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Aug 24, 2022
(a short opinion/review)
I find this small part of monogatari fascinating, where we see fragments of important words from two essential characters, Araragi and Hanekawa, what do they really feel for each other? do I feel frustrated? do I like you? Am I just a depressing and very common boy? what's behind that perfection you hide, hanekawa? everything that is being told to us throughout these 4 chapters is an essential development of the plot, even lasting a short time, the plot is effective, direct, specific and perfect. see the characters telling us their stories, their perspectives on certain situations, their feelings and what they
decide to do with the things that are hurting them, all the elements are related to each other, which gives meaning to everything, so at At the end of each chapter, you feel comforted by what you have just seen, I think this series is effective, efficient and subliminal, as "eccentric" as its characters, I think it is a work of art.
the story clarifies and expands more as the chapters continue, the eccentricities are creatures built based on human beliefs, this means that if humans did not believe in the supernatural, the eccentricities could not exist, these concepts are more than captivating and interesting, vampires adapt to the expectations of what humans believe they should be, as in the upbringing of a child, children adapt to what their parents want, and from there will come the result of what we will be in the future. If there is something that I find really charming, it is that they take their time to develop the condition of each character and demonstrate this through inexplicable events, even bizarre and paranormal, symbolizing what we are by how we feel and how we act with each person, Hanekawa spends for all this because of how the world is with her, that's why she became what she is today.
remarking that the agony of the character is much greater than the physical pain that goes away quickly. the depression and dissociation of the character and her strange perception of good and bad is difficult to change, so I normalize the deplorable state in which she finds herself, all this background makes us feel the suffering and realism of what we observe . With the whole situation, Araragi does not feel at all calm and begins to investigate in all possible ways, reflecting on his relationship with Hanekawa over time. and if there is something more charming about this anime, it is the clear allegory and joke that makes the cliche of the harem protagonist, "this high school girl with cat ears, that only one underwear, is driving me crazy with lust, if you continue Speaking ill of her, I'll be forced to kill you." Saying this in the most serious way possible, the series makes it look realistic, which I find appealing in a way. it's funny and at the same time intriguing the way this series has to represent each thing, that's why it's attractive. without much more to add, it must be said that the last chapter of nekomonogatari (kuro) is a genius and an essential part of the saga, it marks the importance, the consequences and the causes of the existence of hanekawa and the things he had to resort to araragi so that she is well, and it is not only about her, but about the vampire princess and the events that surround her, the actions of araragi that mark a before and after and the fantastic environment of the series, this The end is spectacular and we will see how this eccentric and strange story continues. a mixture between the supernatural and the most normal of life seems to be a good choice of genres.
"One day I will fall in love with another person, for the first time in my life I will fall in love with a person other than you, you showed me how to sympathize with others, so surely there will come a day when I fall in love with one of those people, however I will always remember the nine days that you forgot, the nine days that shone like gold, with nostalgia, I don't think I'll be able to forget them, no matter what the future holds for me, these feelings that I feel for you are the same and I can never change them" - Koyomi Araragi
I love this series, thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 25, 2022
Small summary of the manga + analysis + opinion.
this short and cute manga starts showing us Mio Chibana (let's call him "MioChi") a lonely and quiet boy, who lost the two most important people in his life, this boy feels disconnected and lost, who or what could change your destiny?...
on the other side we have Shun Hashimoto, a humble boy who lives with his grandmother, helping her to do the daily errands and delivering bread to the house. Shun is intrigued by the presence of Miochi, who sits watching the sunset in front of his house.
set on a small island, Shun thinks "wow, it's been
3 years since I've been here, how time flies"...
Miochi looks at the sea every day... what will she think about? Shun more and more intrigued, begins to interact with him, little by little, he gets to know his life, who is this boy and why does he do what he does? Shun sees it and thinks of a lonely and lost soul, wandering around, this triggers the first formal conversation that both characters are going to have.
