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Feb 5, 2024
So, this show could have been cute and fun, but it was one of the most boring shows I’ve ever watched.
I had a lot of issues with this show from the start. One of the first things I noticed was how it suffers heavily from the same face syndrome. The characters have such bland designs that I can barely tell them apart and their personalities do not make it better as they are very surface level.
This is supposed to be a comedy romance show. It completely failed at that. There wasn’t a moment in the show that I thought this was funny. The comedy was
misplaced and the jokes were sometimes even distasteful. I’m talking about the girl with anxiety who apparently has unlimited urine stored in her bladder and has to go pee every five seconds. This was not funny at all and I even found myself cringe at it. The second character I hated was the lady who was way too much into young boys, and I mean young boys. You can find a kid cute or something, but referring to them as hot and obviously being sexually attracted to that, made me want to vomit. I skipped every moment this lady was on the screen. What was the writer thinking?
Beelzebub which was the main character, never felt like one. She blended in with the background, mostly playing with everything fluffy. Nothing much to say about her than she existed.
The romance is another aspect I didn’t get about this show. There was no chemistry between the characters as they had no personality. Might also have to do about the fact that I couldn’t give a damn about this whole show. Only finished the show because it was for the anime club I’m in.
This was twelve episodes of torture to go through as I was getting distracted by literally anything. It doesn’t grab you, it doesn’t entertain you. It barely does something.
Another thing that bothered me was that this was supposed to be hell. You can make hell cutesy and stuff, but at least show that it is still hell that we’re in as I kept forgetting that. Where are the creatures with more daemonic features? I remember vaguely a character with bunny ears, but was there anything else? Don’t remember since this show is very forgettable.
There is not much to say about this show than it’s a waste of time. Don’t bother with this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 29, 2023
Okay, so this was another anime for my anime club which means I had to finish it. Otherwise I would have dropped it after three episodes.
So, the idea is fun, a character who puts everything in one stat, but the execution is boring. Also it doesn't make sense to me why she is this overpowered. I get the part where she has good defense because that's what she put all of her points in, but she should have no attack power or barely any. They do make her slower which is something.
What I don't get is why this game starts with all your
stats on zero, maybe some games have that, but I always assume you have basic stats.
Another thing that bothered me was how fast she got her skills. If she gets immunity for poison this quickly then everyone in the game should have that skill. It's that easy to aquire. In my opinion she get her skills way too fast and they are all very handy. It would have been more fun if she got skills that weren't as useful to her or contradict another skill she already has.
Since she is this overpowered, the battles are boring since there is no way any monster or player can do anything to her. Even in later episodes when some battles finally happened with more different characters I was already so bored out of my mind I didn't care anymore.
The developers of the game only nerf her a little bit, so they could have fixed the issues to make the game more balanced again. That could have been a fun premise to see how to get bugs out of a game. This looks to me as lazy writing to simply get away with her being overpowered instead of writing compelling and interesting battles.
Another game mechanic that doesn't make sense is the second main character. Just because she is good in sports in real life doesn't mean she will be good at it in game as well. Not how games work. She should have learned the skill and gained level like everyone else.
So, yeah, this anime had barely conflict or goals or anything. It was just her playing the game and destroying everything in her path. It was really boring to watch and I couldnt keep my concentration.
The characters excist but nobody stood out. Only the turtle, best character in the show. Nothing bad about the turtle. They are all quite bland and for some reason also too overpowered. I barely remember anything of the characters than that they were there.
The animation was fine, nothing bad to say about that.
It is a short review, but these are the things that bothered me the most. If you like very chill slice of life kinda show about a game that doesn't make sense then this show is for you. If you don't care about plotholes like me then you're fine to watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 27, 2023
So, I really wanted to like this show as I do like myself some dark stories and the dark side of idols seemed really interesting. I don’t like idol shows myself, but I was willing to give this one a go.
Episode 1:
I wanted to drop this after seeing the horrendously long episode 1. What was that length about? But since this was recommended in my anime club I can’t drop it.
The reincarnation thing felt stupid. It’s like thrown in there because the trope is rather popular these days. It doesn’t really add anything to the story besides making me incapable of taking it seriously.
Talking babies, because yeah, they are reincarnated. But the fact that no adult is questioning anything about these babies makes me wonder what the writer was thinking. I couldn’t watch the show really. It looked so dumb because it did this and I really wanted to like it.
