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Jun 16, 2024
This was in fact the first bad anime (unlike the first) that i tanked through. IT had absurd and nonsensical plotlines, a lot of campy bits, a bit of fillery and stretchy episodes to connect the bad plotlines, and in general terrible writing. It's not inspired and doesn't really resemble the first. It DOES have it's moments though and those moments are on par with the first.
It has multiple arcs or subplots. Villages defending themselves... a pirate uncle.. a few things going on with Bat and Lin. The story starts out focused on those two but shifts to Ken, and they lay somewhat dormant in
relevancy until the end.
I don't recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 13, 2023
I remember seeing this manga on shelves of a bookstores somewhere, and it looks really cool. I filed it away in my mind to re-investigate it at some point. 20 years later, I watch the anime, and I'm quite dissaappointed.
Gantz, is a really poorly-paced, poorly- written, homophobic slew of trash. The editing is very bad. It does however, have some excellent concepts, and provides a decent backstory for the main characters and their development. The way the music used is also really neat (It sounds weird like different things being mixed together at times)
ITs too bad because it feels like a wasted opportunity to explore
what was actually a really cool idea... Of dipping into some sidderral universe and go after evil entities and earn Reincarnation points. Also some interseting technology, lore and other things. Buit no exposition on any of those things takes place, instead what we have is something that has very little meat and a nice skeleton that is padded with a lot of filer and suspenseful scenes where people refuse/afraid to shoot guns so it adds to the tension... kinda a dumb gimmick if you ask me.
Not sure if I'll give the second season a chance or not, I like the premise, but this really feels like the line for me when anime in 2000s started to take a dip with all the isekai crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 27, 2022
I really did enjoy this. It was very cute and not really sexual, crass, or 'fan servicey' so much. IT was a kind of honest exploration into what people are like and was often very funny. If you have kinks this will probably pay off more and be funny for you. It was for me anyway.
I watched the dub. It was pretty great. a lot of it was very funny. Particularly the insults from konojo (i think that was her name) to the other girl... I can't imagine what these would have been in the original sub.
story as very base at times. but style and
idea or concept was top notch i thought.
art is okay. there arent many characters. this is basically doki doki literature clu the anime show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 18, 2017
Watched a hardsub by unknown group
Angel Cop immediately felt like a dumbed-down poor man's Ghost in the shell in every way! I personally liked the drawing and animation and the closing theme music was actually really quite good. but the translation as well as some of the general presentation is atrocious.... Perhaps I have a bad translated sub (doubtful but always possible) but this is extremely tough to follow. The art itself is at times a bit odd in a way i can't describe. I think it's the color. It doesn't particularly have a dark gritty edge feel, but rather soft and warm (there is
a bit of soft edges and out of focus type effects as well as brighter tones) which can seem a bit out of place with the juxtaposed violence and other stuff... (Plus in this era, you typically have anime themed like this with a classic dark noiry and glowy look and limited palette) and other times you have those classic PC-98 styled shots of some cigarette butts in a beer can next to an old ass laptop that is very on point!
the jist of this is very much like a Ghost in the Shell type police agency, however the story is a bit of concocted goofiness and there is this weird mystical element... Throw in what would seem to be a poor translated subtitled version (what i got anyway) and this falls apart kinda quickly. This is where the thing is a bit atrocious imo.
