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Mar 15, 2025
There's something about this that doesn't work for me, I mean, it's fine... it's fine, it's fine, it's... fine, but my god is it stupid and annoyingly so
MC wants to become an adventurer, to do so he needs a skill, so he tries out with every class to see if he can develop a skill and every time leaves having not manifested a skill.
So he goes home to train, before returning years later to sign on at the lowest rank available meaning all he can do is menial work - clearing trash and construction jobs... but that's okay because he's an adventurer now.
Except of cause
it turns out MC is super OP and is stronger than anyone else.
The issue is just how dense the MC is, sure he's raised in a backwater place on his own, sure he was told he couldn't get anywhere without a skill... but to be so dense that he ignores the obvious, that he ignores what he's being told, that is a skill in itself, we're not even talking intelligence stat set at 0 levels of dense, but if they were put to -100 levels of dense. There are black holes that are less dense than he is.
I'm sure they think this is where the comedy of the series comes from, but there comes a point where it stops being funny and just becomes outright annoying, Which is right around episode 2-3
This series had good moments, it had potential, it's just ruined by its MC
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 15, 2025
This is a good series let down by a final episode, which, without spoiling anything, only existed as a setup for a potential second season, and actually would have been better served as the first episode for said second season so season 1 could have a complete and clean ending.
As the last episode only exists to get you watching Season 2, I will base the contents of this review on only the first 12 episodes
To sum it up this series is best described as Tsundere The Anime, if you've been watching what should now be called the 'Villainess anime genre' this offers nothing new, there
are no surprises and many events within the story are predictable
So why would I recommend it?
Easy, because if you are a fan of the genre you will enjoy this, it actually works and avoids many of the traps other series fall into, competency is often better than trying to stand out by trying to be unique, which can often lead to a series jumping the shark where it them promptly crashes and burns. A well crafted story with good pacing, likable characters and actual character development can carry you far, even if those story beats are already well trod by other series before, tropes exist because we know they work.
Characters are given depth, they aren't flat reduced to having just one character trait, and many are given character growth throughout the series
This is not a flawless series, it's not amazing, it doesn't reinvent the wheel, it just does what it does well, it's a good solid series and an enjoyable watch
Definitely one for fans of the genre
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 15, 2025
This is quite a fun series, one of those switch off your brain, sit back and just enjoy the mindless fun type series.
There is nothing amazing about it, and there is nothing bad about it either,
The animation is good, it doesn't descend into bad CGI, or into a collection of still-frames, the action is smooth, but it doesn't do anything amazing either, it isn't flashy with amazing fight scenes and impressive animation, it's just good, I would say it looks like your standard anime of its type, but that is no longer the case as with bad CGI and low budgets being the norm.
OST is once again good, it's what you expect, it's what you want for a series like this, it doesn't make you want to skip the OP and ED, but nor does it make you think it's amazing and unskippable
The story works, it's not deep and meaningful, it's a fun comedy and just supposed to be an entertaining series, so the story is there to hang everything else off, it does its job without being too deep and involved, it is as said a vehicle for everything else, so it doesn't need to be ground breaking or thought provoking, we're not watching for the story, so as long as there is nothing that takes you out of it, then it is generally fine, and there are no obvious plot holes
Which brings me to characters, and I'll talk about the MC in detail because it seems like almost everyone who has watched this has missed what is going on there.
Krai the MC was forced to become leader of the most powerful Hunting Party, and Guild, despite knowing how weak he is compared to his friends and repeated attempts to quit. He has however risen to becoming one of the top ranked hunters and many myths about him have arisen, he is misunderstood by almost everyone.
While it is true he is physically weak, he is OP in his own way, but he's unaware of it. First there is the obvious, his party Grieving Souls are all OP, they are now considered monsters because of how strong they are and no one can keep them under control, except Krai, the other is his ability to predict events, he has no idea he's doing it, it's like he has a maxed out luck stat and maxed out insight, but he's unable to directly benefit from those rolls.
