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Mar 9, 2023
So, this show came to an end. I've been watching it ever since it first came out so it's been a long run and I'm gonna miss it. Some seasons have been better than others but in my opinion it has always maintained its good quality with every season having new engaging and fun arcs and this one didn't have any less of that. You could divide the season in two parts (there's a few spoilers ahead):
The first one continues Haida's arc as it was left off in the previous season, only this time he's an unemployed homeless gaming addict. It was good to keep
focusing on Haida's psyche although the stand out is the introduction of a new character called Shikabane (I totally didn't have to look that up..). With as much little screen time as she gets she winds up being the most well written side character alongside Ton. She's a pretty relatable character, honestly. She reminded me of when I was at my worst (my situation was NOWHERE near as f*cked up lol I just mean her way of thinking is all).
We also get introduced to Haida's family, who are absolutely horrible... except for the mom. I found his brother Jirou to be easily the most despicable little shit in the whole series. He acts like an asshole because he feels pressured to keep up with his father's legacy, which doesn't justify his behaviour but it does make him come across a bit more sympathetic in the last episode.
The second part goes back to the lighthearted, funnier usual mood of the show as it focuses more on our protagonist again and her random ocurrences with this one being the most random. Retsuko running for office reads so bizarre on paper (just like with her joining an idol group in season 3) but the writers are good at combining crazy ridiculous ideas with serious topics, so it works. We meet a new character again called Ikari whom I have a bit of mixed feelings on because he could be extremely annoying, although sometimes in an endearing way. He forces Retsuko to run for office when she basically knows nothing about politics and is not interested (even expecting her to quit her job) because he is already aware that she is a known pushover and people pleaser so he takes advantage of that... He basically holds her hostage until she agrees into doing it lol. I don't think it would be a good message if it weren't for her genuinely enjoying performing. And we got a cool Aggretsuko rap song out of it thanks to him...
My only real complaint would be the out of the blue marriage scene. And not because I don't like Retsuko and Haida together, because I do, but because they spent four seasons building up their relationship and we didn't get to see any actual *dating* going on. It feels as though they had only been dating for two months even though the show definitely wants you to think it's been wayy longer. It was kind of underwhelming but I guess we can't have everything.
A satisfying end to the series either way, nothing much else to say. 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 2, 2022
I thought I was going to end up giving this a mixed feelings review, but that was before I watched the MC's apparently "badass" inner monologue at the end of episode 12 (badass according to maybe edgy 14 year olds anyway). Don't get me wrong, this show already had quite a few problems but that scene really set the deal on how inconsistent this show is.
Him saying "all people are tools" and "winning is everything" contradicts all of his actions from previous episodes. If winning is everything, why did he have no interest whatsoever in being an A class student BEFORE the teacher
asked him to? But worst of all, if "all people are tools" why was he always helping out his classmates (Sakura, Horikita, Sudo, etc) without getting any merits whatsoever? How exactly is he winning by going through all that trouble when he isn't being rewarded anything? I guess he decided to kick Horikita's brother a$$, save Sakura from that weirdo and help Sudo and others with their grades... Not because he was secretly nice as we were led to believe, but because he was bored or something? lol. I have no problems with him being a sociopath but at least if you're going down that road make it consistent?? Oooo but I guess we needed some kind of "plot twist" or whatever (that absolutely ruined it instead of making it better which is what plot twists are supposed to do).
Kouenji was the best part of this show, fight me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 18, 2022
Oh boy was this irritating to watch.
This show started off as a decent slice of life show but as it went on it just turned into this weird mixture of comedy and as someone already called it, misery porn. That's the biggest problem with this show, it just doesn't know what it wants to be. It's tagged as a comedy, but is it? Well it does have its cute little fun scenes, but I wouldn't call it ~funny~ per se. What IS actually funny though is the ridiculous amount of abuse stories the writers shove in just 10 episodes and how poorly executed they are
(Mizuki's is always the example, but I would say each and every one of them are dealt with badly) as well as its, and I can't stress it enough: LACK OF SUBTLETY writing and pretentious on the nose dialogue that I just couldn't take seriously.
