Feb 17, 2025
Complete trash. I hate these shows that have people use their supposed talents in another world. The idea of using modern business sensibilities that have been sugar-coated doesn’t really work in a demon lord’s army. If Uchimura was running an actual business in the corporate world it would fail because he’s naive and stupid about people. It’s not entertaining for me to watch him fumble around stupibly and act like he’s “negotiating” by just asking someone directly with no particular benefit to them and walking away after behaving like an idiot and being rejected, that ain’t a negotiation. Also, making a trade deal without a
Jun 23, 2024
Dekisokonai to Yobareta Motoeiyuu wa Jikka kara Tsuihou sareta node Sukikatte ni Ikiru Koto ni Shita
I’m not sure why others have rated this so highly, I think even the 3 I gave it is probably too generous. This show has no plot and what I thought was the main storyline ends in episode 6. It’s a weird harem but I can’t understand why two of them are even there. Why is a blacksmith obsessed with making swords going on a journey in the first place? It’s not like she adds something other than an excuse for the weird elven forest thing that seemed jammed in out of nowhere and quickly forgotten. Then some weird stereotypical villain shows up for no
Feb 11, 2024
I’m so disappointed. This anime would be 100 times better without Arajin but alas, he’s the main character. He’s not funny, he’s one of those annoying screechy characters that overreacts to everything, and as far as I can tell he’s just a coward and a simp. Not sure who wrote this drivel or how the hell it has such a high rating (I’m guessing 12 year old boys?) but it’s hot garbage. He’s always clutching his ass about to shit himself, he’s down bad for any girl that even glances in his direction, and he won’t talk to his friend because apparently apologizing is too
Mar 28, 2023
I’m not going to repeat all the other reviews with the generic isekai yada yada, because you can already tell it’s an isekai and I’m not on the isekai hate train everyone else seems to be on. The story is actually different from others in that he had powers before he reincarnated, which he brings with him and I enjoyed the contrast of seeing his old powers in this new world. He’s also not your generic school boy and there’s a big plot twist in episode 12 that makes this show worth watching for that alone.
I wanted to keep my review short and sweet ... Feb 6, 2023
I generally don’t mind these sort of generic mediocre isekai’s, but I loathe this one. Seeing the obnoxious smirking face of the main character makes something snap in my brain and I spend the rest of the episode thinking about all the ways I wish she’d die.
My problems: •For someone who just wants to have fun fighting she draws an awful lot of attention to herself. Did they forget that part of the plot? •The whole “I want to fight strong people/creatures” thing is played out and overdone to death. We’ve seen plenty of other characters with a similar drive and they weren’t the ... Sep 25, 2010
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
I really enjoyed this series, it made me smile and laugh every time I watched it and I looked forward to the next episode. I loved the characters (especially Usui) and cared about what was going to happen. These are the things that I think make a good series, not over-analyzing it and picking it apart, saying it has typical elements that have been repeated a hundred times ( FYI- Most of them do!). To me it's about enjoying the show and it's characters. Honestly I think they could have added more to the story in the 26 episodes and anyone