- "I don't feel alone, because you are always seeing me"
this confession opened the doors for everything to progress smoothly. Shun is really interested in Miochi, he remembers situations that forced him to leave everything in his past, showing himself as he truly is, they rejected him and sent him away from home, which left him with sequels and flashbacks. A long time passes, and for the first time it seems that things are changing around him. He finally found a person who understands him, a person with whom to talk about how you feel, a person with whom to open up personally.
- "This place is my gift to you, Shun"
this moment onwards shows the confidence that Miochi begins to show, and as now he lets himself be known, which shows that he also feels interest, now they see each other often and enjoy the time they spend together, in one with the other.
but when it seemed that all this flourished, Mio tells him that they are going to take him to a distant orphanage...
what this shocks Shun a lot, leaving him in shock, Mio tells him to call him...
Of this, a long time passed, as if it were an eternity.
Shun achieved success with the novel he had been working on, Mio sent him a letter that left him with many doubts, and never called him...
It seems that another three years of Shun's life have passed.
surprisingly things took a 360 degree turn
Mio is now his new roommate, they met again after three years, it was as if something woke up again in their hearts
Shun wonders why now? why did you wait so long? why did you never call me? Mio felt sorry for what happened, but the really important thing is that he came back, he came back just to see him, he came back to live new experiences with him, he came back to make up for all that lost time. Things got fixed and they got the welcome they deserved.
but the complications and misunderstandings did not end there, they went a long time without seeing each other, so things changed, they changed, they had misunderstandings and very uncomfortable moments, Shun felt fear and insecurity because he thinks that Mio would be much better off without him and that she would be better off with a girlfriend, with a woman, instead of a man, but Mio didn't care about any of that, Mio only cares about Shun, and she doesn't want a girlfriend, she doesn't want someone else, she just wants a healthy and beautiful relationship with Shun, he came to fix things and start over, and so it will be.
Shun apologizes for the misunderstandings and finally shows his love in a physical way, showing him what he really feels, this time, they spend more time together, Shun was going through stress and was in poor health for a while, so Mio tries to do what he wants. possible to see it better, although they do not agree with some things with each other, things are improving every day more, they begin to decide what they want to do and what they want to do together to move forward
Mio witnessed what Shun had been through in the past, the girl he had been forced to commit to, his family, they suddenly wanted to see him, 6 years later, it means that no one made an effort to go see him, for the simple fact of be who you are He wondered what's wrong with liking a boy? he had been rejected by his own family, he couldn't stay there, "why? to be rejected? no, better, I'm going to live a better life in a distant place..."
They went through a moment of fight and extreme confusion, it seemed that the world was falling down again, how difficult it is to maintain good relationships...
Mio and Her meet, an argument arises over love and Shun's hand, it's time for her to accept that she can't do anything, it's time to say "sorry, but this can't be like that" Shun runs to look for them in middle of the night, crying, thinking about the mistakes and stupid things he said, he can only apologize like a wretch.
this shows us the consequences of not being clear with people, it shows us the consequences of abandoning everything and the consequences of not discussing things as they should, later, we are indebted to people.
- "I ended up searching the ocean by myself, until nightfall, everything hurt"...
Things ended crudely, without further ado, she finished her walk and left.
Shun and Mio had their moment to say "I'm sorry" for all the problems that they may have caused each other, they had their most intimate and beautiful moment, where it's just the two of them, loving each other very much, without caring about anything else.
Everything you have to face is easier when you have the support of your partner, it is true that in many circumstances we are going to be alone, and the rest can only support us even if they don't really understand what is happening to us, instead of taking decisions just like that, instead of raising the tone to the people we love, let's try to move forward and fight with what is bothering us.
This is the situation that the manga makes us understand.
"I have always liked girls, until I came and fell in love with you, Shun, having a taste for boys is not strange"
Shun really wants to reconsider what he was doing wrong and wants to do everything he can for Mio.
Shun decides something that will define his evolution as a person and his maturity, he is going to face his past, his origins, and he wants me, as his life partner, to accompany him in this process of recovery, confrontation and personal healing.
