots of secrets abound and everyone's a little crazy. Again, the plot is all over the place.
The thing is, even though the MC starts out as one of those typical whiney MCs who seems to talk a lot but never really do anything and is just annoying all the time...that's not really what he is, or at the very least, he grows as a character, and pretty quickly. Sure he still makes some annoying decisions but they are "in character" for him, and true to his morals, so yes it's frustrating, but it also makes sense (in a way), and he definitely has a spine, and he definitely will throw down when the situation calls for it, and I kind of respect him for that.
Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of this one, it's kind of like a train wreck, you can't stop watching it. It's just intriguing enough to make me keep going through the whole season, but I'm not going to be sad if it doesn't get a second season.
In order to enjoy this, you're going to have to love the following
- Shotas with a spine (he grows one over time)
- Milfy "ara ara" demons (large chested of course)
- EXTREMELY THIRSTY Pink haired tsunderes (and i mean, the thirst is real!)
Keep in mind, this is, at its core, an ecchi comedy. Your mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 11, 2022
Black Summoner takes a lot of the good characteristics you'd find in several different standard isekai and puts them all into one show. You've got a pretty well rounded MC who's just OP enough to be likeable but not so OP that it's obnoxious. You've got a great cast of side characters who are actually "Characters" with thoughts/feelings/motivations, and not just a harem of girls who love the MC for no reason other than him existing, and you've got a good amount of action that's actually nice to look at. The plot is kind of slice-of-life / action where things are happening and progressing
but things are also taking their time. So by EP 5, which is where I'm at, you're only starting to get a hint of what the overarching plot might be, but the story keeps you fully engaged.
The show does kind of gloss over the magic/skill system and how he and his comrades power up / rank up, etc. but it's done in a way that doesn't make you feel lost. You know just enough about what's going on with his skills/powers to enjoy the battles, but you don't get tedious info-dumps / lectures on the skill/magic lore.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a masterpiece by any stretch, but it is what it's supposed to be, isekai/fantasy wish-fullfilment, turn-your-brain-off, fun. It does that right and is definitely worth a watch. All-in-all, it's a pretty chill, medium-stakes anime that doesn't take itself too seriously but isn't silly. It really hits that nice sweet spot of enjoyment. Don't watch if you don't already enjoy kinda-trashy isekai anime. Episode 1 is a little rough though, you need to get to episode 2 before things really settle into a grove.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 19, 2022
Just to get this out of the way. I absolutely love trashy isekai power fantasy anime. Definitely a guilty pleasure.
Having said all of that, this particular trashy isekai power fantasy is pretty awful. I haven't read the light novel or manga or whatever it's adapted from, but I'm fairly certain there is an adaptation problem with this one.
I would imagine that this is one of those stories that is told from the main character's point of view and thus you're always in the main character's head, hearing their endless train of thought as they go throughout the story, and therefore you learn everything
through that internal monologue. This is common, especially when the character doesn't interact with people a lot like this MC. The only thing you have to go on is what is happening in that character's head (Think "So I'm A Spider, So What")
There are many ways to handle this, and this anime chose the wrong way. You occasionally hear the main character's thoughts, but it's not enough and it leaves you wondering what the heck is going on. You don't know why he's doing things, what his motivation is, nothing.
Another big problem with this anime which may not be an adaptation issue but just how the story goes, is that it just starts right in the middle of things and again, it does it in a poor way. It's not uncommon to start a story long after the character gets isekai'd but you quickly get a handle on what's going on in the world, what the rule are, who the people are, etc. It might be clunky but it works in a pinch.
This thing not only starts in the middle, but you have no idea "where" in the middle you are. You're told nothing about the world, the main character, the magic system, the other people, the threat. Things are just happening, you don't know why, you don't know the stakes, it's a real mess.
And this continues for the first three episodes... and yes, that's where I called it quits because there's plenty of other high quality trash isekai and fantasy stories I could be watching. This one was not worth my time.
Now, if you like trash isekai power fantasies and you just want to see things go "boom" and a main character do awesome things while the girls around him go "oooo ahhh" then go right ahead because you will 100% get that every episode. I will also say that the slimes in this show are great. Definitely the best characters and their hijinks will keep you laughing. I just need slightly more than that to keep watching this.
Oh, but I will say you should watch the the ED, because it's hilarious! You don't even have to watch the show, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube. Hands down the best part of the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 5, 2022
This is one of those shows that you think is going to be predictable isekai trash but then surprises you. It has a fun premise and an interesting story. The characters can be a little frustrating at times, especially the MC because of the decisions he makes, but it's all rooted in believable grounded reasoning (even if you don't like the reason, you understand it).
