The thing about being a comic book nerd discovering manga back in the 80's and 90's is that it was almost like being one of those hip kids first discovering William Burroughs back when Naked Lunch was the edgiest thing in literature. There was just something cool about reading Akira when everyone else was reading Superman Adventures. Peter Milligan's Human Target? Forget that, there was Crying Freeman!
Ok, ok, bad example.
But there is something undeniably nostalgic about Rumiko Takahashi's earlier work. I'm not so sure it's the fact I grew up with Ranma, as much as there's a dry look to her art that gives her
Sep 21, 2010
Dennou Coil
Guys, look, there are plenty of reasons you should watch Denno Coil; This show has a great story, good characters, a pretty nice soundtrack, and everything you'd expect from a great series. But above all else, there is one absolute reason why you should watch Denno Coil:
There is an episode where BEARDS wage war on other beards. I am serious. And if that isn't enough to make you watch it, then you and I will never understand each other. |