Jan 25, 2012
This is my first review here, so please bear with me!
Kurokami is about "Kuro", a mototsumitama and her human contractee Keita. They journey together to Okinawa to defeat Kuro's brother who abusing the dopperliner system. This system means that in the world there are 3 copies of the same person. If you see your doppelganger you will die. It gets a tad more complicated but I wouldn't want to ruin the story for you guys so ill stop there!
I found the story really unique and interesting. There is one thing Kuro and Keita wish to do during the entire series, their main goal is to
defeat Kuro's brother Reishin. There is also a rather big side story relating to the K-on mart who also wish to take advantage of the doppeliner system. Series 1 has less of a story than series 2, it is much slower and gets you to know some of the characters. Series 2 is where most of the action is and where the plot really comes together and has you on the edge of your seat.
The fighting scenes have to be mentioned here - I found them so well choreographed and they were very fun to watch. The art in Kurokami is beautiful, everything is very clear and vibrant. We also see those big cute faces especially Kuro's when she is eating Ramen! :3
This was not bad at all - the opening and closing for scene for series 1 was a little boring for me but I loved the opening to series 2 as well as the music the fights were choreographed to in series 2! Guitars are pretty heavy in a lot of the music in Kurokami.
Character development for Kuro was fab, you really connect with her she's just so cute. In the first episode you see her eating Ramen with her big mouth and shes just so happy. It's hard to believe that she's a tough cookie when you see her like that. Throughout the series you learned more and more about where she has come from and why she is in Tokyo, why did she choose Keita to be her contractee? Why does she want to kill her brother? There are flashbacks as well as her own explanations. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for her contractee Keita. I felt that this anime made him look useless. He would hang back in fights and you didn't get to see his fighting spirit until quite a few episodes in. This series does not do a very good job of explain Keita's background.
Other characters join in here and there, Steiner and Exel were my favourite background characters, they are a very powerful pair from Germany. You'll also meet another motosumitama from Kuro's clan who wants to help her to defeat her brother as well as another who wants to kill Reishin for revenge. I'll leave it at that :3
At first I was disappointment with this anime - there was a lot of stuff thrown in that didn't make a whole lot of sense. After finishing series 1 I was almost ready to drop it but I'm really glad I didn't as season 2 was much better.
If you like anime where there is lots of action and fighting then you will like this - there is a fight almost every episode and they are long. I can't say its the best plot ever because its not, its not the best anime out there but I would definitely give it a try! :3
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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