Quatre Raberba Winner

Quatre Raberba Winner

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Tokubetsu-hen
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Episode Zero
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Battlefield of Pacifists
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Blind Target
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Ground Zero
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz - Haisha-tachi no Eikou
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop
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Gundam EXA
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Member Favorites: 122

Quatre Raberba Winner (カトル・ラバーバ・ウィナー)

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnic origin: Arabian descent
Place of origin: L4 colony cluster
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Platinum gold
Occupation: Gundam Pilot
Mobile Suits: Gundam Sandrock, Gundam Sandrock Custom

The friendly, empathetic pilot of the Gundam Sandrock, Quatre is unusually tender-hearted for a Gundam pilot. He is the only son of a wealthy family of space colony builders, with 29 older sisters and a stern pacifist father who disapproves of his going into combat. Though Quatre himself abhors bloodshed, he feels compelled to fight to protect his loved ones.

While Quatre lacks the fighting prowess and ruthlessness of his fellow Gundam pilots, he does have excellent family connections, almost unlimited cash, and a troop of forty loyal underlings at his disposal. His gentle personality quickly wins over his fellow Gundam pilot Trowa Barton, and he eventually becomes the de facto leader of the Gundam pilots.

In Frozen Teardrop

Voice Actors
Orikasa, Ai
Swaile, Brad
Prata, Patrizio
Fagundes, Vagner
Portuguese (BR)
Pippig, Tobias
Yang, Jeong Hwa
Grull, Pascal
Castiglia, George
Tenorio, Luis

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