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May 13, 2020
first of all i want to say i hate the romance bullshit and i don't care about the whole romance relationships thing
most of the reviews did'nt really do the justice for me so i am writing this review to give you my honest opinion about this show
notice :- this review is wroten by a crying baby who is gonna write an review just to complain about anime for 4 hours
story ( 1/10 ) :-
how many flashbacks and bullshit drama do you want ?!
every single episode ?!
if your answer is yes you are gonna love this show and if you hate this type of shows your gonna hate it
the problem with flashbacks that they overused in this series i mean
which makes my reaction every single time i see flash back
" come on another flash back "
so don't expect me to Interact with flashbacks because the flashbacks is just cheap way from the writers because they are too lazy to write and develop characters throw the story instead of taking there time to do it , just put another flashback
the problem with this story that they really don't have any breaks
in every single episode there is drama just why ?!
what about building the characters ( not using the flashbacks ) or giving us time to relax from the drama
there no real time for me to even Interact with them or to know anything about them with out putting another drama sense
what about there life ?! do they even have one ?!
the k.o for me was romance i mean why the hell you even put it ?
in the first season there nothing that tell this gonna be a romance show because season one focuses on the drama more
and all sudden the show become a romance in the episode 4
what about the koto , oh i forget this is a romance drama show
who even care about the koto thing just replace it with basketball ?!
they should really focus more about the koto ( because that what i am coming for in the first place )
to sum it for you :-
- bad romance
- so much flash backs
- so much drama
- where the koto is gone ( i need more koto instead of the drama )
- can we just have some slice of life moments
- is this show about music or drama or what ?!
art ( 3/10 ) :-
i really hate the art specially the jeans i really hate how it looks
beside that the art is normal and the animation is just talking nothing really special
sometimes there is some good illustrations in the show but they just appear
for few seconds
sound ( 2/10 ) :-
can we focus more on the music please ?!
i did'nt like the op or ed i found them normal
also i really did'nt hear any good osts
characters ( 1/10 ) :-
developing the characters throw the flashbacks and friendshit also
even in the worst anime i have seen there some good characters or there is lovable side of them but in this anime i hate all the characters "all of them"
let me explain why
glasses-kun ( kurata ) :- he is always blaming himself when anything wrong
" i am failure " or " all of it is my mistake " just stop for the love of god.
bad girl ( kurusu ) :- she is most over dramatic one in all of them " am i even allowed to love " and my answer to this question " just kill me please who thought about this one " .
bad guy ( kudou ) :- the prince , the kind one , the dump one and the strong one , i hate all of this Traits
cold lady ( Houzuki ) :- i was so lonely , i don't trust anyone and i don't depend on anyone so ok i give up at this point
enjoyment ( 1/10 ) :-
i thought season one have enough drama but in the season two even more drama and i could not handle watch this garbage anymore
overall ( 3/10 ) :-
i think i might be too hard in this show because i don't like the " so much drama " type of things or " so romantic " type of thing , there is some people out there who love this show and call it underrated but it's just another romcom garbage for me and i hope you understand my point of view and why i hate this how so much
also sorry for my bad eng
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 23, 2019
do you remember when fairy tail was good series also do you know something when brain dead like me realize there is something wrong with this series you will be sure that this thing is just kinda fucked up at this point
, this season is the worst season in this series so far and there is a lot of reasons why also i love fairy tail but in this season they just destroy everything from the power system to even the characters themselves i tried to not spoil this but i spoiled it anyway because i am mad about how bad this has been
and i need to let you understand why and i will get a lot of hate because this review but i didn't have any regrets also i don't have any thing against the fans or series and i just hate this season and think he ruined the whole series (at least for me) .