It's tough to really get a grasp of the characters. Yeah there is something there but it's not really distinct or much to mention. I could blame the translation but I kinda think the translation can only be blamed so much, the presentation doesn't hold a great case for the original source perhaps (Can't say i'd be interested from a watching of this one)
Overall, by the end of a second episode one can't help but think 'why don't i just stop this and watch solid state society or second gig?" lol. Still, it's short enough to wade through despite the confusion and there are actually some decent stills of various things here and there so I'd say it's worth while if you like to look at that stuff, but definitely not something i'd recommend to someone who perks up at the thought of "Ghost in the Shell." Still, it's interesting how this is quite a bit older than ghost in the shell but still seems a bit similar in many ways, such as storyboarding. I'd say both are a spirit of the times that they were made in, and reflect a lot of that in their discourse. If you think Ghost has aged badly get a load of this one! XD
Angel Cop is one of those 'classics' that has aged badly. I like stuff in this period but this isnt really one of them. If you like violent stuff there's plenty to pick from that both looks more gruesome and has nicer aesthetic. If you like noir/cop stuff there is def way more choices. If you like body horror/weird stuff there's plenty else and heck if you like Ghost in the Shell there is several versions of the show. I can't see why one might reccomend this one unless you were familiar with the source. It doesnt really excel at anything
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 29, 2017
I watched a very low quality sub. The res had likely been truncated/adulterated even further down to 480x360 to create a small file size. (appropriate low quality badness. this aint no rolls royce OVA) no idea where i got it or who made it.
The story and realism is farfetched and over the top but it's stylish and everything is presented in a way that communicates a cause/explanation. (It's kinda like American wrestling actually...) It's one of those things that might not 'make sense' because its over-exagerrated but it does an excllent job fooling you into going along with it and being believable because of it's
presentation. I've watched a lot of 'great' stuff that was very hard to interpret and left me scratching my head wondering WHAT THE F~! and as rediculous as this gets, it never left me with that reaction.
Visually this is a mixed bag but overall i thought it was good. While a few things are well drawn some things are a bit sloppy and lazy, however the whole thing is done at really good angles or 'directed' well. There's a whole lot very sensationalist type visual violence and motifs and more than makes up for the weak bits. It has a very lurid feel and seems proper with themes and subject matter, so feels cohesive with what you are seeing. this is older style animation so its not as clean or smooth, and there is less detail.
Music is sparse but it's not bad. like the rest of it thematically on point. voice acting was pretty nice however. I enjoyed this as a sub (though a few spelling and grammar errors)
Characters are perfect designs and concepts but the runtime here is a bit short to really dig into them. The protagonist alone is an A+ idea as he feels like an inspiration of all kinds of american action heros as well as jesus christ! there's lots of various bad guys, thugs and villains who resemble james bond type criminals/dick tracy type oddjobs, not just in appearance but slightly in behavior or their stylization. there's a lot to like. the sunglasses of the prison director. the charles bronson harmonia man kinda leaf the antihero plays, the various outfits and clothes people are wearing. it seems all the major characters have some kind of signature to them.
the story idea, characters and presentation of this feel like a mix of anime and american 80s crime movie type thing. it communicates a lot of stuff rather well (such as backstory).
Hard to critcize as its better than I had expected. I went in blind and had no idea where this would go in the first 15 minutes but expected something likely awful. The art itself is medicore and story is almost a stretch to call good but its all well presented and was quite entertaining to watch. The anime is very good at suspending one's belief but it almost takes the licesnse a bit far (such as these fight scenes for instance) you simply dont know what will happen next and at times the results are a bit jarring: a fist fight could result in a gruesome and outrageous death, or our hero might just jump out of prison in a single bound and move on to greener pastures whenever he feels like it and the gaurds might not even stop him.
In many ways this feels like a bunch of american action movie from the dirty 1980s Which was inspired some guys into making this anime who were probably fans of the manga themselves, fits the bill just perfectly of exactly the kind of thing I often look for. Hardly a masterpiece but very much a guilty pleasure and fun time. Even though it's nothing special I am genuinely curious as to the source material after watching this. I'd not seen anything in this style or theme and will likely look for more "Street youth warrior dramas' now. XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 26, 2017
I watched an overdub version
Visually ok for it's age. Not consistent, some shots are better than others. Fighting scenes and certain action shots should have looked better. (there arent that many) colors are nice. To me it felt a bit lazy at times and made more apparent by its flaws (such as demons not really looking that cool or standing out when they show up) The overall look is probably the only highlight here and its merely 'okay'
Music/Sound is not notable, and rather low quality (could have been the rip but its very subdued compared to the voices/overdub which was okay so i'm guessing
that's not the case)
this has the worst translation i've yet to see. Nothing in it makes any sense and it gives the whole thing a surely unintended comedic effect. (For the first 15 minutes I was laughing so much it was hard to see, by the last 15 i was falling asleep)
Unfrotuately the story is really weak to begin with, the source material might have been better but from what is presented here I make no plans to ever investigate. Progression of the story is just plain goofy at times as well as other aspects of it.