To talk about the rest of the cast in depth can risk spoiler territory, so I will say they provide good depth for the series, having different, often extreme and even questionable personalities is never a bad thing especially in a comedy, a common complaint in many anime is that the characters are bland, and that can't be said here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 1, 2024
I like this one, it looks good, it sounds good, the story is good, it's a fun watch.
However, first impressions matter and I do not think that this anime did itself any favours.
For reasons unknown they went out of their way to give off Harry Potter vibes, set in a Magic School the MC has that Harry Potter hair style and has a pair of circular Harry Potter glasses, add in the school robe and the aesthetic was complete minus the scar, we even get a Snape like teacher, with Snape like looks singling out the MC to make a fool out of him for
the class' enjoyment.
This is in the first few minutes, and first impressions are really important when it comes to deciding if you want to stay with a series or not.
You don't want the first impressions to be bad, or in this case, you don't want to give the impression that you are just going to be ripping off other ideas wholesale, because usually in those cases such series end up being rather poor, which means people are either going to have low expectations or will drop the series without even giving it a chance.
I bring all that up because this series deserves a chance, it isn't a rip off, and if you get past those first impressions you soon find out that it is its own thing and when you do give it a chance, it is actually a good series.
So I don't understand why the mangaka did that as it feels like such a big misstep, this should have focused on being on its own thing as it sits well as its own thing, it certainly shouldn't be making you think of any other franchises, instead it should be focused on keeping your entire attention on this title.
That is my one main gripe with the series, but if you look past these initial first impressions and stick with it, what you have is a diamond in the rough.
The story, while hardly original in other ways (it's rare to find something that is totally original) is well crafted, and we actually have character development throughout the series so most are not flat, but are fleshed out enough to make you actually care enough about what is going on and to keep watching. The characters also have agency, goals they are working towards, which then in turn drives the story forwards, none of them feel like they are just along for the ride.
The animation is good, its a step up from a lot of the average anime series, but not as good as the best animated series that are out there, which means there is no bad CG, the fights look good (but not amazing) and overall its been given a quality to the animation.
I liked this a lot, but I don't think it did enough to stand above the crowd, if anything it is very much a part of the crowd. It played things a bit too safe and is a bit too generic, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable watch, and I am looking forward to the second season
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 30, 2024
My thoughts are complicated on this one
The premise is good, I actually liked that it didn't take itself too seriously with the inclusion of the pig and succubus characters giving a comic relief (even if I'm in the minority on that) The story itself is fine.
For me, I have issues with a lot of the execution, it thinks it is smarter than it is, Ike is supposed to be a genius tactician yet it is hard to see that being the case. also the use of weapons and siege tactics is often totally wrong.
For a series that is a medieval fantasy and features a lot
of medieval warfare, it lacks even a surface level understanding of the subject matter
It felt like the series tried to do too much, tried to be too many things, it needed to focus in more on just a few elements and then it might have been a better series, as it is, it just ended up average.
Simply put, there are better series out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 29, 2024
This is one of those trash isekai that I enjoyed watching as mindless entertainment, but it is unquestionably a bad anime.
There was a time in anime when people used the three episode rule before deciding if a series was good or not, these days you can generally tell just after the first episode.
But I also put it to you that the OP also tells you a huge amount about the series. The OP sets the tone, it tells you what the studio thought was important to focus on, and how they want to present the series.
More than that, a great OP where the studio has
put in time and care, usually means the series itself is going to be good.
A generic average OP pretty much is always tied to a generic average series
And a bad OP is a bad sign, because if the studio couldn't even put any effort into the OP, then you know the series will also be bad.
In just 2-3 minutes the OP allows you to set your expectations for what the series has in stall for you.
With Failure Frame, the OP tells you all you need to know about this series, of cause the problem is like a lot of anime these days, the OP is used as the ED of the first episode.
A class of students are Isekai'd, one student is separated from the others and is in a cave where he faces a horde of monsters alone, the other students are off training, while he meets a blonde elf girl and forms a party with other fantasy world characters from the fantasy world.
