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Jul 27, 2023
I love this manga, I'm confident it will be an anime in 2025.
Seconds from deaths' door, Kokura is given one final opportunity to live if he agrees to work part time at a convenience store. A modern take on Usemono Yado, the Konbini straddles the world between life and death. It's customers having the opportunity to purchase one final item before either returning to the world of the living, or traversing to the after-life.
Each chapter we're exposed to a wide range of characters with different personalities, traits, and lifestyles. Connected by their near death experience through the convenience store. The big "mystery" lies
in the origins of the store and the non-humans called spectral's; who operate the store behind the scenes. There's also a gruesome, pitiful mascot called the "darkness cat" who pops-up around the store and wreaks havoc; occasionally being an essential piece to the storyline.
The art feels modern and clean, similar to that of Kowloon Generic Romance. Capturing the surreal feel of the fantastical world, along with the mundane chores of working a part-time job. The author Seiko Erisawa hasn't written anything else that's been translated to english, so I don't have much else to compare it with.
Despite only having 2 volumes translated (which are available in paperback!), Box of Light has the foundation to be a classic. I'm confident that as more chapters are translated, it will gain popularity as rise to become one of the top new-gen manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 25, 2023
Straight-up awesome, is how I would describe Heavenly Delusion. In the cesspool of seasonal anime that seems to grow ever-larger with more and more garbage, this show was a crisp breath of cool morning air. Set in your typical apocalyptic future, the show features wanderers Kiriko and Maru travelling through the desolate wasteland of Japan after the "great disaster". It somehow replicates the tranquility of "Girl's Last Tour" while maintaining an air of mystery around the ManEaters; monsters who consume humans and steal their life force. Combining intense action sequences with complex character drama's, the two experience wonders, horrors and down-right depressing situations in their
journey to find Heaven; an ambiguous location interpreted differently by everyone. The B-plot is a utopian facility nurturing little children; basically The Promised Neverland but run by a greedy old woman instead of aliens. I found it significantly less interesting then Kiriko and Mary, but it ties together quite nicely at the end.
Undeniably my favourite part of the show is it's subtly. Unlike many anime nowadays, it treats me with the notion I have some semblance of intelligence, and lets me put together the mysteries in my head rather than be overly expositional. Heck I just finished the show and I have so many different theories about who is who, the timeline (I think the post credits confirmed what I was thinking) and the true nature of the great disaster. Rather then shove pretentious dialogue up my behind I got to figure things out on the fly, which I really appreciate in an anime.
The animation was FANTASTIC. The art style felt unique and quirky to Heavenly Delusion alone, the characters looked like a combination of "A Place Further Than The Universe" combined with a Makoto Shinkai film and I was LIVING for it. Backdrops and landscapes were coloured beautifully, with highly saturated greenery and nature filling extensive world. Heavenly Delusion received the animation treatment that I wish every show of this nature had. If any of Masahito Soda's manga were given this output I think I'd faint on the spot from excitement.
Above all else Heavenly Delusion is UNIQUE. Anime these days all feel the same (I had already read both Oshi no ko and Hell's Paradise years ago so I wasn't too interested in them) and I was struggling to finish anything that had come out in the past few seasons. This show reminded me why I love anime so much and rejuvenated my passion for it's unique ways of creative storytelling.
I don't think I can praise this show enough. My only gripe is the SA scene in episode 12, felt wholly unnecessary and left a very sour taste in my mouth. Thankfully the final episode concluded nicely and I mostly forgot about how dumb it was. Anyways, for those like me in search of the needle in a haystack, you've just found it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 21, 2021
I despise everything about this series from the bottom of my heart. It is a poor attempt to appeal to the otaku loners who can easily buy into the idea of "something genuine". In reality Hachiman is a complete moron; why continue to throw your pride and dignity away to help others who you previously made fun of for their lifestyle? Nothing about his character is "realistic" in any way, he is simply the person every loner thinks they are, when in reality they're a spineless loser with no social skills. You expect me to believe that 2 extremely pretty and intelligent women would actually
fall in love with someone like him???? A cynical narcissist who believes himself to be better than anyone else simply because he doesn't form "fake" relationships with others???? I can assure you that reality is nothing of the sort, fake relationships occur all the time: It's called showing maturity and respect towards others and not simply blurting out whatever comes to your mind (kinda the opposite of what I'm doing in this review but oh well). On top of that the dialogue is so pretentious I felt disgusted reading most of the volumes in the series. This is by far the worst piece of media I have ever encountered in my entire life and would advise against putting yourself through the torturous action of reading it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 12, 2021
Before i write this review I want to say by no means is this manga a bad one, however it is quite far from being good. My score of a 7 is mostly because I love death game manga, especially ones with a morally grey main character. Now on to the review.. full of SPOILERS btw. this is gna be short its 2am
Chapters 10-50 are essentially follow the same repeating cycle: Enter dangerous game, back is against the wall, Yuuichi pulls miraculous strategy out of his ass to complete the game and make everyone else look stupid. This is obviously amusing, especially some of Yuuichi's
panels where he looks like a patient in a mental hospital. However it gets quite repetitive and predictable to the point where the reveals are just plain ridiculous, so much so i nearly dropped the manga multiple times. What needed to happen was more progression in terms of the whole traitor and background plot of Yuuichi's background story, which would make it feel as if the game was not the sole reason to read the manga. Series like Classroom of the Elite and Alice in borderland do this particularly well and still created amazing psychological games (which are honestly better than the ones in this series). This does improve once they enter the gambling game on the ship, as the plot finally progresses past the point of "Yuuichi is badass". Here is the point in the story where I was able to discover the plot of twist of "SPOILER" Yutori was the traitor, mostly because of how much emphasis the author put towards expressing her "excellent" acting skills. Not saying this was a bad reveal, just an obvious and predictable one. Anyways continuing to the best arc in the series: The island game (up until chapter 84 which ill get to later). Although it feels like the author stuffed 60 chapters worth of plot into this one arc, it ended up quite well. All because this game combined the game idea along with progressing the plot into one, this way the games are actually worth reading because the outcome is unpredictable. In other words Yuuichi is no longer invicible.
