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Sousou no Frieren 2nd Season
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Kurtka Dec 25, 2019 6:11 AM
Merry Christmas to you <3
May your dreams come true!!~
Rsurect Jan 11, 2019 2:21 PM
i agree, dont worry tho ill be your friend
you can if you want to, sure beats using mal to talk to people
Rsurect Jan 11, 2019 11:00 AM
you say it like having a small(er) circle of friends is a bad thing. do you have discord btw? easier to chat that way
Rsurect Jan 11, 2019 5:09 AM
lmao i agree, im too lazy and wont leave the house until i have to really which is bad. i did go out yesterday though so i think its fine
Rsurect Jan 10, 2019 8:05 AM
did you have fun with your friend?
zawa113 Jan 9, 2019 6:14 PM
Eh, I can be bad at responding at times too!

I can ALWAYS come up with good manga recs! And if you're looking to buy, I can suggest ones that you can likely get pretty cheap on the used market. Or do you also read things online through... other means? I kind of do both, but I buy plenty, so I never feel guilty about doing test runs or reading ahead through other methods. Anyway, I also read pretty much all genres and demographics (except cute girls doing cute things). So I'll read shonen, shojo, seinen, and josei and then action, fantasy, scifi, drama, romance, etc. I'm far more picky on anime, where I tend to stick to scifi. I'm not big on comedy on either anime or manga though (but there are a few I like)

I'm actually more "meh" on BL. It could be the asexual thing with me, who knows, but I tend to like BL with almost no sex and all plot.

Another thing is that I'll typically only experience a story in one format. Typically, that will be manga, unless the anime or video game came first and I can get them fairly easily. If it was originally a light novel, it's a toss-up if I'll do anime or manga, but I'll still likely stick with one (I don't tend to read book books very often...)

Anyway, here's some manga I'd recommend:
Yona of the Dawn-this one is still ongoing, but it's a fantasy shojo epic and I do tend to like me some of those! I would also recommend From Far Away and Basara for more fantasy shojo goodness, but finding print copies of those just... isn't happening, so you'd have to use other methods. She also made NG Life, very different in genre, but also a really good series that I wish got more love (now that Yona is getting good attention). NG Life is 9 vols and From Fara Away is 14, if you wanted to try for some of the shorter ones here (the other two are 27 volumes at least)

Black Jack-I've read basically all of the Osamu Tezuka stuff that has come out in English. Black Jack is always a good choice because there's no ongoing plot, so starting anywhere is fine. While I'd straight up say to ignore most of his earlier works (like 40 and 50s), his best stuff was definitely from the mid-70s through the 80s. If you wanted something more... BL from him, then I'd go with [MW, which is also very good (and 3 vols, so it's shorter, in English, it was published in a single giant volume, which is fairly easy to get at a rasonable price on Amazon)

Eternal Sabbath-I'm also a big fan of my scifi goodness! And psychological stuff! This is a shorter series, 8 vols. The mangaka has done a pretty wide variety of genres, while I'm not a fan of her shojo stuff, I do like her seinen stuff. For more scifi stuff (with some extremely 90s moments at times), I would also recommend Please Save My Earth, which is also great if you want some tragedy! Spirit Circle is just ending its US publication, but it's 6 volumes and really good. I think it got some more attention because of Planet With (same creator, Planet With was his first anime and it was good).

Genkaku Picasso-I like Usumaru Furuya in general, but I think Genkaku Picasso is my fav of his. It's only 3 volumes (though vol 3 is extra thick), but his pacing on it is amazing. Whenever you read things by him, you tend to ask "does this guy get off on drawing or something? Even for manga, it's freakishly amazing!"

Maoh Juvenile Remix-I also do like my actiony weird psychological stuff! I keep meaning to re-read this one, actually...

Hikaru no Go-I'm also a big fan of really good coming of age stories and Hikaru no Go is both one of the best I've read of coming of age and one of the best sports/game manga I've read. Probably because it doesn't rely on the audience actually knowing intricate rules of Go and by not having matches last for volumes at a time (I wanna say the longest is maybe 4 chapters). It's the same artist as Death Note, but not the same author (seems to be a common misconception). Another really good coming of age is Twin Spica (which sadly did shit for sales, I knew to buy it because I had seen the anime, which only goes maybe 6-7 vols in and the manga is way better), which is coming of age in a school for future astronauts. I think Onanie Master Kurosawa could also count under this genre. It wasn't at all what I was expecting (based on the title, I was thinking terrible ecchi, but it is not! Also not a genre I'm fond of), but just read it, I don't want to spoil it.