With the exception of a sort of 'Guide' to Demon City, these characters are as bad as it gets. several static, unrealistic boring and unlikable characters, demon city should have made the demons of demon city a bit more interesting, unique, or had some kind of dramatic introduction to the ones encountered... or at the very least this crap could have made the demons not have such god awful voices/voice acting consisting of guttural groans and grunts, they shouldn't be funny/hokey. the artists definitely could have made them look better by spending more time on them too. Another thing that was really bad was when minor character s fulfill their role, they are grabbed by ethereal hands and pulled through the floor or wall into another dimension without warning.
Even with bad characters dialogue and slipshod story I would have liked this more if demon city was actually about a city full of demons that were interesting or had clever problem solving to overcome them. Instead this is a bit of a wonky story and premise, truly made horrible by it's overdub, I thought it bad enough to never read manga or even seek another version (hardsubbed or something)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 25, 2017
I watched a hard dubbed version.
I like supernatural and occult themes, and you have a lot of modern day superstition in the japanese that runs through media like this (or even stuff like Tetsuo Body Hammer) The setting is quite decent setup for a story. The title 'judge' is a bit of a misnomer as the main protagonist isn't a judge.... he is more like a prosecutor for the wrongfully deceased/ but also seems to be an investigator as well.... "Spirit Lawyer against the darkness" is a better title for this movie. (it's actually a bit like mashup of phoneix wright ace attorney meets shin
megami tensei) the anime doesnt explain a lot of things and plenty is confusing...
setting was cool but its a very short run time for a lot of lofty conceptualizations, to make it worse something as abstract as this and condense down to a smaller run time is made a bit obscure by what i'm going to assume is a poor translation (not sure how many versions of this are out there) This is a shame it could have been really intersting and been a heck of a good mystery too. Still the setting alone is interesting enough to make up for the inconsistencies and lack of story. However these factors combined really limit the payout of a proper setting and what could have been a really good story, what we are left with is other aspects which aren't that strong...
The characters are not so fleshed out or even consistent. I'd say that they are terrible characters due to the way they are poorly presented through the setting of this story. Not too often in anything where the protagonist is this inconsistent and low key. This doesnt really have villains but they are far more memorable.
the music/sound is very average. nothing stood out.
animation and drawing is okay, it's consistent and all but i didnt find any aspect of it notable. My experience/taste in this dept is generally low but it pretty much looks like a good deal of things made in same era as this. The film does explore some strange and garish looking video sequences when the weird gets wierder and this flows nicely with the story, I could only hope to makea bit more sense of it. I found nothing unsightly to look at, lazy or grainy (and there is a lot of old stuff that is)
However, the movie has a great opening intro leading into the central plot and features another alternate setting that looked cool visually and had some flavor. I would say that the best bit is easily the first 5 minutes. IF you like old anime (or just like intros) from 89-94 the first five mins might be worth a peek but aside from that this ultimately was pretty half cooked, and not really meant to be digested by a western audience... Stuff is abstract to begin with, inconsistent, doesnt translate right and then to top it all off there is a bit of cultural barrier to interpreting what Judge offers in such a short run time... even if you like the supernatural/mysteryhorror type genre. theres just not quite enough meat on these bones and whats there tastes a bit bland.
I would be curious to read the manga of this one and check out what else the creator did as there's some nice creative and vision element here (the strong points) but it doesnt properly express itself here in this form.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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