Hoshino Ai was an interesting character and I wish she was the main focus. A story about her life and having to raise two kids, while maintaining being a stressed out idol, sounded great. The idea of protecting her kids, while getting a stalker and slowly growing more and more stressed and exhausted sounded like an amazing story. It would have really showed the horrible sides of the idol industry. How idols are somehow considered pure, so the idea of one of them having sex, relationships or kids is out of the question. I would have loved that. But no, they kind of threw away her character with shock value. I didn’t like it.
The rest:
So, we get in the end of episode 1 the idea that Aqua is going to search for the killer and take revenge or something? Well, nothing really happens. This show turns into a slice of life with some dark elements about the idol and acting industry, but it’s just a little bit. It’s resolved rather quickly, so I can’t take that seriously either. It’s now more of a regular idol show; I don’t know what it wants to do and neither do I think the writer knows. It went into a complete different direction than you would think from the first episode. It like a false hope.
The characters aren’t that interesting either. Ruby is kinda just there and I feel like Aqua would have been enough. The whole reincarnation thing is kinda forgotten as nothing seems left of Aqua original personality and I feel like it’s a bit of a plothole unless they would have shown us what happened between the kid version and before he became a teen (Physical appearance only since he is way older in mind)
The eyes caught me off guard as well for a bit and I’m still confused. First I was it was just aesthetic choice as I was screaming at the screen for no adult noticing that the kids had the same eyes as Hoshino Ai. So only visible for the people watching the show and not for the people in the show. But I was wrong when one of the other characters got those eyes when she impersonated Hoshino Ai. What’s up with that? Very random and I’m very confused.
I wanted to like this, but it simply took a direction I didn’t like and I think the writing could have been better and more interesting. No reincarnation necessary and overall I liked Hoshino Ai as a character the most. This turned into a boring slice of life idol show and that is not what I thought was going to happen. What about the whole mystery? This just felt like clickbait at this point.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 10, 2022
Watched this as a recommendation. It was kinda difficult to get into, and then it was an okay show. But with every episode it became worse.
There wasn’t much too understand in the beginning as you are thrown into it. It will be a bit more explained down the road. It is about survival and a fraction of humanity who can use certain weapons to destroy monsters.
It wasn’t too interesting and I didn’t find the action scenes very captivating. You didn’t see much of the action anyway as it shifted angles too much.
You didn’t feel any kind of danger as the characters were never
really in danger. Some of them should have died and they just simply survived it.
Then you have part where the sister of the main character slits her throat and decided to give a speech for a good chunk of time which is very unrealistic and removes the whole impact of the scene.
Main character is just a standard shounen protagonist, nothing special. He exists in the show.
The women aren’t anything special either. They have gravity defying clothes which are totally not suited for combat.
The rest of the cast was forgettable, so badly that I sometimes had no clue who it was in the flashbacks.
The art style is unique but very ugly. It distracted me the whole show through. It looked like the characters were just plastered onto the background. They didn’t fit well.
Also those ugly photo filters they decided to use in the flashbacks were annoying. Way too overbearing and just distracted me from the scene.
The whole show felt like it were pieces from different things put together.
This was very janky and didn’t feel right. The action scenes were horrible. The monsters were ugly and didn’t fit in with the rest. The expression were also a bit weird.
The soundtrack, which I normally don’t really notice, was very noticeable and not in a good way. Sometimes it made the scene feel ridiculous because the music was way too hyper compared to the scene.
The main character gets this giant weapon near the end and this thing was so ridiculous that it made every scene stupid. I could not take anything seriously when that thing was on screen.
Basically not a good show, very distracting art and scenes. I could not focus on the story at all, if it was there to begin with. Very boring characters to follow.
Also the stupid hint at the end that the dude did not die, removed all the impact of his death, hate that trope. The main characters were too save, some should have died to create a more serious show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 9, 2022
Okay, one thing first, I don't hate the show. I think it has some solid moments and it can be cute and wholesome.
The thing that bothers me the most is the pacing. No matter how likable the characters are, there is barely any progress. The main couple just stays in the same pace as the beginning for twelve episodes long. Yes, there are some moments they become a little bit closer, but they just revert back and it gets annoying and boring to watch.
The dude is supposed to be annoying I guess, hence the title, but the way he just keeps seeing her as
a child is getting old and I'm sick of it.
Little rant: also getting sick of this trend how some people seem to think every girl when they become a woman have big boobs and are tall. Bodies don't work like that. Stop thinking that every small person is a fucking child.