Now, let's be clear here, this is still your standard "go to another world power fantasy" but it has enough to separate it from all the others to keep you interested. The main character definitely has a "chaotic good" type
of personality so when he does decide to act, it's always in the most outlandish ways, which makes him fun to watch. You'll both love him and hate him all at the same time, and I think that's what the author was going for, so they did a good job on that.
If you enjoy isekai or even just regular fantasy, this should be right up your alley.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 3, 2022
I really tried with this one. I'm a huge fan of OP main characters, power fantasies, harems, the works. I love a good trash anime...but this was just poorly done.
This was a knock-off "Misfit of Demon Lord Academy" with none of the heart, humor, charisma, or charm.
The main character "Ard Meteor" is so bland and boring that he makes the whole thing unwatchable. His two waifus are completely one-note. The situations they get in are so far past ridiculous that it becomes absurd (and not in the good way).
It's extremely difficult to explain how bad this is because it goes beyond "turn your
brain off" anime. This is more insulting than that. You know what it is, it's like the author (or the people who adapted the story) didn't care about it at all. They made no effort by any metric to make a good story. That's the difference between your normal OP power fantasy and this. I
Honestly, there's really nothing I can say about this story except, just don't watch it. If you love OP power fantasy stories, watch Misfit of Demon King Academy, or arifureta or heck, even Spirit Chornicles is far superior than this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 17, 2022
I'm really enjoying this show. I know some people might see the premise of the "game" as a little flimsy, and I can admit that I did too (why didn't they all just walk away from the very beginning?), but once you get past that, it's a really enjoyable watch and the best part is that it keeps you guessing, in a good way.
Even when you absolutely know what's going to happen, you're still shocked by what happens. Even when you've seen the cliché 100 times, it still manages to twist it just enough to surprise you.
That's why I rate the show as high as
I did. Once you realize that the show is actually giving you subtle clues all along (very subtle but they're there) then you realize how much fun it is to try to figure out what's going to happen next.
If you enjoy psychological thrillers (but without the violence), then this is definitely for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 21, 2022
So here's the thing about World's End Harem. The premise is good, fun even. The plot is fine. The ecchi / fanservice is what it is---I mean if you can't tolerate ecchi why are you watching this? The problem is that the author kind of ruined his own plot a bit and it's frustrating.
Now I will say, having read the manga all the way through, the anime does a great job of making the plot move faster and cuts out a lot of the more annoying elements, but there's only so much they can do. The big issue is that the main character is just
the wrong guy. Doi should be the main character and his story should be the one we're following, Mizuhara should be a side character that we check up on occasionally. Doi's story is more entertaining, he and the people around him have the most character growth and there's just much more gold there to mine.
The anime did a good job of highlighting Doi more, but honestly, that only served to frustrate me that I couldn't get more of his story and get it more in depth.
Mizuhara (the MC) is trash...his motivations are trash...his actions are trash...he's frustrating and he has NO AGENCY. Things just happen TO him... the plot pushes forward and drags him with it. Admittedly Doi starts out that way too, but he starts to make his own agency, his own choices, and you really get invested in what he will or won't do. Even Hino, for the brief period he's around is more interesting than Mizuhara.
Don't believe me, look at the character list, you'll see that more people mark Doi as a "favorite" than Mizuhara. That says something. He's not the main character but he's at the top of the list.
So at the end of the day, World's End Harem is one of those anime that you can take or leave. Don't watch it if you don't like ecchi. That makes no sense. i say binge it if you have some time, enjoy the episodes devoted to Doi, and just take it for what it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 20, 2022
I have to admit that I usually avoid these kind of anime (slice of life / rom-com) but I saw so many clips about it that I decided to check it out. I'm glad I did. It's an extremely wholesome and fun anime. The characters are well thought out, especially Gojo. Normally when you have the "guy is afraid to speak around girls" or is "awkward" trope, there's absolutely no reason for it and it just seems forced and played off for laughs to make the guy look like an idiot. The author didn't do that with Gojo. Yes he is shy and awkward but
it's not cringy and you really understand the reason behind it. Also he's not static, he doesn't stay that way throughout the whole season. I'm already halfway through and the character growth is amazing as you watch him come out of his shell.
Marin is also a great character and I can see why everyone is saying she's the 2022 "best girl" to beat. She's warm, kind, crazy, completely into her hobby, and accepts people for who they are. The author picked a perfect person to bring Gojo out of his shell. Fortunately she's not a tsundere, she doesn't go around hitting the MC and going "baka" every other sentence. It's really a nice change of pace. And I can say with 100% sincerity that there is a TON of fanservice in this show and it is not distracting at all. I honestly hardly notice it at times because I'm so into the story. That's how much you will love these characters.
Finally, one thing that really stands out is the high quality of the animation and sound. These are things I usually don't notice in anime but it's very noticeable that there was a lot of care put into making this. It really shows. I love the voice actors too.
Even if this isn't your usual genre, I highly recommend this anime. You really can't go wrong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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