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Jun 17, 2010
After going through so many anime and game, my experience tells me that mostly all visual novel game have one thing in common: 1 lucky guy got surround by lots of lots of pretty girl with romance add it but in the end he choose 1 and happy ending, that's call harem in genre. Even it had a chance to be animated, they all are probably the same.
Some great visual novel like Keys visual novel or D.C./Ef and to name the other were the best with their good story telling moment, weather is mysteries, suspense, tear-dropping moment. But for Tsuyokiss, trying to be 'Cool X
Sweet' (that's in their full tittle) wasn't enough to bring the whole house down; but a least they alter the way how harem anime look like. Rather focus on the guy, Tsushima Leo, who was the main lead in the game; but the anime focus on Konoe Sunao, one of the main female (and tsundere!) in the game who is the main lead in this show.
This anime is completely different from the original and the other visual novel anime. Point 1 is what i mention earlier.
Point 2:
Though i don't know the original game plot line. The anime is about Sunao who is love stage play and being doing it from childhood til today. As she enroll her new school surprisingly and shockingly she found out that:
A, the stage play club has been disbanded. Much of her disappointment
B, Leo also enroll this school (who also kept calling her 'daikon' (bad actress) unintentionally, but actually is for being strong and great. That's what he mean)
. Much of her dislike.
C, Seitokai prez won't let her establish the club, and instead 'torture' her form start to finish endlessly. Much of her getting fired up!
Because of this (and SHE IS A Tsundere!), is her 'mission' to establish the club no matter what.
Point 3:
Rather throwing Sunao with Leo into a loving-harem-romance situation, the anime staff just have to throw Sunao into crazy situation (and a lot of 'daikon'!) to show off Sunao tsundere side. Plus she didn't do it alone, everybody is involved in the situation, weather is ninja girl, Leo, loli, other male and female cast are here and making sure the show keep the flow energy that are made by Sunao and the rest of the cast.
That's the 3 point of being different. Overall from this 3 point, point 2 of the story is nothing special and not worth remembering. Is just serve as a normal basic for a slice-of-life story. But point 1 and 3 was somehow able to overwhelm point 2 weakness.
The cast however also not worth remembering, the only character was Sunao only. But still they were able to put some gimmick for their own like for example 'Crab girl' Kinu and 'Coconut girl' Nogami always calling their nickname and fight. (and Nogami wins!) Other of course Leo kept calling Sunao 'daikon' is something strangely i find never gets tired of the jokes. Only some have their own stand point and character status, other like Otome who is the ninja girl, or Erika the Seitokai prez and a Ojou-sama, for example. Still that wasn't enough.
Why? The visual and art quality. Look very decent and normal, nothing special. It almost fall in the category of 'poor', but instead hang in between 'decent' and 'poor'.
Speaking of hanging, the music, opening, ending also has nothing worth remembering or special.
Lastly, the cast seiyuu. You find someone you familiar seiyuu like Mizuki Nana (Sunao), Nakamara Mai (Erika), Kobayashi Yuu (Nogami), Wakamoto Norio (The principal), and to name other. Might consider needless talent but i praise their voice effort on the show. Especially Mizuki and Nakahara-san as they play out their role. Of course the other were likable as well.
Tsuyokiss, 'Sweet X Cool' might not 'Sweet X Cool' enough to convince why we should watch the show because if the bad visual quality. But try think of it this way: What happen if a show is focusing one of the main heroin of the game rather the guy? Will she have his love or the guy went out with other girl then sad ending? Well, that's just thinking.
Not a worth remembering anime but a good change on how we think about harem. And more daikon!!! Try out Tsuyokiss, and you be the judge.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 16, 2010
When you are just a kid, you hear some fairy tales about dragon and knight; and of course some famous stories like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland. And for Alice, is about a story where a girl call Alice found some sort of hole and accidentally she fell in Wonderland.
And with this story, it spans motion media: like notably Disney 1951 color animation film and later this year 2010 Tim Burton version of Alice (here we call Alice in Horrorland! LOL)
Speaking of childhood and movie experience, time for my review on my experience with Xebec anime adaption of Pandore Hearts.
For short
intro, Pandora Hearts is create by mangaka Mochizuki Jun; and the manga is base on Alice in Wonderland with the only thing is that: Alice is not the main lead, though she is the main female lead.