It has terrible animation, using that oversaturation and halo effect that is the anime equivalent to the lens flare, it doesn't look good especially when it is overused, bad CG, and yes, this is all featured in the OP
Without even going into the plot in any detail, it should sound familiar to anyone who watches isekai, these tropes have been done before, but most famously by Arifureta, the problem is Arifureta is better in almost every single way, and yes, even down to its bad CG, because even though Arifureta also has bad animation and bad CG, it isn't used constantly, 50% of Failure Frame uses bad CG, even in scenes where you would expect regular animation.
The only reason I give this the same score I gave Arifureta is because Arifureta S1 was badly paced and a bad adaptation. I can't judge this as an adaptation, but the pacing doesn't seem that bad.
Another issue is that it takes itself too seriously, so it isn't as fun as it could be, it is still fairly over the top in places, which is why I call it mindless fun, but there are better series out there for just pure enjoyment.
However watching the MC kill everything in sight in these types of anime is never boring, it's why trash Isekai will always be my guilty pleasure.
This is one that is only for fans of trash Isekai, otherwise avoid it like the plague.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 9, 2024
I love Isekai, I even love a lot of trash anime, as long as it is fun and entertaining, I generally don't care much about the rest.
So I'm A Spider however tested me like no other, this review is three years in the making because that is how long it took me to finally finish this thing.
The first thing you notice about this series is that you have the cast split into two separate groups, the main body of students and the MC who is a spider.
The MC is stuck in a cave on her own for the first part of the series, with no
one else to talk to, so all she can do is level up and seek the exit while talking to herself, if that sounds bad, then it is. The first few episodes are really dragged out and monotonous I initially dropped it after 7 episodes as it wasn't going anywhere, the pacing is just terrible, so the first few episodes end up becoming dull with its monotonous repetition
If the aim of those episodes was to show her struggle to survive, and just how slow and painful her levelling up journey was, they achieved that fairly early on, these episodes did not need to be so drawn out and so void of progression, they could have been easily condensed into three episodes and the series would have been improved by it.
All I found myself thinking was, Arifueta did a better job than this.
I need to stress that in the first seven episodes the events surrounding the MC lacked plot, they lacked progression, there were no events driving the story (levelling up for levelling up sake is not progression, seeking to leave the labyrinth is not plot, just needing to survive is not enough, something else has to happen)
The problem is that the story, the plot is happening elsewhere, it is happening with the other students, and although I haven't touched on them yet, they are just dull, they are a vapid waste of space bunch of generic side characters that the series has the gall to waste the actual events on.
It should be no surprise that I stopped watching after seven episodes, but, three years later, I came back and finally finished the series
Coming back and skipping the first six episodes and skimming the seventh was the best choice I made, it made me see that the best way to watch this is to just watch the first episode, then skip to episode six, as you miss nothing of value
After those episodes, things DO get better
Yuki Aoi finally has someone to talk to and interact with, the MC's other personalities played by Yuki Aoi, to say that she carries hard is an understatement, she is hands down the best thing in this anime, but as good as Yuki Aoi is, she can't carry an entire anime on her own.
While it may take a while, the story and plot eventually land at our MC's door, this was long overdue but changes the dynamics of the anime, our MC is given actual agency in the story, we actually have the beginnings of a story.
It also changes the dynamics in a really big way, before the other students 'side story' was the only scenes where we actually got the story and plot, now because we're finally getting a functional series cantered around the MC, the 'side story' with the other students feels like an unwelcome distraction because they are so bland and uninteresting, I don't care about those characters, this actually created a problem with the ending with the series.
