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Jan 15, 2024
So, I'll be honest. After many years of hearing things about this anime online, and a little over a year after getting around to reading the series and watching the '97 anime and movies, I got morbidly curious about just how bad this series could possibly be. So, after about a two day period of me watching this, I can confidently say that, yes, it is pretty bad, but... It isn't as bad as I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, this is not a good adaptation of the story arc it's adapting, but I'd be lying if I said this show was
that bad, especially when compared to other bad shows and movies I have watched.
Might as well say the good things first to get it out of the way. The music is pretty great, but I think that's common knowledge by now. There's a few problems with it, mainly the fact that Hai Yo is played a bit too often, but it's a fun song, so I'm not complaining too much. My biggest complaint with it is that there's a few too many remixes from the Golden Age Arc trilogy's soundtrack, but they're still pretty fun. The 2D animation, when it's used, looks... honestly pretty good, all things considered, and honestly some of the 3D animation does work, but just barely. And, this might be my biggest compliment, but... there are parts of this that adapt scenes from the Conviction arc decently well. It's few and far between, and even the scenes done relatively well have issues, but, all things considered, they did do some parts okay. There's also a few minor things I could praise, but... I think I've praised this show enough, time to shit talk this a bit.
A lot of the 3D animation is awful. I know everyone talks about the awkward ass 3D animation, but when this show looks bad, it looks REALLY bad, especially in the first half. I did say that sometimes they make it work, but it's still not enough to distract from when it looks awful. Most of the action is pretty shit in the first half, but most people know that. My biggest complaint is that the show cuts so much from the manga. The first episode basically just adapts half the first chapter of the Black Swordsman arc, then makes a major leap to the Binding Chain Chapter of the Conviction arc. Them not adapting the Black Swordsman arc fully was already a major disappointment to me after finally getting to read it, but then not adapting Lost Children not only is a major disappointment, but it makes the setup for the Binding Chain Chapter make absolutely no sense. In this, it just seems like Guts was taken out by an arrow and some wood after a battle that barely injured him, even though we know that this is the same Guts that took out 100 men while he was much weaker than he is when he became the Black Swordsman, and in a weakened state when he fought those 100 men. In Lost Children, we see Guts get fucked up royally by Rosine to the point where he can barely walk, which is why he was beaten by a battalion of knights that he'd just kill easily any other day. Also, this show cuts out so many little moments, which is sad, because that's kind of the thing that makes Berserk as good of a story as it is, and it makes stuff like Farnese eventually deciding to go with Guts make little to no sense.
Overall, while I don't think this is the worst Anime I've seen... It's still not good. It would've been passable if it weren't for the fact that this was adapting Berserk. Such a disappointing anime, and I don't think I ever need or want to watch it again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 23, 2023
This is a bit of an odd show for me to talk about. On the one hand, looking at it critically is pretty difficult. It's based on a game series that I really like, and they really do the games justice, and trying to look at it critically makes me feel like I'm nitpicking issues that didn't really impact my enjoyment at the end of it all. However, I do want to be somewhat fair with it, so I'll give them two ratings: one as a fan of the games, and one just looking at it as is.
As a fan of the games, the show
does just about everything that I could've hoped for. If all you're looking for is a show that represents what the games are all about while also getting a new story, this does the job pretty well. I am honestly surprised that this show isn't brought up more when it comes to good video game adaptations, at least when talking about representing the source material in a good way. There's a few things that I feel like they could've improved on when making the show, like sometimes I feel like Dante's a bit too much of an asshole at times, but they're pretty nit-picky, and it's not really a distracting issue, just something I feel like fans would pick up on. I really can't say much more about it from the perspective of a fan, so I suppose it's time to talk about specific things about the show.
Before I get to the thing that some people might have an issue with, I actually want to praise a couple of things before I get to that. First: the animation. It's pretty damn good looking, which is pretty common for shows made by Studio Madhouse. The show was made just around the time when digital animation started to look really good in TV shows, and it looks really good, especially for the time. It's all mainly hand drawn, but mixes some CGI in there, but only for very specific moments when you'd probably not even notice the CGI. It also just looks good stylistically. The day time/bright scenes look decent, albeit kinda standard, but the show looks especially good in the night/dark. I could go into way more detail, but there's a lot of layers to making stuff look good in different lightings, so... I dunno, watch a YouTube video explaining it.