The story is about Oz Vessalius, the heir of the Vessalius Dukedom who going to become 15 and is undergo a ceremony to celebrate his coming age. Unfortunately, his little party was crash by the Basketville Dukedom. So he was send to the Abyss (something like the deepest level in hell) for his 'so-call sins' for out of no reason. Down there, he got out with the help of Black Rabbit Alice. As she also want to got out to find the fragment of her past memory.
Just as i start watching it, i happen to compare another anime/manga which somehow similar to Pandora: That's Nabari no Ou. Here's why:
-The main character is a helpless whimp, a plot device
-They are searching something together with the other main lead
-Supporting character are powerful character, the main character is a weakling
And luckily, Pandora is not another Nabari.
The story plot in Pandora is not device driven, but character driven. At the start of the series, you were introduce mostly the basic in Pandora: the Abyss, the 4 Noble Dukedom, Chain. But as the series goes, you were introduce even more of the character. Plus, you find out that mostly the character that Oz come across are some how tie in to the most important event that was set way back ago. Means you will get fragment by fragment, pieces by pieces from the character back stories and put them together in your head. It can be annoying and confusing, but you will start questioning what is going on. That's Pandora strong point but also one of their weakness, because mostly these character you seen are involved and then later come and gone. You might forget the last character you seen and focusing the new one. So pay attention if you don't want to get mess up.
The character in Pandora were a least better than Nabari, actually the main lead. Oz from start was a happy go lucky fellow, accept what was here now; with a fake smile. He was a useless whimp from start but starting a least episode 19, 20 that's where FINALLY he become a real main character, changing from motion less device to a moving device. Of course he couldn't done it alone to get here, you also get other like Gil, Sharon, Break and other. But for Break, though he just a supporting character, but he play out being a very fun making but yet wise with some past agenda character. I also like seiyuu Ishida Akira how he make Break a fun looking man. One of my favorite character in Pandora. Other i find completely annoying and needless like Oz uncle, and Alice; the character i though is gonna be cool but yet annoy. Though Kawasumi Ayako put a good work on Alice voice role but her character felt like only knows how to bitch around that she is great and powerful (Sorry, no offense), but she is powerful and cool too. Mostly when you come across the series; you find some of the character from the classic Alice in Wonderland are being stylize by the hand of Mochizuki-sensei. The Rabbit, Alice, Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, by so far is the character i know from the classic Alice that are related or appear in a different form.
And overall on the character, only i see Oz who have good change on his personalty while the rest are just taking a few step for change.
Visual presentation for Pandora should be vital because we talk about 'English Gothic Visual', something like Kuroshisuji. Mochizuki-sensei was able pull up the 'light version' of Kuroshisuji in the manga, but Xebec was able to pull those pretty visual in it. From the character clothes, Chain, even the house was good enough presented here. Is like 'Alice in Fantasy-Manga-land' unlike Tim Burton version.
Visually disappointed was the action scene, to watch the whole series with poorly animated action is like torment in my boring-ness. Xebec, maybe not the type of studio that's is well animated action; is watching Naruto: they cross blade for 10 sec. then later enter a whole minute of needless talk (in Naruto, WORST! the whole god-damm 10,15 minute) and they fight for a few sec. or enter another desperate talk scene or whatever annoying stuff they can put. But luckily to say a least is that normal character animation was decent enough to watch and some of the gimmick in show was good and funny. Enough to keep you entertaining.
Music, no need to say: KAIJURA YUKI-SAMA!!!!!!!!! FICTION JUNCTION!!!!!!! SAVAGE GENIUS!!!!!!! need review on that?......OK, maybe some commented:
Needless to say Kaijura-sama who knows doing Kara no Kyoukai OST is here being the main composer for Pandora. You get nostalgic feel from hearing Kaijura-sama trademark symphony music with modern music fusion and of course a perfect music to fit one of the gentle/sadden/other good moment in Pandora. The opening by FICTION, though i admit is not my favorite but i applaud their vocal. So i skip that every time is start. (Sorry...^^) The 2 ending by Savage Genius was enough to put a ring on my ear. The 1st ending was a bit rush but with with the keyboard in the music makes it catching in my hearing; the 2nd ending was smooth and sentimental, makes a perfect ending to the whole show.
The enjoyment of the show is like time machine ride where you travel to the past and present and the unthinkable. As you gone through those time you collect piece of the puzzle and you put them together into picture. Unfortunately, that picture is incompletely. Pandora anime left out some of mysteries that are yet to uncover. But thankfully no, as to follow and respect the original manga story line (I don't know Xebec are following that). And a least Xebec is a smart ass to wrap the whole anime with their own anime conclusion.
