After a long time, I watched an anime categoriesed as Romance and liked it, the last one was Skipbeat.
The anime revolves around the strange relationship between two Yakuza youngins who are kind of forced to like each other for certain reasons not disclosed till now.
The story becomes interesting from the start of the shows when the boy shows discontent and disgust toward the main female character, as a result she takes extreme steps to prove a point. They guy being a masochist has fetish for such things and falls in love, and then their strange love hate fearful relationship continues
It's interesting and thought provoking, female
Jul 26, 2020
Sword Art Online
Okay I haven't written any reviews on MAL but seeing as how much people are trying to bash on SAO I have to get a few things straight with them.
I have been watching Anime for a long time now, maybe like 20 years and the SAO was one of the first Gaming Isekai type show I had ever watched back then. So the premise and the plot was quite unique and different from your normal shows at that time. Those who have played JRPG & MMORPGs can really understand what I am trying to say, having character development inside of an anime same as in RPGs ... Jun 22, 2018
This will be my first review on MAL. What compelled me to write this reivew is not because I enjoyed SAO Gun Gale, but rather what an abhorrent disaster it is. Few of the animes I have watched in mylife time where I get to the point of throwing up just watching it. Recenlty SAO-GG & Tokyo Ghoul:re are top on that list.
Story: 0/10 People who have watched SAO series do know the basic formula how SAO series is based around MMORPGs or JRPGS games. It's much appealing to individuals who have played such games they can kind of relate to it. SAO-GG is not based ... |