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Mar 17, 2025
This thing is just not aimed at the male audience. Although the MC (strong loli["but she is actually 300 years old"] wamen) is somewhat relatable and "stable", most of the other characters are just plain crazy. One minute you have someone as your sworn ally, the next they are willing to spill your guts on the floor and sell your mother into slavery, and vice versa. Crazy. There is little to no build-up to this, otherwise it would be a great story.
The beginning is decent, but after about 6 episodes things start to speed up. Court politics take the center stage, and unfortunately they
are underdeveloped. Most decisions seem to be made on the basis of "I just feel like it". Pacing becomes too fast.
On other fronts like art, etc, it is just as you expect from your average anime. But there is a visible effort to make improvements on the animation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 13, 2025
Uninspired LN adaptation into manga. Generic isekai premise, poor intro, very artificial game world (which you can see bend to the will of author at the moments notice, without any regards to consistency), generic MC (whole thing about girl reincarnation is just about masturbation, and somehow it was made as boring as possibly feasible), generic story which deteriorates into a generic food porn. Lots of useless info dumps. Very basic fanservice. Combat is no better too (throwing knifes with magic, what a novel idea(lol)).
This story is just too mediocre. There is nothing that stands out, just an uninspired take at isekai, following all generic
paths and tropes, while lacking any storyline or suspense. Boring as hell.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 24, 2024
The basis of the story is that MC's stepfather/guardian deletes his pay-to-win trash mmorpg game account and (almost) all save data is lost, and then he is reincarnated in that same game.
Premise of inability to restore data from backup is rather extreme and calls for extreme justification, which was not given here, so if you apply common sense to the story, it falls apart (business without backups? lol). If you ever played at least a few mmo games, you should know that actually deleting account is not a trivial thing.
Most of the story revolves around MC getting back at his stepfather and finding/saving his sister.
Another part is racism. Or it would be more correct to call it xenophobia between: NPC humans, human reincarnators, NPC demi-humans. There is a twist to this: part of this discrimination is based on the fact that reincarnated people are aware that they are in the game and treat NPCs as "data" - as inhuman as possible - but by this logic they are the same data, only if taken from supposedly once lived people (since they had to die to get into the game, extrapolating information given at the start), and continue on to live as "data" in this game world (this logical conclusion does not seem to be explored by the author, at least not yet in any tangible way).
There is a lot of problems arise when the author tries to explain the reincarnators' motives for leaving this place, or the motives on which they interact with each other. These explanations are brief and nonsensical if you think about them for a minute. Most of it boils down to one question: why would you want to give up eternal life, godlike powers, relative safety, and unlimited resources for the dubious chance of returning to the "real" world? No sane answer is given.
Author is not so good at setting up plot twists beforehand, but at least he explains them right before or right after, when he pulls them out of nowhere.
With these flaws, story is still pretty well written and have a lot of action. Cant say there is much of any other good stuff, there are a few hot scenes, but they go nowhere.
1 vol. - 8
2 vol. - 8
3 vol. - 7 (same volume formula/structure as before. It gets rather stale for MC to overcome his obstacles in the same manner over and over again).
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 24, 2024
Just ugh. The first few volumes are pretty good (those that were adapted into the first season). After dealing with the first Demon Lord, the dude travels around without any particular direction and just does stuff. Defeat of the second one is the next thing that was decently written. The last interesting volume is about the Demon Overlord, but to get there you have to read quite a few volumes about nothing.
There is one good thing about the story - it has some nice suggestive content, from boob fondling to some decent indecency. Unfortunately, it does not happen often enough to justify reading boring volumes
after you get tired of how uninspired the story is.
Worst offending flaw is the CONSTANT reiteration of MC background (that he is a NEET, cannot communicate, etc.). It is okay to repeat this stuff in the first couple of books, but it is unbearable to have to read about it a hundred times over. I GET IT, HE IS SOCIALLY CHALLENGED, FOR GOD'S SAKE, CAN WE MOVE ON??? Nooo, author repeats this thing over and over, over and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER. IN EVERY SINGLE VOLUME, EVERY TIME HE HAS TO SPEAK OUT OF CHARACTER. Repetition of the same situations with few differences and the same solution to each of them. It gets REALLY old after a while. MC just does not develop in any way, except for his power growth, which is always matched by his opponents in some way. There are some changes in his character, but they happen at a half dead snail's pace.