I didn't care, I just wanted more Yuki Aoi
Even though it did improve after the first seven episodes, it didn't stop it from being a bad anime
The pacing is beyond dreadful
The writing is bad, the story / plot isn't that good, for the most part, the only interesting areas come in far too late and aren't given enough focus because time and energy is wasted elsewhere
The characters are bad and poorly developed beyond the MC
And the animation is terrible, the CG is just bad, we know that studios are capable of doing better, but it just shows that a lack of time and budget was put into this thing
The fact that Arifureta is a better anime than this, speaks volumes, because as bad as that is, at least it is entertaining throughout, at least they got the MC out of the cave early and meeting and interacting with other characters. as well as involved with the story early on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 28, 2024
For context, I'm writing this after re-watching the series after watching the first half of the second series.
I will preface this by saying I like this anime overall however for Season 1 it is a poorly executed adaptation, so much so that Season 2 had to go back and try and fix many of the things that Season 1 messed up.
Overall the series is fun, it has interesting concepts that allow it to stay fresh and stand out from the masses, the characters are likable, however season 1 doesn't give enough time to develop them, this is a common issue with season 1, it doesn't
give time to anything.
The story is horribly paced, everything is so rushed and even without reading the source material I can tell that huge amounts have been skipped over to 'save time' which is such a baffling decision by the studio as you need that development to give context to events within the story, in fact you can tell much of it was needed by the way Season 2 had to go back and put back in a lot of that missing context.
A Second season should exist to progress the story, not be there to fix the mistakes of the first season, and the fact that they are having to do this is a condemnation of the first season.
The problem is that story arcs seem to be condensed into single episodes, sometimes two episodes if you are lucky, the worst case of this is the ending where we go from Point B, to Point D, to Point H, to Point M, to Point W, to Point Z and every other letter in the alphabet is left out. I wish I was exaggerating but huge amounts are just cut out for no good reason.
Season 1 is a hot mess, it needed 24 episodes, or it needed to cover less material, it's not like they needed to get to a certain point in the story for Season 2, because as said, Season 2 spends a lot of time going back and filling in gaps.
With this anime, I like the world, I like the characters, I like the overall story (what butchered fragments remain) but it is hard to recommend Season 1 to the point that I almost feel like saying skip it and go straight to Season 2, however Season 1 still provides some context that is needed
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 1, 2024
I loved the first season, so I was looking forward to seeing this second season.
A quick disclaimer, I did rewatch the first season before watching the second season, mainly because I had forgotten much of what had happened in the first season and had mixed up the plots between it and Bibliophile Princess, but thanks to that I was able to better compare the two seasons.
The reality is, season 2 is just not as good as season 1, the first episode is good, the ending is great, it has a few good moments here and there, but overall it has far too many problems and
is just lacklustre, don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but this was a series I rated as 'Great' but now it is mealy 'good'
So initial thoughts on the opening scene of episode 1 were, they increased the budget and quality of the animation, it looked impressive, visually stunning and it drew you instantly into the series, it was a very strong start. However there is always a catch, it was of cause a 'flash forward' a tease of things to come, and we would have to wait almost the entire season just to get to that point.
And then there is the animation, because as you guessed, the high quality animation was only for those big 'money shots' beyond that the animation is mostly similar to season 1, except we have more extreme contrasts in the quality of the animation, it is inconsistent on which scenes are given a higher focus on detail and which are not, and some scenes you would expect to be given more of an animation budget, they either cut short or just reduce to a sequence of still frames. It is also jarring that you can have really high quality animated scenes, and then within the space of a few minutes a scene where the characters are sat in a room, and their faces aren't even drawn / animated.
So I guess its time to discuss the story and the big issues with season 2, and don't worry I will keep this spoiler free.
Episode 1 as stated teases Sei on one of her expeditions dealing with the monsters and the miasma that causes them - so far so good, after all, this has been the entire setup of season 1.
After that teaser it quickly picks up where season 1 left off, she has returned from her first expedition, so a plus for consistency, she now however wants to do cosmetics because its an isekai cliché, but apparently she already sells stuff and has has traders sell her ideas because that was a thing we didn't see in season 1 and was just skipped over, but well, here we are.
But now she also wants rice, so its suggested she goes to a port town to check there for it, but she'll need a disguise, but Al can't go with her because he will stand out, even if he wears a disguise? This doesn't make much sense, nor does the need for her to wear a disguise, but lets not think too hard on it.