Pandora Heart anime was not a great anime, but a good anime that should decent to watch and enjoy. Though the boring action scene, Alice bitching around, or some left out conclusion. But the story about the boy who fell and meet 'Alice in the Abyss' was something you might find it fantasize and don't forget the pretty visual that are shown through the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 4, 2010
Being freak out when you first arrive in town where everyone sooooooooo opening and friendly and welcome you. And i was totally freak out with just about everything in Ookami Kakushi, but was surprise that how the twist event turn out.
Though i no fan of Higurashi or Umineko, but i sure fan will enjoy suspend plus moe cuteness on this anime.
From the start of episode 1 everything was a warm and too friendly welcome for me on start, especially the character (design by Peach-Pit) has a really really big bright eye on its female character was totally freak me out at first. It really reminds
me of Vampire Knights manga!
The plays of the story start by blocking you, as a viewer, that everything was nice and friendly under the bright light until the shadow of suspend befall on that bright light. This formula has been reused again and again for a least 4, 5 episode until on episode 6, 7 kicks in the real plot. And fortunately, that formula works. And it keep let me guessing what the hell is happening, and why the hell everyone is just too friendly to Hiroshi (the main character). Though the formula is not a master formula, like 20th Century Boys, which has one of the greatest tale of suspend i ever love and hate, but a least this formula here is friendly and not so hateful.
Recently the anime i see that the director try so hard just to give a better basic view on how this anime plays out, for example introducing the character. Some director want introducing them all at 1 episode. But Ookami did not suffer that weak point. This is a suspend anime which things has to be introduce 1 by 1.
Character here, especially female character, has freaking large eye. Is not the design is bad is just really annoy me much that i couldn't stop thinking that i dropping this Ookami and many moe moe---Kyun! It may annoy me (or maybe you) at first, but thankfully with the the suspend goes, the chemical reaction on this 2 keep this anime to be enjoyable.
The biggest weak point here was the BGM. There music on this anime use it in the wrong place and the wrong time. Give me a really weird impression on how the situation is play out.
Clockwise, the quality of the graphic was nothing to compared to other, as they are being decent in the level of anime art. Though it have some decent 3D, the animation was fair enough being not so bad on it. Movement and fighting was fine on it.
Though the enjoyment of anime was very annoying at first but later being a little bit interesting. It was a least a decent anime to enjoy, a type of anime you won't find it stupid, but it might be the anime you could have forget as times goes.
And in the end, Ookami is the least friendly version of 20th Century Boys, but is the anime you either like or forgot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 10, 2009
Is always party time when it come to playing Sengoku BASARA. Crazy game play, crazy combo, or even crazy character with crazy move. Always been pray for this day that BASARA must become the real anime after playing BASARA 2 Heroes with it anime cut scene, and Production I.G has finally deliver it!
The anime biggest weakness was none the other the story and some are complain about that. But from the start, BASARA doesn't even have a single decent story. Maybe i did play the game so i know. Is the same with the game, no need for historical explanation. The start of episode
one just gave you a short explanation what is going for a few minute and then is straight to the party. You may have to play the game or do some research to get a clear what is going on.
Action? Yes, BASARA is all about action with some frenzy craziness in it, fast, explosive, and some un-normal trick or behaviour. Who knew you will find a mushroom cloud in it, able to climb siege wall with horse, or how about punching someone in the face with random reason? That's how the party goes.
BASARA biggest star was his cast and seiyuu. You have all your favorite character from the game are animated here, and the original seiyuu voicing them in the game are here to reprise their role. Something is to be celebrate. But the down side is to many character, and some maybe fans favorite couldn't have enough time space to show off. And for some, the director were smart enough to reduce them; like getting kill in battle or something. Only remain some of the important key character like Sanada Yukimura, Date Masamune, Sarutobi Sasuke and to name a few.
Speaking of key character, i will be praise on the villian in BASARA. Oda Nobunaga, is one of the SOB i would say supremely well done in game and anime. And Matsunaga Hisahide who also appear only in BASARA 2 Heroes and only a few episode then died; again well done. Notorious and truely evil. The character personality didn't change at all. All of them are the same, Shingen always punching Yukimura for no reason, Masamune still have Dante like attitude, and blah blah blah.
The OP and ED are rocking good. The OP was done by Abbrigdon Boys School with Jap, they also did do the game OP of BASARA 2 Heroes and for this OP also on the PSP game Battle Heroes, and then the ED Break & Peace done by the band Dustz.