This is a beautiful message from the most authentic company of that special person that you want to participate in this, to go towards a better future, motivated to improve together.
-" i am really happy because you find me "
- let's go for a swim
- because?
- because I'm happy
" I'm really happy" ...
- Come on, the ship is about to leave.
we reach a point of development, that they have fun, laugh and decide things together naturally, now they are leaving to fix things, we see very clearly the situations that made them learn from their mistakes and that now they know that they do not have to repeat, the simplicity to enjoy the time you spend with your favorite person, has no comparison. nothing is perfect, but it doesn't have to be, that's how all of us are, imperfect beings who spend their time looking at the negative side, that's why it's time to fight with what terrifies us and move forward, this beautiful story tells us this. so relaxing and melancholic, this manga is adorable. With a cold and warm story at the same time, telling us the ups and downs of a young life, the things we are going to go through at some point, it is inspiring and feels like a lesson learned.
Opinion :
Beautiful art stands out with very cute characters, detailed settings and a very well achieved environment.
a manga made to watch alone, not only because of certain scenes, but because it is a personal and endearing story.
with different characters from each other with different life experiences, with different personalities and different things that led them to what they are today.
a beautiful and sad story, with a beautiful romance, highly recommended for all of us who are finding ourselves.
thanks for reading, greetings!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 13, 2022
" my wish is blue, the frustation and pain are red."
this adaptation is decent, I must say that reading the original work is much more exciting, engaging and better developed, it all begins with a boy who begins to see art in the settings of his daily life and finds a new world that he would never expect , suddenly everything changes for him, now the disgusting center of shibukawa at dawn is a beautiful blue sky that gives him peace. The things that I appreciate the most in this series are the reflection of the human body, the human body is an art, it
is an expression, ryuji is an art made of character, expressing, it represents family, loneliness, sex and gender, fashion, aesthetics, so many concepts of today's society, that is why he is a very important character.
yatora is growing and understanding many things, everything around him inspires or affects him, expressing feelings and ideas on paper, and colors and shapes. As a person who draws since the day he was born, I know that representing things as you like is beautiful, he faces constructive criticism of his artistic works, seeing points of view, makes him doubt his talent and originality. The truth is that nobody is Da Vinci, but you can be yourself drawing, feel comfortable with what you do with your time, and that is the most beautiful feeling when drawing.
"everblue" performed by omoinotake, is a very beautiful song that represents the art of the series very well. "This novel changes scenery as it turns the page, but even if the calendar keeps changing, I will do it" "My life will one day be coloured, this colorless rain will one day be able to draw a rainbow, in my life I will decide what color to end with , because even tears are drawn and painted on this canvas"
this work is beautiful, I will always recommend the original manga before the anime, but this also works, I think this anime is for a certain audience that is going through a similar moment or that enjoys the illustration as much as the characters, here ends the review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 13, 2022
this anime is simple, fun and creative artistically, it is a story full of fun, but like everything in life, it has a bad side, the inhabitants of amaburi live on fun and happiness, which could end because of the state of the park , someone had to go immediately to save this place.
here appears our protagonist, kanie seiya-sama, a narcissistic, handsome and outstanding high school student, who would never give his part to help the rest, ends up being convinced by sento isuzu, a girl who does not understand relationships at all and who hides her true feelings with a layer of "seriousness" and
a rifle that makes her "intimidating"
Good, having these data, we are transported to amaburi, a worn-out park that will be forced to close in 3 months unless a miracle occurs, here we meet Latifa, mr. Muffle and many more who work there. Kanie looks willing to help after thinking about it. Here we begin to see the development of the environment.
What makes me happiest of all is to see how the conflicts ended up being resolved, giving a message, although very typical, it is inspiring and beautiful, each one has value with their qualities, each one of us can do something, make an effort and improve both in team as individual.
At the end of it all, Kanie Seiya understands that working on all of this was a good decision, and that he does not want to abandon what he has achieved and all the path he has traveled in the last months of his life. this talks about how we don't realize what we have until we have to say goodbye or say "see you later" personally it inspires me and I love seeing this kind of stories, it's been a while since I've seen such a simple but effective anime.