this review will contain a lot of bad words (as fuck) also spoilers so yeah
"ah shit , here we write again"
story (1/10) :-
they kinda fucked it up when it comes to the story and that's for a lot of reasons and one them is because they kill someone because he seen his mother for the first time and let's explain more why this thing is fucked up in the erza fight with his mother she destroy big rock that comes from space with one punch and this happened few moments before that happened she can't
even move or walk !! , natsu is both demon and dragon so he choose to become a human so now he is a normal wizard am i right ? nope he uses this two power to win in the final fight which is contain natsu vs the strongest black wizard (zaref) who have an endless magic power also this black wizard know all of types of the magic and lived for 400 years !! and he is now lose in battle with normal wizard in the end if i will talk about all things that fucked up in this season this review will take so long so this is enough as an simple example of how fucked up this story is really is and something else i don't care about the friendshit power because she is kinda fucked up also and oh i will make this
the points when i think the series is kinda got destroyed :-
- you can come back to life in this series just because someone is die so you will get his life power
-your love is not enough to kill someone even if you kissed him and had sex with him ?
-how the time even work ?
-why there is god slayers when we did'nt see any gods in this series ?
-you can hear your friends voice when you are far away of then also your sleeping ?
-spirits i have never heard of them (what are you talking about ) ?
- you will try to destroy a city then you will stop and die because you have seen your mother for the first time
- who is the black wizard child ?
art (5/10):-
in this season the art is kinda so bad in a lot of moments they draw the non face face the face that does'nt have any something to express remember this thing in the series that depend on expressing the feelings and this art is much worst than the the last season because you will find this non face face a lot in this season at least you will find from 10 to 4 times or maybe more in every ep in this season god damn this what they have done in the last 3 years of me waiting this season and this what i got ? also there no one clip that can be treated as highly animated in the anime that have a lot of fights , god i wish i will back in time to forget that this season was even coming out because this what 3 years of animation be like
sound (10/10) :-
the only god thing is this season is the osts to honest because they are stay the same and give the same feeling even in this bad season , i love this ost because he had a lot of feelings from love , hate , fight , family and friendship so it's very good ost , endings and openings and they have a lot of feelings inside them every time i heard them i remember when fairy was a "good series"
character (5/10):-
the new characters does'nt have any personalty at all they just want to kill you for no reason and they also will die for silly reason also some of them just being the one from the strongest wizards in the world and that does'nt mean they can't be the weakest also and lose in a battle with "normal wizards" from the first time in the series they talked about how strong is this ten wizards is really are until you think one of them can kill all fairy tail members and in this season we know how weak this wizards is really are and now you know that natsu is enough to win vs them all in fight one vs one and this is just silly as fuck
enjoyment (2/10) :-
i say a lot of bad things in this review and the main reason for this because i don't like when someone just ruined my enjoyment because in the first time i have watched this series i enjoyed a lot in every arc even the weakest arcs i enjoyed them all but this season/arc is just so bad until i can't even complete the last 2 ep watching this anime become suffering and actions , ,events , story and even feelings just become a joke at this point i loved fairy tail so much i even watched it every day until i finished it but this season i can't even watch it every week
overall (5/10) :-
i don't need to repeat i don't have anything against the series or the fans but i need to admit i hated this season a lot until i wanted just to forget that i have even watched fairy tail and this season is just a big disappointment not just for me because i discovered when i talked to the other fans that everyone just sow this season as one form the biggest disappointments in anime world as whole i don't know why there is a lot of good reviews her i am really so confused is that i am just being toxic hater emo for this series or this series is that bad from the begin and to be honest i feel like i am reviewing my bad feelings for this series instead of writing a really good review but i don't have any regrets because writing this make me feel more comfortable
so i am really sorry for all the bad words that i wrote and bye bye
also i forget to say sorry for my bad eng
hope you have soparashi day
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 21, 2019
"can i say something amazing " - baka
"this show is really funny as hell" - me replying to baka
the retard brain dead which is me will review this anime because he enjoyed it , i love this show so much it's story about high school girls who enjoyed thier life and have you know "normal life" and that's what make is awesome and it's show you how amazing and funny your youth can be and something else finally some comedy anime with a "STORY" to tell
story (10/10) :-
guess what this comedy anime have a story , yes and his story
is really relaxing and funny in the same time also thier is no fan service , thier is no bullshit romance in this story which makes the story feels more real for teenagers and the comedy is just golden comedy because they did'nt use other anime or aliens to make it funny , they use something batter words that can be spoken and actions that can really happened is the real life and that give his own comedy and i find that this comedy is really special and it's hard to find something like it also i wanna say something else thier is a lot of things to learn from the story even if it's just comedy series
art (10/10) :-
the art is not that much of thing , it's just really normal art but the way they use this art skills is just amazing to improve the comedy in this show example :- when the teacher in the anime hear that she need to protect the world instead of picking subject in the school his own glasses starts to break