Some people will like it because action, some will not like it because of the weak story. But is a great action anime you might enjoy for a while, and is one hell of the party you might enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 10, 2009
Kampfer, well......
Just when i start to type my comment on this anime, i still thinking like: what does Kampfer really attach to me? The gender-swapping? The seiyuu? maybe the odd but interesting story element in it? And ya, i have a good sense of why it might attach to the other guys mostly: Service.Service.Service.Service.Service.Service.Service. (just follow the Service tone form Hayate 2nd Season episode 0 OVA).
Even i don't know why, but i just give what i think of it so far. (It will be update when is over)
Kampfer from what i say did have to do service. But here is the basis:
In one morning, Senou
Natsuru (a guy) discover that he has become a she by some cute but has it stomach cut out talking tiger doll and told her (him) that she (he) is a Kampfer, a magical girl who has to fight on something. It still haven't reveal what it is but maybe later. As soon she finally revert back to him, he was throw into a sudden battle/meeting Mishima Akane, his later allies; but end up his childhood friend he like, Sakura Kaede, is in love in his female self.
Overall, the episode i see so far where i like to call 'random service' plot. The anime or the director doesn't take the plot seriously, just give us random stuff; but only have a small portion of Kampfer plot. Nothing new or anything big to scope out the real thing. Oh ya, speaking the real thing; you get to see Natsuru getting her (him) self to be like some kind of service tool on the series and to other character.
All the character here i would say useless. Natsuru is a guys and he (she) is helpless with a bunch of girls around him, and they happen (smartly) to use him (her) popular to earn $$$. Akane suppose to help him but couldn't help herself and might be like him (her). And Kaicho-san (Sangou Shizuku), enough flirting with Natsuru or other and start tell us what going on and what you know.
For what i have write and think of the episode i watch so far, this is more like a yuri anime! X_X
Sure, the animation is well done, and the color in the anime is bright color. This was one of the place Kampfer have won.
The other were the seiyuu. Inoue Marina, Horie Yui, Nakajima Megumi, Noto Mamiko, Mizuki Nana, Tamura Yukari and to name a few. All top notch seiyuu doing kawaii voices on 'kawaii' anime, with service. Another won by Kampfer.
And the funny thing is that they even throw themselve in it, mostly by name but Tamura Yukari-san happen to throw her image in it on episode 1, in anime style. Again, they won.
(The other seiyuu that also throw her image in it from what i heard are a seiyuu voice Shizuka on Doraemon, don't who that is but she is old and voice the tiger in this anime.)
The OP of the anime just doesn't not suit my taste, but ED does suit my taste with the closing done by none the other Inoue Marina and Nakajima Megumi.
Well that how it is so far, even there is still a lot of bad point on it, but it just keeps me watching! (Maybe i am the type of guy who want to finish to the end) I write a full review on this anime when is over, and hopefully they will able to live up everyone (not everyone) expectation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 10, 2009
Ever think about after you die, that you would go to hell without knowing what have you done in your life; and you will be sentence to suffer forever. No one here to help you or even given you another chance. And for this manga review, whoever die are given another chance to prove his/her innocent, of course with a help of a devil lawyer.
Once again, Korean manhwa artist has impressed me once more (the other is KuroKami). Defense Devil was a great combination from some of the manga i know could think of: almost has the Death Note art style and a little story
style + Phoneix Wright (sorry the wrong spelling) character with action + maybe a Detective Conan story tell.
The story are pretty quick and simple to start, Mephisto Bart Kucabara and Bichura are trying to get back in their homeland, but they need something call the 'Dark Matter'. So to do this, they have to get their 'client' (the dead) to sign a contract; and is up to this 2 to solve the case and prove their innocent, then finally earn the Dark Matter that was release from the client after the case is solve. However, the shinigami here will do whatever it take to finish their own job, execute the dead.
The first chapter of the manga has already state the basis and detail you need to start off your reading. After chapter 1, it begin to progress to the plot. This plot are cases that are need to be solve like 5, 6 or more chapter. Feel lost in the middle of the story, the tittle of the chapter will let you keep track easily. The name of the tittle will keep repeating the same with the number changing as each chapter goes until that cases is close.
Like all the detective story, there always be some plot twist on the chapter. And Defense Devil IS A detective story with supernatural element on it. It also got some comedy part in it, but the effect just work a little to give light on the manga. There is occasion that Kucabara say something 'dirty' to the lady around in Defense Devil, that just one of the example.