In conclusion, this series is fun, it has a few funny jokes and very good characters, I totally recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 7, 2021
Trying to make a mini review based on 5 chapters, I would say that this anime disappoints me a little, although, I had some funny moments and the protagonist is nice, this anime has quite disappointing things,
to start .....the "conflict" is horrible : MInato Kiyomizu its a water polo genius, who after winning a national tournament, falls into a coma after a traffic accident, wakes up after half a year and 3 weeks and it turns out that he lost all his memories of 3 years? why 3 years? We do not know. They don't give us any kind of explanation for this, then
at school, a girl comes out of nowhere and kisses him, tells him about a couple of stupid things about an agreement they had, and she leaves and automatically stops caring for the HISTORY.
several friends reappear in his life, basically the girl who gave him a kiss before forces him to return to water polo, even if he did not remember anything about it, his captain and other guys who decide to join work to get 7 members in the team, here we meet shuugo amihama, the most "interesting" character (for now, although he really doesn't have much to offer) after forcing him back, they have a match where the kiyomizu group loses outright. Up to this point in the series, I lost all interest in the conflict and the protagonist's problems, the secondary characters couldn't matter less and the sports scenes couldn't be more uncomfortable.
has some awkward scenes, like when everyone in the
Kiyomizu group are in a very small bathtub for their bodies, and for them it is the most normal thing in the world, but it is very uncomfortable for the viewer to see, there are also other boring scenes that you could quietly skip and it would not affect the story at all.
The opening, without the intention of offending, is a bad song, visually mediocre and even uncomfortable, the ending is acceptable or even good, but this anime fails a lot musically. It has a good animation, in general, but when the characters are in the pool playing, some things start to look bad and even start to be annoying to enjoyment. But it doesnt really matter... i think this anime is other spokon for the year that will be forgotten and finally finish.
by the way, I'm going to keep looking at it hoping to find something really interesting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 3, 2021
This "review" does not seek to be objectivist or criticize negative aspects, it is only me mentioning what I like the most about this anime and because personally I enjoy it too much. what i mean is this review SUCKS
This anime is quite cute, it has such beautiful characters that I fall in love and a story that attracts me as they have no idea.
I love the conflicts of all the characters, from koga to kaede. Every time Sakuta had to give everything for someone, and the satisfactory way in which each conflict is resolved seems extremely beautiful.
When we can see the end of Sakuta's
trip, noticing that her little sister returned to normal, totally defeated by life he cries in the street while it rains, I liked it so much I couldn't help but shed a tear.
mai is a sweetheart, mai is beautiful, professional, considerate, intelligent, good person, a bit tsundere, it's like- everything I like in an anime character. after mai the ones I like the most are kaede and koga because they are very pretty and emotionally dependent on sakuta. by the way i love this anime aaaaaaaaah i need to watch this again
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 16, 2021
"those you love the most end up covered in blood"
like the shekel of death and rebirth, it will repeat itself and continue forever, an indelible code that will remain engraved on you "
a short review - b : the beginning (no spoilers)
The elements of this story may seem strange, on the one hand, there is a group of normal detectives, on the other, quirky-looking villains causing a stir in the city, and a very strange boy who has a relationship with a star.
This is an anime full of mysteries.
-who is the murderer b? Where does it come from and what is its
- where do they come from and what is the real goal of the villains? what kind of relationship does koku have with canopus?
but I think it's all these weird mixes things that make this story tick.
detectives do not solve common cases, they know that strange, supernatural and mysterious things happen in this city and they find out chapter by chapter.
this anime is not empty, it is not a horror parade without any realistic depth, it is more than that, is an anime with many elements that make it rich in history, such as: the questions of life and death, the philosophy of the stars, why there are people who murder and for what reason, WHAT KIND OF ATROCITIES CAN BE COMMITTED IN THE NAME OF EVIL?