The other thing I want to talk about is the music. The music in this show is pretty damn awesome. Some of the tracks feel like your typical anime tracks, nothing good, nothing bad, but the tracks they play in fight scenes are pretty friggin' rad, especially near the end. The track "Evil Spirit" in particular really sticks out as a really good track. The opening theme and ending are pretty damn good too. I don't really have much else to say about the music, it's just really good, and I wish it was available regularly.
Now, for the one issue I feel like a lot of people might have. If you aren't a fan of the games, then I can't really see this doing that much for you. I mean, on its own, it's decent, but nothing too special. The characters feel like standard anime characters, the story is pretty standard, it would most likely just feel standard if you aren't really familiar with the source material. It's fine, but having knowledge of the games makes it way more enjoyable.
So, as a fan of the games, it's like an 8/10. Very much a must watch if you like the Devil May Cry series. Looking at it without knowing the games, it's like a 5 or 6/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 25, 2023
This is one of those anime that's just easy to like in my opinion. The series doesn't try much new stuff. but it doesn't need to, because it has characters, art direction., and writing that are good enough to carry the admittedly okay story. I had a handful of things that I wasn't a big fan of, but I just had a good time watching this anime.
First, I might as well go over the things I wasn't a fan of. Some of the characters can sometimes feel a bit too... samey? Like, yes, they are strange people, but with the exception of Komi, nobody really
changes too much. Granted, I still haven't seen much past this season, and I do still really like watching these characters, so it's not like it ruins much, I just wish there was a bit more. Another thing is the story, but like I said, it's just a basic story carried by good characters and art direction. Anyways, good stuff now.
One thing I really like is the way the art was replicated in the show. I haven't read much of the manga, but I have read the stuff that was adapted for this season, and I can safely say that they do a pretty good job replicating the art of the manga for this season. Some things look a little off, and clearly weren't supposed to work in an anime setting, but they do a great job for the most part.
I'm also a pretty big fan of the characters. Like I said before, some do feel like they don't really grow as characters, but at the same time, they're so fun great to watch that I don't really care too much that they don't really change much throughout this season. The best characters are the main ones, so I just wanna talk about them. Komi, while she doesn't speak much, is a pretty good character. I don't want to spoil anything, and a lot of the moments I am thinking about are spoilers, so I won't say much, but her character is done pretty good considering her actual character. She makes like two or three expressions in the whole show, but she's pretty easy to understand, even when is doesn't use those speech bubbles that explain what she's thinking (which is another thing, but I wanna keep this review brief). And the moments where she does actually speak always make me smile, because it's almost always a big moment. Then there's Tadano. Tadano is among the nicest characters in all of anime. Even when stuff happens to him where he should probably kick some ass over it, he just kind of shrugs it and gives them a look of disappointment. Normally, I like my characters that has multiple sides to them, and aren't just a character that has a handful of traits to them, but sometimes I just like characters that do the right thing because it's just in their nature, and Tadano is one of the better examples of it. Again, a lot of examples are spoilers, but just trust me, he's a good one.
Overall, this series is just easy to like. I recommend it if you're a slice-of-life fan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 23, 2023
I'll be honest, I would have dropped this manga after volume one if I hadn't watched Season 1 of the anime before reading it. Watching the anime beforehand made me go in knowing it would get better over time, and I haven't been disappointed so far. Yes, the bullying in the beginning is a bit too harsh at times, but it does acknowledge that it's too harsh, and Nagatoro does apologize for pretty much all of it. After the first few volumes, Nanashi develops the characters in pretty good ways that I never really expected given the first few volumes. The recent chapters in particular
especially surprised me, because it doesn't even feel like the same series at times. Nanashi has come a long way since the beginning, and it shows. I don't want to go too into detail, because it is genuinely worth experiencing for yourself. If I had to pick a few gripes, the side characters can be a bit much sometimes. It isn't anything really bad, but it can be somewhat annoying at times. Also, I'm not always a fan of the art. It's great a lot of the time, but there are times where I feel like scenes just don't look as good as they could have been. Overall though, I really like it, and I do recommend it, but just know that the bullying in the first two volumes can be a bit much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 17, 2023
I believe it's safe to say that Akira deserves as much respect as anyone can give it in the anime community, especially in the west. On top of having a ton of influence on how anime is made in Japan, it was one of the movies that got anime recognition in the west. Without Akira, I bet that not many English speakers would even know what anime is. Anyways, now on to the movie. The movie itself is top notch in just about every way. I don't want to just repeat what everyone else says, so I'll make it brief.
