I can tell you right now. If this series didn't have Tania, I would've dropped it at episode one.
Every now and then a generic isekai or high school rom-com comes along that is able to get through to me. On paper there's no reason to like it, but maybe the plot, artwork or a character will be interesting enough to make it worth my time. I guess this is one of those shows. I'm here from the manga (which is superior in my opinion but nothing to write home about) and I think the animation study did a good job with the material they
Sep 4, 2021
Black Lagoon
I got more than I expected from this anime. I didn't think it would have moments as 'dark' as it did, but each one I can think of had something that pulled me out of the situation. The gothic incestial loli killer twins. The silent, unexpectedly cute cleaner who swings a chainsaw around. The pale (South American) maid in a french style uniform. And who could forget the 5 episode season finale where the writher couldn't resist including a Japanese high school girls. They even found a way to undress her and make her the head of group of Yakuza.
What I'm getting at is that ... Jun 11, 2021
This "comedy" had some funny moments but ultimately it lingers in a space between comedy and drama. Not in a good way. Maybe you could think of it as a dark comedy but the jokes don't really hit like that. My biggest problem from what little I did see was the MC. You loose all empathy for him by the fact that he plays the game more than once. He screams, cries, and feels miserable in the game and each time I'm just like "Yeah serves you right, what did you expect?" The reason he gets ostracized during his adventure is so realistic. They
Jun 7, 2021
Kaijuu 8-gou
Nothing you haven't seen before but its fine for what it is. I try to keep my expectations low when picking up new stories because I tend to enjoy even mediocre ones more. What I wanted was simple action packed underdog story with monsters fighting. That's what I got.
All said, everything about this was about average. The art was disappointing but the monsters had really good designs and I think that's where the artist excelled. I liked the fight scenes but its weird seeing characters get pumped full of holes, continue to fight and being completely fine a few pages later. I know its ... |