, so yeah it's really good art for comedy anime the coloring is good and character design describe the character and fit with thier personalty , from the first time you sow that character you will know his turn
sound (10/10) :-
the sound is good for comedy series because it's just relaxing and being funny thier is no need for any drama sounds or action and most of the time you focus in the words not the sound but sometimes the words just mix together which make me so confused but this feel more real like they have a real argument which is very funny by the way
characters (10/10) :-
i like this stupid characters so much they are just wired but in the same time you will love them because they are just being themself , they are'nt try to act to be funny , they are really funny and they know they are funny and this the best part they know that they acting so wired and funny which give them more real human being more than being just anime character and you will find all characters types but they did thier job right because the loli is just being loli , the beautiful just being the beautiful one , the stupid know she is so stupid , the robot girl just being you know no feelings , the smart one being the smart one and scary one know she is scary so that's it and the characters do what they like and having time with thier friends like a real person
enjoyment (10/10) :-
i enjoyed this thing so much i find very funny and special for comedy anime and that;s why i love it it's heartwarming series about girls have time like a real high school girls and this makes funny and great in the same time so give it a try
thanks for reading hope you have soprashi day!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 21, 2019
i am just one form those brain dead people who enjoyed seeing everything maybe and i like this show so much because it's talk's about something that all teenagers have problem with and this thing is not knowing what is the difference between love and sex and i am too have the same problem , i just did'nt know the difference because i really watched a lot of hentai to be honest which leading to make it and what makes watching this show feels so good is that slice of life anime have a shocking moments and this is just amazing because it's really
rare to find something like that most of the time slice of life anime is just relaxing events and calming down but this show is the opposite
story(10/10) :-
this story is really wired story but in the same time i find the idea of the story very related to the teenagers and the most important thing in this anime that i find this anime very funny also i find a lot of unexpected actions and events which is surprise me and shocked me in the same time and i think this story about sex and youth felt really good to watch because during watching you will try explore this idea about what love is really mean for you not just for characters you also will start to think of it
art (10/10) :-
i think the art fit really good with the story and the way they draw the characters and faces express the character feelings in a really good way but sometimes i find too shiny for my eyes but i just accept it because i find that it's really Special and beautiful in the same time and this one from things that gives the show his own feeling and that's why i really love the art so much
ost /sound (10/10) :-
i find that the sound is really amazing and beautiful you can find that the sound just stick with your mind because they just using it in the perfect time and i really don't how to describe it i find it relaxing but in the same time it's turn to dramatic ost with few moments and that's make it so amazing and special in the same time , i really want to hear the ost again but i could'nt find it ( @__@ )
characters (10/10) :-
yes i love the characters i find every one of them very special and have his own turn in the story , i find all the types of the characters the stupid one , the one that can't go again's the rules , the one that feels lost , the one that think that she need's to be more interesting and last the one that tried to get the love in any way possible and i understand what they think of , why they act like that and most important i understand thier feelings , i understand why they love , what they think about love , what they want from this love and most important what is thier idea about what love is really is for them is it just to have sex or just to know that other side loves you
enjoyment(10/10) :-
i enjoyed this show so fucking much i like the characters and i find this anime to be the best of this winter when it comes to the enjoyment side because it's really funny and have a lot of shocking moments you know for just slice of life anime you did''nt find that special thing most of time but in this anime yes you found it the special thing that you wanna see
overall (10/10) :-
i don't really know how write a review for this anime very well because i love all the animes that i watched for some reason and this anime just made me write a review about it because i really will never forget this show even if i grow up and i really enjoyed every moment of it i find this anime to be master peace and yeah i love it in the end that's my review if you enjoyed just tell me and i will so happy and sorry for my bad eng
thanks for reading this review and hope you have soprashi day !!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 10, 2018
this story is about the real meaning of the "hebeol" its the connector between the humans and its more than love it self if i see amazing thing in this movie its how he show the feelings between humans , in every death we know how they feel and after watching this movie it's feel like being reborn in another life with clear soul and lets start :)
story :- 10 /10
this story is amazing i have never seen something like it before it's between the slice of life and the fantasy and when you see how its so balanced between
this two things , it's just perfect and i like how story start directly in the drama form the first 10 Minutes everything is so damn great and you cant leave your chair just for one moment because everything going so fast no need to wait the action to start not like another also story every event happened just make my heart beat so hard i just want to cry with them and want to smile with them and this show show values that is more than family values its self and its called the Humanity in her shape like words and actions also how he use the legend of this people who can live for a really long time for compered to the normal humans and he used this to make the Value of the life and memories in the end and this story is one from the best fantasy stories i have ever seen.