The next worst thing is that he is always in a react state. Author just does not use him as an actual protagonist to push for something. It is just boring to read volume after volume without any overarching plotline or some actual protagonist goals whatsoever.
The last straw is when you realize that the MC party is just a bunch of clowns who go off the rails the moment any injustice happens in their eyes/presence. Without any regard to logic or cause, and without thinking about how their "solution" is worse than a problem. In the end, it is still made to work by some miracle from the author, which makes it even more baffling and stupid.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 22, 2024
Mary Sue (Marty Stu?) Isekai. It feels like it is either a low effort translation or poor writing skills on the part of the author, or both. After trying to read this boring, uninspired cookie-cutter isekai at least five times, I am sure it is a case of both. I made it to the third of the first volume.
Nothing bad happens to MC, MC always solves problems immediately, he is capable of everything, he is always right and if not, he seems to be able to bullshit his way out out of everything. Every paragraph and every "part"(chapter) feels like an introduction to the story,
written in emotionless language, filled with useless fluff and stretched out for no reason with no end in sight.
He is OP since day 0, he has no enemies, no desires, no nothing. He is content and just goes where the author takes him without telling the reader anything about the direction or the reasons.
This is the most boring kind of power fantasy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 13, 2024
Story about reincarnation in the same world. MC has not lived that many years, but still portrayed as quite knowledgeable and experienced person. Story is okay - court intrigues with a mix of magic and swords. Action is mostly packed into the final boss chapters. Overall it is written quite well, but there are a few flaws that do not let me rate it as a masterpiece:
First of all, the age of MC and her companion does not correspond to their actual behavior. There are few excuses why this is the case for both of them, but they are simply too calculating and understanding for
their supposed biological age. The lack of visible flaws due to inexperience in various areas is not portrayed at all.
Second, the girl (MC) is not exactly a feminine character, more like a tomboy and a go-getter, which are nice traits to drive the story, but they do not help with her low likability. There are few scenes where she acts in the 18+ visual age range, thanks to magic, but not much of interest was portrayed.
Hence, third, there is a general lack of anything even remotely related to fanservice. Not that this story needs it, but the lack of anything hot is just sad.
And finally, there is an absence of actual goals for MC. "Live as I want" is too vague and generic. And with point 2 and 3, it makes the story a little boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 12, 2024
Not isekai, just the reincarnation of a random guy who seems to be from the same world with magic and stuff. Though the MC's logic and actions remind of the usual isekai stuff (magic training, acquiring young female companion(s), reinventing some modern things for quick gold). The story progresses rather randomly. The MC does not have a clear goal, which affects the quality of the story. He is often distracted by some unrelated activities that are meaningless in the long run.
Main flaws:
- Long "training sequences" where the author just randomly reinvents modern things in his fantasy medieval magic story through the MC. Pretty boring.
Later they are mostly replaced by magic training sessions, which are a bit more entertaining.
- The hunting companion is poorly written. She appears out of nowhere, no backstory, minimal interaction except on "hunts", and she agrees to become effectively his slave. She feels unnecessary to the story, no relationship/tension shown between them, no purpose to speak of.
At some point, it is just wild to see their strictly working relationship and no moves from either side until the very end of the first volume (which seems to go nowhere).
Same problems with other female characters that appear along the way.
- Underdeveloped aristocratic life of the MC. Almost no information or backstory is given. He goes to school once, then has some brief interaction with his family and household staff. After that, he basically lives in the forest.
- There are a few instances where characters use knowledge that they cannot acquire in a medieval setting without some explanation/justification from the author. Knowledge of meteorites, knowledge of the basic composition of air, use of the metric system. There are more, but these are just glaring inconsistencies for which no justification is given.
- MC does not abuse his powers, which is extremely boring. Was he some kind of monk in his previous life? He is basically impotent considering how he is portrayed. Like, come on, by the start of vol.2 the guy is basically swimming in beautiful elf (and a few wolf) girls.