The character drawing are over the top. The guys look cool, the girls look very sweet and beautiful. Plus i would say that all the shinigami here are real bad asses that will let me continue to read on (i want to see them dead! dud!). Both notorious and dreadful that continue challenge Kucabara and Bichura as the cases goes.
The manga is still on going, and the story begin to explore just how many shinigami are in Defense Devil and why when so far to execute the dead, Kucabara and Bichura real identity and past, and of course the client cases, continue to expose and explore through out the chapter.
A supreme manga that are highly recommend everyone to check it out, though i have a lot of manga i don't know that are serialize and how good they are. But i be looking forward another Korean manhwa will start serialize in the future. A high hope and a salute again to the Korean.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 9, 2009
Have you guys ever baby sit your friends kids or maybe your relative kids just for a while? While for me i haven't baby sit anyone (yet), but after reading Beelzebub; i can say one thing about baby sit: IS LIKE HELL!!!!!! (and in a very crazy way!)
Beelzebub in my country are roughly translate as 'The Demon Baby-Sitter', and hell it really kick my leg with this craziness on this manga. The story start up with a so call 'nice and simple' start:
In the story, there is a nice kind young men (a Fxxxing bad ass, in which he want mention himself as a nice
guy, NOT!) call Oga Tatsumi; and everyone is generous (fear) on him because he is very strong and nice (beat a Shxx out) on everyone.
OK, time to back to normal....'''-_-
Until there is some Freddie Mercury wannabe just drift to the shore, and suddenly 'Freddie' body just open by split himself half and then there is a baby......!!!!!!
Wait, did i just say the body open itself and......oO?!?!?!
ANYWAY, so that how thing go. And the baby happen to like him. (Even though he try to kill him...'''-_-)
The start of the story are just crazy introduction of the character, but rather; the whole basis of this craziness. Oga tell how nice he is to his one an only friend, (stupid) Furuichi Takayuki, then Hildegarda, the maid, shows up and try to slice of the Shxx out of them but end up helping them.
To make it short, the start is all about craziness,yes. But the important is it start to build up to the plot as Oga begin getting use to the situation he has and the power he got now, and finding to get rid of the baby!
The art and the character drawing are nothing to see here (except Hilda, who she remind of Saber), not beautiful, rough, but is the right type of drawing to match up this craziness, just like Gintama.
Manga that about high school delinquents are (maybe) common for me, like Tenjou Tenge, Air Gear, or Yankee-kun and Megane-chan. And this has to be the most so call 'power full' delinquents i see. And it keep me one hell of the laughter.
PS:So the next time i been ask to baby sit someone, i rather say no!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 9, 2009
Have you guys ever heard that video game base on movie are just merely a product? Well, i remember some crappy video game base on movie game like Transformers, or ET. But maybe some game like Lord of the Ring or maybe the recent Wolverine game for the PC is good. Speaking of game, now i going comment a anime that was base from one of the best game from Capcom call 'Devil May Cry' (wahhhhh.....), and how that i think about it; well, let's find out!
DMC, when it say it going to become an anime; i like any other DMC player are jump for
joy for it adaption. But after going through all the 12 episode of DMC, i like any other DMC player are down with sorrow and anger that what the hell the director has done on DMC.
The story in this anime are all episodic, each episode are stand alone story until episode 9 or 10 where the real plot has finally started. And each episode are all the same:
1,there is a demon case
2,Dante sitting around and do nothing (or maybe try to annoy Patty stupid problem) until Morrison say 'get your ass up! We got work to do, blah blah blah....'
3,He goes to work, have some help from Lady and Trish
4,He blew the work, mission accomplish and his debt is increase. The End!
That it! Nothing new, no plot that connected to other plot, zero! Until episode 9 or 10.
Sure you have character like Dante, Lady, and Trish to be animated here, and you do have character only for this anime, like Patty, she has been on the series since episode only has 'finally' been serve as a important character on episode 9 or 10, for the rest of the episode she just serve as a annoying brat! And Morrison, Dante agent always try to bring him a good job but end getting mess up by Dante.
For Dante, Lady, and Trish (i still want make a comment on them!), Dante still Dante, like pizza and strawberry, and weild Ebony & Ivory and Rebellion to fight off demon. And the funny thing is, he use his gun more than his sword! Even the director finally let him use it, the sword battle are just temporary! But Trish and Lady still play their role where they supposed to be, to support Dante and take Dante credit!
Animation is good, no less. The shading and everything was good. Even the bike scene in episode 2 are well done. Plus the OP of the series was nice, able to blend in the series as well. But the ED (though i didn't listen that often) was smooth and relax.