First, the story. The story of Akira is very simple, but effective: a young boy from a gang of bikers, named Tetsuo Shima, gets in an accident after panicking from seeing a little boy in front of him on the road. This young boy is unharmed, but Tetsuo is injured and taken to a government facility for treatment and testing. While he's there, he discovers that he has psychic powers, and is constantly hearing the name "Akira." After he finds out what he can do, he goes on a rampage to seek Akira in order to possibly gain even more power. It's a basic plot about power going to someone's head, but it's done well here. I am always hearing stuff about the story being confusing, but it really isn't. There's stuff left unexplained, but it isn't stuff that's required to understand when it comes to understanding the whole picture. It's kind of like looking at a picture in a frame that covers a little bit of a picture. You can understand it as well as you need to, but removing it from that frame allows you to see the whole picture.
Another great thing is the music. Everyone seems to point toward the animation as what makes the movie stand out, and while it's nothing to just gloss over, the music takes those great looking scenes and gives them a flavor that they probably would have had if they went for anything different. While the tracks aren't that hummable like songs heard in a lot of other things, they're a very important factor to this movie being what it is.
Finally, the animation. I think everyone has gone into detail about what makes the animation look as great as it does, so I won't dwell on it too much. The animation has aged amazingly. This movie honestly looks a lot better than a lot of animation today. Sure, a lot of modern animation looks stunning as hell, but considering that it came out in 1988, it's really impressive. The best way to describe it is that it feels very real. I mean, you can tell it's animation, but the way some gorey scenes are animated just made me cringe, and I mean that in the best way possible.
Overall, this movie should be watched at least once in your lifetime. I personally think that you could go with either the original Japanese version, or the 2001 dub by Pioneer, and not much will be affected, but I also recommend after the first viewing to watch it with the first dub from 1989, because it is really funny.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 14, 2023
Jojolion is a strange case for me. I know I like it a lot, and it has some of my favorite scenes in the whole series, but the low points are really distracting at times. First, I'll start with the good, because there is a fair bit to talk about.
The thing that really makes this part worth reading is all the main characters. This is probably Araki's best character writing in the whole series. Just watching the main characters interact with each other is a treat. They work so well off each other, especially with the main character and the romantic interest. They all feel
like real people, and it's just great.
I also really like the stands here. This is probably the most creative Araki has ever been when it comes to making stands. I don't want to give anything away, because it is really cool, but I just gotta praise it.
The biggest flaw with this part, however, is the main villain. I don't wanna beat around the bush, so I'll just rip the bandaid off: he's really lame. I won't give anything away. All I'll say is that he's just kinda some asshole. Granted, for this specific story, it works, but when compared to previous Jojo villains, there was so much more Araki could have done to make him better.
Overall though, this was much better than I was expecting. It did have the tough challenge of following arguably one of the best manga story ever, and I believe it mostly succeeded.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 29, 2022
Nagatoro is one of those series where I went into it with very low expectations, had them pretty much met in the first episode, then had them exceeded a good bit with every episode I watched, and ended up having a pretty damn good time. The premise is very simple: A young boy named Naoto Hachiouji meets a girl a year younger than him named Hayase Nagatoro that constantly picks on him, but he kind of likes it because it makes him feel less lonely, and they slowly form a friendship throughout the series. And that's pretty much it. In my opinion, the series does
a good job at developing the friendship between the two, while also not slacking on the comedy portion of it. Comedies like this are easy to mess up, either by making something too realistic, or to silly, and this series finds a good balance.
One thing I will say is that the first episode is a little too harsh on the bullying. This is a very common complaint, and I do agree that the bullying is just straight up mean. However, it gets a lot more tame in literally the second episode, so if you watch the first episode and find that the bullying is too mean, try making it to the second at the very least, and make your decision on whether you'll continue or not from there.
Overall, my rating for the first season of Nagatoro is really a 7.5, but since this site doesn't do half scores, I'll give it an 8, because that's what I'm leaning towards.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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