Now we also get a tease of the big upcoming storyline, which is, when the national situation is over and Sei has helped them cleanse the miasma from all over the nation, all that will be left is the question of her engagement, but lets not dwell too long on it because here comes the first story arc for season 2
Due to an incident in the port town, a Prince from another country has come to study, but has obvious other intentions, but what is he after, what are his intentions, and why is he so keen on finding out about Sei?
Well, none of it matters because it may as well be a filler side story, none of it adds anything to the main story, it just pads out the episode length, and during this time we don't get to see much of Al at all
Considering that the main point of this series is that it is a love story, following the relationship between Sei and Al, I do not understand the point of the first half of the second season as it artificially separates our main characters, meaning we don't get to see them spend time together and have their relationship grow, and as I also said, it doesn't further the main story, there just is no point to it other than to waste everyone's time.
The Second half of the season actually gets back to the main story, we have a return to Al and Sei's budding romance, and a need to deal with the miasma and monsters that spawn from it.
This is where we see things finally get back on track and it is more like the season 1 that we know and love.
The only thing that was jarring and superfluous is when we get a scene in which Sei suddenly finds herself confronting her own feelings and thinking that she may be in love with Al. However season 1 ended with the reveal that her power is love, and she had become aware of that and had to confront that, knowing that her power was linked to her feelings towards Al, so at that point she was aware that she loved him.
Then we got a little bit of for a lack of a better phrase, political machinations and very quick relationship angst, followed by a very satisfying ending that almost made up for all the issues of the season.
However I do wish the ending was given more time as it felt a bit rushed, if only there was a filler arc that could have been cut, maybe then they could have also included one of the other subjugation expeditions, rather than just saying she's been on several on them without showing any of them.
Another issue I have is that we spend far too little time with main characters from season 1 like Liz, Johan, Aira and Kyle doesn't feature at all.
Season 1 felt special, Season 2 feels like it spends a lot of time treading water.
So with all that said, you can start to see why I feel it fell from greatness, what we have now is simply, 'good' which would be enough for many other series, but for this series, it is rather disappointing as we know it can be better
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 15, 2024
There have been a lot of these lately, usually the plot is reincarnated into an Otome Game as the villainess and trying to avoid the doom ending using the knowledge of the game, here however the twist is that the 'villainess' reincarnates back into herself six years before she meets her own doom with nothing but her memories and her diary of the intervening years to help her avoid her fate.
I will say that because this current trope hasn't been overdone, I do find myself enjoying these types of series, the only issue I've had with most of them is that in most cases, they
start strong, but then tend to lose their way, usually ending with you feeling unsatisfied with how it ended.
This is in my opinion one of the better entries in the genre, while it doesn't do too much special and certain things are easily predictable, it's strengths lie with its consistency. It takes what is the standard formula and executes it well.
Even though the story may feel 'standard' and you can predict certain aspects, it actually sets up those plot points in the story, which probably aids in the audience predicting where things will go, there is no random ass-pull or deus ex moment, we're not throwing in a random amnesia plotline, or putting in literal gods for a shocking twist, and characters actually follow an internal logic that actually makes sense.
The series is well paced, and also doesn't have any obvious plot holes,
Which brings me to the characters, which is the strong point of this series, the characters are actually given depth, they get to grow. The characters, like real people have well preconceived ideas, and they all have reasons for having those ideas, after all preconceived ideas often don't come out of no where, but when those ideas are challenged, they have to slowly change their way of thinking.
Of cause Mia takes the biggest journey and undergoes the biggest change without realising it, but she's had more time to reflect on things.
However it is satisfying to see see Sion's growth, because it wasn't just something that happened at the end, but because we had Mia challenging his notions of justice for a while.
If you like the genre then you can't go far wrong with this entry, for me it sets a standard baseline that the genre should be looking to achieve. Hamefura is still the GOAT though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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