art :- 10 /10
the art is so damn great , i have never seen something like this before also all the pictures in this movie can be consider as part from the anime art i cant believe what my eyes have seen because this so beautiful and its more than this , i cant even describe how pretty is all drawings from drawing characters to drawings the places with colorful colors also drawing the shadows so real that you feel like you are there in this place and this time in end i think its one from the best art i have ever seen in the movies if you don't enjoy the story you will just enjoy the art also the cg art does'nt effect the art at all because its so good and you don't believe its cg so yeah i think the art is so great.
sound :- 10/10
from the start the sounds take my heart and my ear with the beautiful relaxing melodies and this sounds will effect your feelings so hard from the start of the movie they did'nt stop amazing me for one moment also its so good and fits with every action that happened in the story and when you hear it you want to reply this sounds many times with the saddest senses and life moment even in the war moment they still have being so good and i want to hear it again and again with all sense and voice they steel my ear in all happy , sad , painful and relaxing sense they the best and make every thing like its real and you feel like you are one from the characters inside the story because you feel with them because of this ost in the end i hope to see more sounds like this in the movies.
characters :- 10/10
one from the best thing in this story is the characters you feel with them in every moment in the movie and you can find all types from the kind one which is the main character by the way so that make the movie more batter because its show how they take care of each other to show you the real meaning for one for all and all for one and you know whats more amazing is that the characters feel so real and they make thier feeling become so real and the best thing in this movie is how the characters feel alone in the movie when they miss each other and how the movie shows us the value of the Relations between the humans how they cry,smile,being angry ,screaming ,protecting what they love and the most important thing loving each other
this amazing how all characters feel in the end and understand the feeling for everyone of them in this movie because they have thier own true feelings.
enjoyment :- 10/10
i enjoyed this movie so much in these movie from the first moment from watching it he toke my soul with all actions and i am feeling so happy because i have watched this movie and i didn't feel like i wasted my time at all because its learn me something that i wanted to see it he learn a lot of the things about the Relations that i really don't care about in all of my life and for the first time i start rethinking about this values for me how it and how this feelings can be so Precious for the humans i feel like i have reborn again from the start with a white heart and that's why i enjoyed this movie so much and i will like to re watch it more times because i want to enjoy of watching some thing that can make my heart beat so damn hard from the strong feelings in the last i didn't feel like i have wasted this two hours because while i am watching the movie i felt like just its two minutes.
overall :- 10/10
i didn't disliked anything in this movie because its perfect and have all things that i wanted to see and i didn't expected that , i think like :- " oh its good thumbnail and high score lets watch it " and its surprised me so much when i am finish it and i don't have anything to say from the shock that i got from this movie in my heart and its good one to make me feel alive again i hope to seen movies like this in the future because i like the good works like this i hope you have enjoyed while you reading my review and i hope you will have a good watching for this movie and if you see this helpful tell the others about it in the last and sorry for being so long in this review also sorry for the weak english that i have also i edit this review and make more understandable and bye bye :) .
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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