Back to the show. I would have liked it more if there was more progress, like the side couple had a bit more to them than the main couple. I liked them more in that way, but even there I expected a little more.
Just give a confession scene, or something that makes the tall annoying senpai think differently of Igarashi, would have loved to see this development in his character. I would have loved to see how he becomes confused as to why he starts to like her so much.
So, like I said, it does have some cute and wholesome moments in there, but with no progress I didn't care that much about it. Like those moments should be extra fluff and not the entire progress only to revert it back to the start.
I really thought we were going somewhere when she asked him why she couldn't become his wife when she was drunk. That should have been a start for the writers to get Takeda to think, but no.
I did like the characters, yeah senpai was annoying but that is the title, so it makes sense he can be annoying:P
Mona was a fun addition being the random character she is. I would have loved to see more of her.
The side couple was cute enough to keep me entertained, but again more progress please.
I didn't really care for the grandfather, like one annoying character is enough.
I loved Natsumi, she added a lot of fun moments in the show. But basically she was there to tell the main character she likes her senpai.
So for me the enjoyment was decent. I liked it, but it could have been so much better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 19, 2021
First of all, Kai is a piece of shit. No actual friend would do that to you. The main character should have ditched her. She is a not a good friend at all.
Second. I hate the fact the main character goes through with it and tries to make friends with this reason. I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who would only be my friend because she needs to make friends.
The comedy was horrible, I did not laugh ones and I just find the characters very unfortunate. The jokes were unfortunate and unfortunately it was repeated too much to make it even slightly
entertaining. Unfortunately I had to watch it to the end because it was for my anime club.
The characters were annoying too watch. The character I hated the most were the main character because her whole personality was based around the fact she needed to make friends to get a friend back. Fuck that shit. She was at points insufferably desperate at forcing you to become her friend. She just won’t leave you the fuck alone.
Next is the stupid ninja girl, who has apparently no other personality trait besides having boners for ninja’s. She just existed there in the show and I hoped she would vanish like a ninja.
The headbutt girl was also a piece of shit as she was quite unfortunate to have only one personality trait as well. Her jokes were the least funny of all and I can’t say more than that cause there isn’t more than this to her.
That stupid teacher, who the fuck becomes a teacher if you are that anxious? Why is she like that even? I totally couldn’t comprehend the way they decided to create this character. She also is one dimensional and has no other trait than being scared of her students.
The rest of the cast was forgettable as I don’t remember them.
The art and animation was fine and I have nothing to say about that.
This show was boring and not funny and not worth your fucking time. It wasn’t wholesome as I just thought the whole concept was stupid.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 21, 2019
So, personally, I was quite excited to start on this show and it really comprehended my excitement in the first two episodes. After this though, I became a little disappointed in the executing of the show and found myself missing some elements, which I think of as necessary in a show about ballroom dancing. Of course, some of these elements are clearly my personal taste and they do not make the show less entertaining. I will praise that the studio did an amazing job nonetheless, but maybe my expectations were just too high.
The second half of the show was way better than the first, introducing
some new characters, which helped the main character along with his development.
The characters themselves are decent enough to be enjoyable. The main character can come across as whiny and a coward, but that’s just the way he is and he is eventually developing those weaknesses into strong points.
In the second half, you have Chinatsu who helps him with learning more about himself. I really liked her character. She has a nasty personality, but I really enjoy characters who stir some life into the cast.
Okay, the art and animation look amazing as expected of this studio. The thing what I was most displeased by was the number of dancing animations or the lack of. Especially in the first half, they show little to no dancing, while this is a show about ballroom dancing. The second half makes it a little better, but the amount of still frames is still quite a lot. I don’t hate the still frames, but I don’t want them to take over.
I really missed seeing all the choreographic of the dances. Of course, I don’t expect them to show us all the dances of all the competitors since they’re a lot of them. But I wish they would show some complete dances to really show of the beauty of ballroom dancing.
For me there were only the main characters; it was like the other people didn’t even exist, even though they were competing in the same competition. I would have loved to see more dances of different couples to show us more of how high the level is for the main characters to dance to. I completely missed the rivalry feeling in the first half.
The second half did it a little better by introducing us to a few more couples, but still, it wasn’t enough for me.
I know it would be a lot of work to make more characters and show their dances as well, so this is a personal touch I would have just loved to see.