I think that this should not be an ignored anime, it deserves a chance and I hope that you, who have not seen it yet, can give it a try. With the passing of the chapters it becomes better, more intriguing, the story does not feel stuck or rushed, it has VERY good moments, as well as its regular moments and its decent moments.
I hope you liked this review, thanks for reading
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 4, 2021
I give an 8 in all aspects, the art is simple and cute, the characters are MORE than decent, the story is simple and beautiful, however, the ENJOYMENT of the series could be more, at times it can be slow and boring, BUT When he strives to move forward, he really succeeds and brings a lot of beautiful romance to the table.
horimiya is a manga with a very simple story, miyamura and hori are classmates who did not use to interact much, but for life reasons, now they are friends, great friends. so much so that their classmates think they are dating and have a
romantic relationship.
seriously speaking, is horimiya a good manga? of course yes !, obviously it depends on who is reading it. to some, it will seem very slow and boring, and others will know how to wait for those key moments to arrive, where romance advances a lot.
the most what i like is the one that the rest of the characters matter for the protagonists, for their actions, development, etc. although the central focus is always on hori and miyamura....
Now, I think the BEST thing that I can highlight from the work is the character of Miyamura Izumi, it is the most SMALL and BEAUTIFUL thing that I saw in my life, as soon as this character appears I find myself obliged to praise him and wish that soul the best so beautiful. I REALLY NEED a miyamura in my life :(
In conclusion, give horimiya a try, no matter how repetitive it seems or how many similar manga you can find to this one, it is still a VERY GOOD JOB that deserves to be read.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 18, 2021
I was thinking of putting a 7 to this work, but, I really don't think it's a 7, rather it is the definition of 6.
I began to see this work when it was broadcast and had only 2 chapters. I saw them and found them very interesting, since I really like detective stories,
some time later he saw her again, with rational expectations. And that's when I get disappointed.
He does not take his own history seriously, he does not know how to make antagonists, he does not know how to present cases to us, work them and finish them. When the series seemed
to be going well, suddenly there comes a chapter where THE DETECTIVES HAVE THE MISSION TO SAVE A DOG, WHICH TURNED TO BE A CHILD'S JOKE.
the protagonist is incredibly lazy, moody and the only thing he does is play the detective, he does not take his job seriously, one as a spectator does not feel anything coming from him, you dont feel the desire to solve crimes, help others, or yourself . It has nothing to highlight but its cute design so that girls die of tenderness.
And it doesn't end there, since the millionaire detective, Kambe Daisuke, is a disappointment as a character. If Haru Kato seemed silly and lazy, this character is much more so.
the series forces you to see daisuke's character as a god, as the character who always wins, the one that women always seek (which by the way, is another disgusting element of the work) Nobody cares at the detective association, nobody does anything, they literally joke and eat. Nobody knows what crime is, nobody knows what it is to be a real detective here. female characters are disgusting, they are hideous, useless, and very silly.
I see that I am already too angry. so I'm going to leave it here. this anime disappointed me radically. It seems to me an incredible WASTE OF POTENTIAL.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 17, 2021
Every time I think of banana fish, I only remember that work that I fell in love with, that work of the discovery of the beauty of life, which means leaving that visual circle that causes you so depressant.
every time I see the union of these two incredible characters, ash and eiji. it's really awesome. the development of affection for the most beautiful person in your life and how it goes with death.
How each situation begins, unfolds and ends, the change of perspective when Dino and his mafia appear, their villains and where they come from, what kind of conflicts they handle with
Ash, all this is fantastic.
the construction of the work seems to me a delight. although some things seem out of place. how: who gave ash the banana fish and why, where do the people of chinatown come from, how ash ended up choosing the people of his gang.
How do you take the time to develop the relationship of your protagonists, so naturally, as both manga and anime make this relationship a marvel of manga / anime.
his fantastic introductions, with beautiful songs, that every time I listen, I remember those scenes that made you appreciate the work, those irreplaceable things, that make you feel so good about yourself for a moment. "This work is unique, it is wonderful, it is banana fish"
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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