Go For It, Nakamura!-it's one vol, but I think the author is working on more. This is one of those things where it's LGBT, but I wouldn't call it BL, but it's adorable and I live the fuck out of this! Speaking of LGBT, if you want to take a hard turn into "really effin' weird and also kind of sort of LGBT", I would definitely recommend After School Nightmare

Astra: Lost in Space-and for some scifi goodness to finish things out, I quite enjoyed this series recently, about a group of kids making their way back through space (a specific sub genre I am inexplicably fond of, but I swear if you put that survival shit on a single planet? I'm usually not going for it, though I'm still going to watch 7Seeds on Netflix because it's by the creator of Basara). Toward the Terra is a great classic series as well, I love my psychic powers series! I would probably say the 2007 TV series is the best version of the story (with the manga also really good and just ignore the movie)

anyway, that should be enough for now!
Rsurect Jan 9, 2019 2:42 PM
doing fuck all as always, anything you're up to?
Rsurect Jan 9, 2019 2:02 PM
hey, thanks for accepting. whats up?
Rsurect Jan 8, 2019 8:16 PM
yo whats up
zawa113 Jan 5, 2019 8:00 AM
If you only have money for one volume right now, get the last volume, 19, so that you can read the true epilogue, Garden of Light. I told my friend she was going to NEED it after finishing the last episode and yes, she agreed that she did.

I personally love older manga. Not super super old, but starting from the 70s, there's just so much good stuff that doesn't really have equivalents today. Stuff like Swan, which is also gorgeous, though clearly has an old art style. Art style doesn't affect me as much as how it affects the readability of the panels and the manga itself. It's why I think the Trigun manga can go die in a ditch, I can't figure out what is going on in that manga for the life of me. And now there's just so much great manga that did get English releases but are out of print. Stuff like From Far Away, Please Save My Earth, or Basara (I'm hoping with her 7seeds series getting a Netflix series next year that someone might finally license the damn manga!). For Basara, Yumi Tamura's character designs can be especially weird by today's standards, but the woman can draw! I find that I'm actually a LOT more picky when it comes to the art on American comics. Like, you're in color and have a bigger budget, why can I STILL not see any of your character's facial expression properly in this oversaturation of color? I feel like manga understands that less can be more when it comes to their art being easily legible.

I find I'm less picky when it comes to dub vs sub, I have to really REALLY hate a particular character or VA (or just think a VA is mismatched to a character severely) to switch over to sub. But I find when I search my memories, that I often can't remember if I watched something dub or sub at times. In the case of No. 6 though, I can already tell I'll be going sub. I generally like Greg Ayres just fine, but I don't think he's good for playing soft boys likes Shion.

I'm pretty good about not spoiling things for myself, I don't think I looked up spoilers once during my playing of ALL the Danganronpa games! And I didn't play them until PS4, I didn't have a Vita and when I finally got a PSTV, the PS4 version was announced shortly after.
zawa113 Jan 4, 2019 4:04 PM
The Banana Fish fandom community, in general, was actually very good about not spoiling things for the newcomers. We wanted to see them experience the suffering first, and then come and cry in the group with everyone else! And considering how many spoilers that series had from the word "go", we were quite disciplined about it. All the anime newcomers I saw were completely blindsided by Skip, Shorter, and the ending. My one friend basically predicted everyone would die one by one, leaving just Ash at the end, but aha! That is not what happened at all!

But I really do still think the manga is better. While when the anime drew certain shots (like ash shooting Shorter, Eiji's jump), it just nailed them so beautifully and the backgrounds were infinitely better (never a strong suit of the manga), but it also cut almost ALL the little moments. Some of the Ash & Eiji ones survived (though not all), but Shorter and especially Sing suffered hard from so many cuts. I feel like anime!Sing is a shadow of his manga counterpart where he just does SO much more! While some of their compressing of so much material was done really damn well, other parts were definitely rushed. Like Ash vs Foxx, those two spend almost a volume slowly feeling each other out, but the anime REALLY rushed that.
So definitely read the manga as soon as you can! I'm glad that Viz at least put it back in print after all these years!

Kokichi is definitely my favorite Danganronpa character! I like Nagito too, but I feel like Kokichi has so much more personality and self motivation in comparison and I found him a lot more interesting. And the entire Kokichi and Kaito trial had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I think V3 was my favorite of the games overall, partially because gameplay improvements as time went on (especially from 1) were inevitable, but I also just like the cast dynamic the best too. The funny thing is that I've been hearing Derek Stephen Prince's voice acting since way back in 2000 or so with Digimon 02, but Kokichi instantly became my favorite character of his to date.

Did you play the Zero Escape series too?
zawa113 Jan 4, 2019 1:02 PM
Well, when I saw the Kokichi Oma avatar on the forum combined with the recommendation for BF as a fav of the year, I had to message you as well!

I'd first read the manga maybe 10 years ago (and I've read it 4 times), so I knew all the sad things that were going to happen, but I LOVED seeing the reactions from new fans as they got completely devastated! I'm probably an evil person at heart....

I have read No. 6, but it's been a while. With the anime going OOP, I did pick up a set (for $10), so I'll get to that soon enough!
zawa113 Jan 3, 2019 9:08 PM
Hooray, more Banana Fish fans! I'm curious, had you read the manga before, or was the anime your first exposure to the series?
InsaneJester Sep 6, 2018 2:56 AM
Hey! How are you? :)
alexleonardo08 Aug 31, 2018 1:58 PM
Thank you for the recommendation of danganronpa. It completed the story and answered the questions I had. Danganronpa was really, a good series. Guess I will play v3 now
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