What is the credit for us finishing DMC anime? Zero!
What is the credit for them finishing DMC anime?Promoting DMC4!
What is the credit for us buying DMC anime DVD?More DMC4 bonus!
And in my opinion, this bonus are come to nothing and pointless after the real thing is out. The anime just bring down Dante good point and completely destroy the DMC atmosphere. And DMC is not the only one being anime, other like 'Tales of...', '.Hack' did make the series well and on going. And heck, even the live action Resident Evil movie was better than this!
That why product movie, animation, comic or anything that is base on something are mostly not a good thing!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 4, 2009
This would have been another 4-Koma manga for you, but hey! It good for you to laugh for minute while. Little Busters! 4-Koma are just slice-of-life 4-koma you would laugh for a while but enjoy it with a lot fun if you know what Little Busters! are.
Little Busters! are another Key visual novel, the game story revolve Little Busters!, the group of 5 teenager, Naoe Riki, Miyazawa Kengo, Natsume Rin, Inohara Masato, and it was lead by Rin brother, Natsume Kyousuke. It has been formed since they are little, as they venture through various crazy thing in school Kyousuke would call it 'mission'. Along the
way, they also recruit some new member in their high school year, include: Kamikita Komari, Kurugaya Yuiko, Nishizono Mio, Saigusa Haruka, and Noumi Kudryavka, which she is 1/3 Russian + Japanese.
And for this manga, it happen to release the first few chapter before the game was release, this was like in 2007; but anyway, this just fact.
Well that how it is, but unfortunally this 4-koma will not tell you what is this. So, to get to the idea of Little Busters!; you either to play it or go to Wiki. Don't expect any story line here, because this is all about the comedy and slice-of-life school life, nothing more. The comedy is random here and you can expect what will or don't know how crazy thing gonna turn out.
All the character here are moe as usual. The interesting thing watching these Little Busters! is how random they would do in each chapter of the manga. Kyousuke and Haruka crazy 'mission' or idea, Rin cat lover habit, Masato (silly) muscle building, and to name a few are all random habit or work they would do on each chapter; and i have one held of a good time enjoy a good laugh.
This should be recommend by fans or anyone knows what it is. But a least you could enjoy it for while even though you don't know what it is. Is good for a few laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 4, 2009
Oh how the mighty has fallen...Ito Sensei. This anime would be 'Great!' if Madhouse didn't continue or forward the story line, Tenjou Tenge would have been a 'Great!' anime with some martial art kick ass animation to attract us on the first place.
Although the guro fest, and guys who has unnatural muscular body like DBZ doesn't suit my taste on manga and anime, but Tenjou Tenge does have a good story but it doesn't go to the main point. You will spend the next 16+ episode only just to see the Past Chapter. The chapter mostly revolve the older character in Tenjou Tenge, like Maya,
Bunshichi, Mitsuomi, and other. It does give us a clear view on how they come and why, but why do it 18+ episode to cover up on the 26 episode. They could a least shorten the plot, make it easy to understand and further it to the real fight. But Madhouse just have to pick the Past Chapter as the main plot of this anime. As if like turns out that Maya, Bunshichi, Mitsuomi, and other older character are the main character, and Souichiro, Bob and Aya are just the side character to maintain the plot or something. Madhouse just giving Maya the main character seat, not Aya or Souichiro.
You can't blame for the animation in this anime (and hey, is 2004 and you can expect a better animation quality like today!), but if i was living watching this on 2004, i would say the animation is good. The fight scene, character movement were pretty well done. And i also like the OP animation where the character jumping out from the manga strip, pretty creative.
The cast of Tenjou Tenge i would say 'AAA' class. Though i know a few of them like, Hoshi Souichirou (Kira Yamato), Ikeda Shuuichi (Char Aznable), Yao Kazuki (Judau Ashta), Miki Shinichiro (Lockon Stratos), Seki Tomokazu (Domon Kasshu) and to name a few. And ya....all the male cast are happen to be voice on the character of Gundam in past and future.''''-_-
The verdict, i would say: 'Madhouse, giving me a good OP and ED and having a 'AAA' class seiyuu won't please me, if you guys would have continue the anime.'
Like i say:'Oh how the mighty has fallen... ' Tenjou Tenge have the best animation studio to produce it, the best manga, the best cast of seiyuu, but it just happen to fall off because of the Past Chapter, and not even the OVA would able relive this anime if Madhouse would have left us clueless on it.
For you to continue the plot, you have continue it on the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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