Wanting to make a comedic show while also covering serious topics such as abuse is a challenge, not an easy one to pull off unless the script is good which in this case it isn't. It tries to do both and ultimately fails at both, a recipe for disaster. Should've just stayed as a simple slice of life before it tried to do things it couldn't achieve.
4/10. If it weren't for the heartwarming scenes that I did enjoy maybe I would've rated it even lower, who knows. The show works best when the kid acts like a kid and is at its worst when he acts like the whole town's shrink.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 15, 2022
When I read Shadows House's synopsis I thought, oh wow, what a unique and interesting plot. And don't get me wrong, it is, but it's a pity this was the result when it had the potential to be something so great.
My biggest problem with the show are its plot holes and its MASSIVE plot conveniences. The writing is just lazy and all over the place. It was frustrating to watch in a show that's supposed to be so dark have no consequences for the characters' actions and having them be happy go lucky for 90% of the time in dangerous situations.
As for the artstyle, it's
gorgerous looking but nothing special at the same time, the design of the characters are cookie cutter, basically looking like all the other shows next to it, so to speak.
Speaking of the characters, most of them are honestly unbearable and one dimensional, with maybe Kate being the exception.
Now moving on to its strongest point: Its music. OP and ED seriously slap, never skipped them once. They are so addicting to listen to, seriously. And smart of them to use foreshadowing in the ending, when you read the lyrics it's as if one of its characters was singing it.
If you're planning on watching definitely don't expect some "cute show turns into dark, genius horror" like madoka magica or something because you'll get disappointed. Its writing just isn't competent enough for that. It wants to take itself so seriously, but how can it when there are no stakes whatsoever? I could still recommend it if you enjoy dark themes and some banger songs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 13, 2022
I added this manga a couple years ago to PTR after watching the anime but finally began reading it a few days ago. The anime was just fine, it didn't leave much of an impression but I still wanted to check out the manga because I felt like it probably had much more to offer. After reading it, the show falls short in comparison.
First off, the characters are likeable (especially Akira, I sympathised with her and understood her POV while in the show I wasn't that much of a fan of her character) and not only are the main characters complex, the side ones get
some nice depth as well.
Its art is the typical shoujo style, very eyecandy and pretty with the characters having quite a variety of facial expressions that are fun to look at, very rarely looking bland. Speaking of fun, the humor is also worth mentioning, I'd say easily one of its strongest points.
It's pretty well written but it does have some cheesy dialogue here and there that did make me roll my eyes, but all shojos have that to an amount so it didn't bother me that much.
(Getting into spoiler territory now):
What did bother me a bit though was the ending: it felt rushed to me. I was enjoying the direction it was taking but I just felt like it could've been more developed before the timeskip. But still I'm glad it reached that conclusion because the show, while leaving it more open to viewers' imagination, still gives the idea of a fairytale ending. Akira moving on with her life was the best case scenario since she was using her crush on Kondou as a form of escapism.
It's a nicely slow paced story, we get to see how Kondou slowly falls for her (something we didn't get to see in the show) while Akira slowly gets over her fear of running again. Also, just because two people love eachother doesn't always mean they should end up together... and def not with that age gap. At the end of the day, they did what was best for them as individuals.
I think the opportunity on not making Akira and Kurata become friends was wasted but that's just a nitpicky preference and not that relevant to the plot anyway.
All in all, enjoyable read that I'd recommend whether you're a shoujo fan or not. Will be writing more reviews because I had fun writing this. 7.5/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 6, 2020
I really wanted to love this, I really did. The idea of it is simple yet promising and original but sadly it failed to deliver.
I did enjoy the first few episodes to be fair, but everything goes downhill during the village arc. It tries way too hard to be funny and sometimes it takes itself too seriously.
This is supposed to be a comedy sci-fi with an interesting plot and yet I couldn't help but be bored out of my mind during the whole thing. One of my biggest issues was the pacing, it was all over the place. Like, the characters would decide
on doing something important and then next thing they'd change priorities and focus on some other irrelevant shit instead and it just felt like it was filler after filler.
Senku's annoying catch phrases definitely didn't help either... the only character I sort of took interest in was Tsukasa and he is barely even in it, so.
It's a shame that it didn't turn out to be what I wanted/expected but it is what it is!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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