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Dec 28, 2024
Despair can sometimes be the only thing we see around us. Sometimes we don't know who we are, or we have the wrong answers, and so we search for our selves in others who are going through the same thing. However that only ever serves to confuse us even more.
Scum's wish is exactly that: a tale of multiple fucked up borderline dissociative people who need others to feel for them or to help them feel. It feels like, with the exception of one or two characters, each person is indeed a scum. You hate them, but you want good things for them; you pity them.
It's what made it such a compelling watch. And the fact that this is one of those anime's where a "happy ending" isn't guaranteed or advertised just makes you want to find out how each storyline is going to end for the characters. Once again, don't expect to like anyone in this series and expect to be disgusted and annoyed at the character's actions, but I do believe you'll start to feel bad for all of them after a bit. And most importantly, you'll just wish for them to achieve normality instead of whatever the fuck they got going on.
Personally, I enjoyed watching it, but it did make me quite uneasy during and after watching it. It's like I was shown concentrated sadness and despair without an ounce of happiness (or rationality) to make it more pallatable. One critique I have is that it seems so stupid to me how every single character cared more about their romantic lives than ANYTHING else: not their family, friends, jobs, hobbies...And maybe that serves to show how empty they are inside but it's still pretty damn weird. And also so many sex scenes like calm down there were 4 every episode or something.
About the ending, I've seen people say it was really disappointing or bad and to that I say they went in expecting the wrong thing. This is NOT a romantic anime, although it portrays romance. This is a story about finding yourself and learning to love properly, normaly. This isn't about wanting two particular people to end up together, even if you can and I did but alas I still thought the ending was perfect for what this anime wanted to portray and say. I think that, unlike most endings, this one was objectively pretty good and tied up the story in a logical, conclusive and well written way and didn't serve as a final act of fanservice to appease watchers.
I would really recommend this anime to anyone looking for an exploration on deeper, more mature themes and the pursuit of a self you can be proud of. You'll also like it if you're horny and want to see cute anime characters fucking.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 19, 2024
Netflix if you cancel one more good show I am going to lose my mind.
I was bored and wanted something nice and simple, like any typical shoujo, to entertain myself. And then I stiumbled upon this anime, not expecting much. You can imagine my surprise when I became glued to my seat, binging the whole thing in one go.
I really enjoyed the whole plot surrounding the romance in this anime, I think its much better than the romance itself, with plot twists and complicated backstories as well as recurring trauma/issues. The romance itself was lackluster, I wanted a little more of it but I didn't
mind much because of how good the actual plot is.
However, I will say the male leads just felt like they were multiplying for no real reason because all of us knew that other than the first two, the competition was nonexistent, and those last male characters just felt like background characters who accidentaly got pushed to front row. But we can easily forget this as they aren't brought up very often or seen as serious competition.
I really wish I could see more of it, to know what comes after those cliff hangers and continue the story, but allas I won't.
I definetely recommend this to anyone looking for a sorta dark and very interesting shoujo anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 30, 2024
Being queer can be such a strange experience.
I've been openly lesbian since I was about 10 years old and I've realized that because of it, I see the world differently from most people. This movie perfectly shows how that can feel sometimes. Yet, despite the recurring homophobia, both internal and external, the main characters aren't ashamed to loudly affirm their identity, and that was so comforting that it brought tears to my eyes.
In truth, despite the BL/GL genres existing, they rarely portray what it feels like to actually be queer, only depicting homosexuality through a lense meant for consumption: It is sexualized and shameful,
both to the characters and the readers. This isn't the case for Umibe no étranger. Here, we see reality: the inner conflicts, the external pressure, the loneliness that can come with liking the same gender. And all the while, we get to see a beautiful relationship blossom between two people profoundly in love with each other. I've seen some people criticize the age gap in this story but in truth I think it's completely irrelevant and ultimately it doesn't matter as both characters are overage.
If you ever feel like you are disgusting for who you love, please realize that there is nothing more beautiful than love in this world, it is what we live for. And that love comes in all shapes in sizes: your friends, your family, nature, a hobby, a woman, a man. It will never be disgusting. And to me, queer love is one of the most pure things that exist in this world, but I may be biased...
Please give this movie a try, no matter who you are. It might make you rethink some prior opinions you held.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2024
A very touching story about first true love.
This anime delves into romance in a way I too rarely see in anime nowadays. It's pure and true, and remains for the most part free of sexualization which I can't say for many other BLs. It's realistic in its portrayals with its depictions of the struggles of relationships but the resolutions are always healthy and there is no "toxic yaoi" here...Also, its use of metaphors and allegories was really touching to me and it's something I really vallue in any type of media, it adds a depth to it and opens the door for analysis. Overall, it
was a really touching story about two people, two men, falling in love with each other that leaves a smile on your face and a singular tear in your eyes. I crave more...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 5, 2024
I should trust my friend with anime recommendations.