Another thing that bothered me a bit was the little explanation of the sport itself. To me, it felt like there wasn’t really any explanation on the dances itself or how the steps really are. Maybe a little information on the music would have been nice as well.
Showing us a little more of the choreographic and how the dances really work would have made me enjoy the show more as I would have had a better understanding of it all.
Also, a noticeable thing would be that it isn’t really explained what the judges look for in a dance. The show makes it same as the judges just look for their personal preference, which would make them bias as hell.
So, these things are personal, but I believe if they included some of my points here then the show would have become a much more enjoyable watch than before. Don’t get me wrong though, I still enjoyed this show to a certain extent.
So, as a recommendation, I would say, only if you really like your sports anime. Other than that, don’t come like me for the ballroom dancing and the technical side of it, since that isn’t really in this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 20, 2019
I loved the concept of this show from the moment I read the synopsis. Love is a complicated thing, so to make a story where a character is trying to figure out for herself what love feels like, is for me an interesting concept.
It didn’t start out too spectacular but enough to keep me invested. After around episode 3 I started to really get into the show and wanted to watch it until the end.
The story had a nice slow pacing fit for the development of the main characters.
The characters in the show felt realistic and natural to me. Yuu is not
simply giving in just because someone fell in love with her at first sight. She stands by her point of not knowing how it feels to be in love and rather needs to find this out before even considering dating Touko. I liked this aspect a lot of the show.
Touko is an interesting character as she has some sort of ideal form of herself that she needs to keep up instead of being her real self. She only shows this to Yuu, which gave them a special relationship on its own.
Sayaka was also a very interesting character to me later in the show. I won’t tell details as it is more fun to watch for yourself.
The art was beautiful, that’s all I can say. The animation was solid and the character design is pretty to look at. No negative comments on it.
So, if you are into romance anime of the serious kind with good character development and even some cute moments, then this is your type of show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 22, 2018
Kaiba, well this took a while before I finally watched it. Why I didn’t watch it earlier? Well, because it easily fades behind all the popular anime, which is such a waste.
Kaiba was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, which showed the beauty and cruelty in one world. I loved every second of this anime. The mystery, the mature themes, the soundtracks and the characters where amazing. With the end of an episode, I immediately wanted to see the next, hence why I finished it rather quickly.
The main character is interesting because of his amnesia and the search for who he is and who the
person in the picture is. This is not the reason why I started the anime though. I fell in love with the simplistic yet beautiful looking art style. Besides this, I liked how this world exists of people storing their memories to, well, never die. It shows of course how easy it is for the rich and how hard it is for the poor.
Even the side characters the protagonist meets along his journey are interesting. They give you more inside on the cruelties and beauty of this world. They were not just mere side characters as they give development to the main character.
The art style should not keep you away from this anime. It’s simplistic, but it fits the story very well. Nothing more to say about it.
Just give this anime a go if you like your psychological stories and anime that differ from the rest. It’s an adventure of emotions, so at least try this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 13, 2017
I watched this because I wanted to watch some good romance story and this had a pretty high rating, so I was like, let’s watch this. What a waste of my time….
The story was very standard, but if executed well, it would be enjoyable. It was not though, so, unfortunately, I was bored throughout the whole story.
I watched this with a friend and we made a comedy out of it; it was just that ridiculously bad for a romance story.
It was supposed to have some really bad struggles and shit, but this was just weak and pathetic and not really that much of a
struggle. It was a pain to watch how the characters made problems out of things they shouldn’t have made a problem out.
The art was like 2.5D or something. I did not really like it, but I don’t judge too much on art. It did look stupid at some moments, but yeah.
The characters were the worst of this show. The main characters who fall in love with each other are plain; I did not care for them one bit. If one had died it would have taken me a while to notice.
She was sometimes so stupid in misunderstanding things and make a problem out of it which was completely unnecessary.
He, unfortunately, did the same. It’s like they copy pasted their charactersXD
Then you have the potential rivals…. They were so forced. It’s like they just felt the need to add rivals to the story when it wasn’t really needed. At least make them interesting if you add them. I don’t even know what their personalities were like because they had none.
Also, the obsession the main character had with her toy was so weird. I thought it was weird from the beginning, like why?
And then she bought one for him tooXD
So, this story was a wasted potential and please don’t watch it if you’re looking for some good romance story. This is not it!!!
You can watch this with a friend for some comic relief thoughXD
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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