- Starting with Vol.2, the amount of flattery aimed at the MC becomes unbearable.
With all these flaws, it is still entertaining to read the author's take on the usual isekai (the story effectively becomes a standard isekai power fantasy after some time). Starting with the second volume, it looks like a take on building a nation of monsters (kinda like that slime isekai), but it's so mediocre thanks to pointless chapters where he uses magic to create something like armor, wine, or whatever, that it just becomes overbearingly boring.
1 vol. - 6
2 vol. - 5 (lost interest half way through)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 8, 2024
Decent fantasy story about magic and swords. A "talentless" kid(MC) who overcomes obstacles and tries to follow his talented friend to a place of great importance. The whole season can be summarized in a few paragraphs with all the "twists" and whatnot, but thankfully the animation and fights are nice and well drawn and pick up slack where you would die of boredom otherwise.
Motivation of MC is underwhelming and mostly unclear. Why does he want to reunite with his friend so badly? Why the hell cant she just come down on weekends or invite him to hang out sometimes? And why does she look like
she is in her mid-20 and he is somewhere around 15, but they supposed to be about the same age? No idea or explanation. If you ignore the lack of decent reasons for the characters' behavior and the presence of boring lore dumps about magic, it is a decent watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 20, 2024
Not that good, but decent. About halfway through the season, the obliviousness of the MC starts to get on the nerves, but it is watchable. There is not much interesting happens, average war between micro one-city kingdoms that ends in a day with the help of OP characters.
This dude just does some manual labor and being oblivious to his own power while saving everyone around him. Throughout the season, we get different perspectives on him from different characters, and that is pretty much all the story has to offer. And of course he stays oblivious till the end.
Beside average story, anime have some obvious problems
with backdrop, especially when depicting war - yellow rock flat ground is everywhere in background. Feels a little too cheap at times.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 24, 2024
A great isekai story, although it has some problems in the beginning. The first is that vol.1 is full of rather extreme situations, which does not help to relate to it. Second is the number of independent storylines. Two of them are almost completely parallel (isekai/Japan) and one about MC's neighbor rarely intersects with the Japan story. It is vexing to read and follow the relationships of two different sets of characters at the same time. Third, by the end of the 2nd volume we are introduced to at least 4 different magic system concepts, which is mind boggling.
First two volumes are not that good
(I would say about a 7). From the very beginning, this isekai has the main focus on how to launder money from cross-world illegal trade. Unfortunately, the author did not do much research on money laundering or smuggling. He also has a rather poor representation of the government's secret agency. From the first encounter and the first mission, it is riddled with gross incompetence and inability to provide backup for agents. Later this is explained a bit (vol.4), but it does not help with the first bad impression.
Chapters of neighbor girl POV. You can see them as a super slow, semi-independent 3rd storyline, which intersects with the MC's Japan one and there are almost no named characters in her story plus it spans across all volumes. It is rather extreme on child neglect, not that it could not happen, but a mother who neglects her child like this is sure must be rare in our time, I hope. Not willing to feed your own kid and still have her to live with you, while actively making her life miserable, is bizarre af. And she has a father(and extended family) who also does not show up at all. Sad chapters, bread one especially. This story become with progress kinda weird, but ok.
I would also note two more things:
Immense amount of apologizing (It is kinda a japanese thing, I guess, but it feels rather boring to see the amount of it).
Story has some gore battle descriptions and some weird sexual innuendo stuff (Which is generally a good sign that the author is not afraid or constrained to write as he sees).
All in all, starting with vol.3, the author seems to level up his game and actually does some research on the topics he touches on. Reading all the books in one go is very enjoyable, but if you take a break for a month or more, I can see problems with picking up all the different ongoing plots in independent storylines. There is a lot going on compared to average isekai.
Comparing LN to anime. LN have better pacing. It feels to me that anime goes too fast, condense story too aggressively, and internal monologue is just poorly adapted. 1/1.5 volume in 1 season would be more adequate, than 2 in 1 as it is.
1-2 vol. - 7
3-7 vol. - 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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