She had recommended me this months ago and I never really gave it much thought, thinking it was going to be just another cheesy shoujo where the miscommunication arcs are just frustratingly stupid and so are the characters, but I was very pleasantly surprised. None of the characters have the dementia that comes with being shoujo leads and all the plot points make sense. Not the mention the side characters are very very lovable, something that immediately makes any anime/manga that much better. I just loved it from start to finish, and not once did I find myself
annoyed by anything happening (and that's coming from someone who hated kimi ni todoke, sorry!). Overall I really recommend this to anyone who enjoys shoujo romance, and even if you don't, it's also just a very funny anime. That's another point I really loved: the romance isn't cheesy, the burn is just slow enough, the characters aren't stupid, the plot isn't stupid, and the jokes are actually funny! What more could you hope for?
I would've loved seeing a little snippet of their lives after high school but I know that kind of kills the vibe so I'm definitely not stating it as a complaint...
Truly a lovely complex!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 5, 2024
Life is complicated and confusing, especially when you realize you, as a girl, like girls; and this manga portrays that perfectly.
The inner conflict the main character goes through about being with a woman without having been with a man is something I think a lot of lesbians can relate to and it's incredibly realistic in it's execution. The relationship between the two leads is tumultuous and that's one of the reasons I like this manga so much. They are confused by their own feelings, for yukino she's discovering herself which makes a relationship even harder to maintain when you have so many questions about
yourself, and yet they pull through because they love each other. Overall it depicts a very mature and realistic romance between two women trying to figure themselves out. Altough I do love that Setsuko (and Yukino after a bit) is very confident in her identity, It's refreshing to see lesbianism explicitly adressed in a yuri while not being conflicting, shameful or even hurtful for the character.
About other aspects of this manga, I would describe de atmosphere as melancholic, also something I love. I say this because some of the main character's dreams don't come true within the 6 volumes but because of that, it makes it easy for the reader to imagine their life beyond what we've read, something I think is lacking in A LOT of romance mangas and that I really appreciate. It's also a good delator of the idol scene in Japan. I will say while I loved the story development and the ending, I think at times it went a bit fast and I would've loved to read more of this. But I recommend this wholeheartedly and it is a very welcome change of pace from high-school romance yuris, as much as I love that genre!
P.S: If you're looking for other more mature girl love stories (and I'm not saying explicit) I really highly recommend ottona ni nattemo as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 1, 2024
Honestly not a fun watch for me. The main character is just plain unlikable. Her utter lack of critical thinking skill, altough justified by her past, feels like Im getting stabbed at every misunderstanding. It was painfully slow, like it was being dragged on for the sake of suspence but in the end it was just so annoying and irritating that I had to basically watch the whole show in x2. And not to mention that when the main characters FINALLY (and i mean it) get together, regardless of how unclimactic it is since we had been getting fake outs for aproximately....139 episodes now, we
dont even get a CRUMB of interactions between them as a couple. No kiss, no telling the parents, AND THE OTHER MALE LEAD STUCK IN A FOREVER FRIEND ZONE BECAUSE THAT CONFLICT NEVER GOT RESOLVED?? I hate any anime that leaves you with all the same questions as in the beginning after it ends. You obviously expect the two leads to get together so no question about that BUT EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST- ¨nuh uh didnt feel like writing it oopsie...¨ If you made your first season 25 episodes then do the same for your second, because those 13 episodes were nothing more that cock blocking and then giving us the treat of seeing the main characters together for 15 minutes, no joke. Just save your precious time and dont watch this. Sorry creators I still respect your hard work on this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 1, 2024
You have most definetely already watched this anime before. It is THE shoujo anime. Girl has had an unhappy life and has always been mistreated and ignored but wow oh my god this handsome man who was thought to be cruel is actually so nice and loves her. You also have the stereotypical conflicts of jealousy and kidnapping ¨for your own good¨. Im talking a lot of crap about this anime when the truth is I enjoyed it. Im a sucked for stereotypes and repetition as weird as that is. If youre weird like me, there is no reason why you would dislike it. Only
thing that really irks me is the unfinished storylines (I know theres gonna be a second season but I just know not all my questions will be answered).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 26, 2023
I absolutely adore this manga. As a very avid girl love enjoyer i have seen my fair share of tropes and I will say I find most to be quite repetitive with the high-school love type of romance, as cute as that trope may be. However this is far from that with a (how i see it) realistic and complicated love story between two adults naviguating their ordinary, but not easy mid-thirties. This is the only manga I have found myself constantly thinking about! Very very much recommend this read to anyone looking to get away from teenage romance and find something more mature.
on a side note, another one in the more mature girl love genre is octave, another 10/10 read for me if anyone is looking for more of this like I am.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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