SPOILERS FOR THE LASTEST CHAPTERS BELOW.. this review is a lot more subjective so im sorry but this is my review soooooo
the author fucked himself in the ass what is this guy doing.. the one chance he has to make Yuuichi into a fantastic character he contniues with the notion of invicibility and the "I planned this all along" edgelord schtick. The whole Tenji stalking everyone and knowing everything is complete bullshit, theres no way he could've been everywhere at all times. On top of that what is up with the whole OP step-brother reveal, this was clearly an asspull as this character really had no business being anyone that. On top of that having Shibe as the other traitor.. cmon fr?! This author has clearly lost his mind with over the top plot reveals because he cannot write a decent plot to save his life. Then again he created Yuuichi who has the potential to be one of the best characters I've seen in manga.. please just hand your manga over to Oda or Inoue so they can fix this mess that was chapters 83-85.
I'm being overly critical of this manga, it's really not that bad. if you want an edgy main character who's a genius and solves everything this is for you. But if your looking for psychological death games with a decent story then look elsewhere. Manga such as Battle royale, Classroom of the elite, and Alice in Borderlands do the concept significantly better.
yeah there's grammar and spelling mistakes.. i just got a 54 on my summative english essay so take what i say with a grain of salt.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 8, 2021
To start this review I understand the hype around this manga, It's easy to see why people flock to it like seagulls to a picnic. However that does not reflect the poor writing so evident in 80% of the story, which fails to spark even a hint of interest in me.
Story arcs (4): Training, training, and MORE TRAINING ARCS. I don't mind manga which focus on the characters growth in strength and technique, series such as hunter x hunter and ashita no joe do it very well and dedicate a percentage of nearly every arc to train their main characters. The training is shown explicitly
and given an adequate amount of screentime to show their growth before leading to the all so satisfying release of their new power and technique. In this manga however... we get entire arcs solely dedicated to training where our main characters simply seem to "power up". They lack creativity in their powers and simply rely on force... i genuinely don't understand how momo is so weak she can create ANYTHING. You'd think she'd spend those eternities while training maybe studying the creation of unique compounds to help her in battle but NOOOO she becomes a useless side character while the whole story focuses on the boring trio: Deku, Shoto and Bakugo.... I'll get to them a little later. There were 2 arcs in the series which I really enjoyed, those being the sole reason this manga is not rated a 2. These arcs being the sports festival and the villain academia arcs. The sports festival managed to finish it's arc without being interrupted by plot (looking at you chunin exams and grand magic games) and for that I enjoyed it. It's also the only arc in the series where nearly the full cast of characters gets actual development and screen time (well most of them..) so props to the author for that one. I also liked the villain arc.. blah blah blah twice and shigaraki are cool the arc had decent writing too... as you can see i even got bored thinking and writing the review for this series i honestly could not find a blander cast of characters then the main cast.
Save yourself some time and don't read this series.. shonen tropes can be seen much better in a bunch of other manga :))
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 4, 2021
A shitstain I couldn't stop reading. I don't know why but this manga was difficult to drop and I ending up finishing the entire thing simply to learn what happens in the end. The whole manga is toxic and self-destructive, the main character is a douche, and the rest of the cast are honestly just plain stupid. Toxic romance and self-destructiveness (i don't think that's a word) has been done much better in other manga such as "Scum's wish" or "Aku no hana" which both delve into their characters and stories much deeper. There is an LGBTQ+ aspect to the story which is the only
reason I'd recommend this manga over the others I mentioned in case you happen to being going through something similar. Other then that this manga is hot garbage and while it satisfied me I would not tell anybody to waste their time reading these 23 chapters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 2, 2021
Before writing this review i just want to say that the original GTO is my favourite manga of all time, and that this sequel is a disgrace to it's name. SPOILERS
The storyline in paradise lost is abysmal. While it follows the same blueprints from the original GTO, it executes them in a very poor manner. The arcs themselves mostly feel like stand-alone stories which contribute next to nothing to the overall plot, especially the arcs involving the students. The long running storyline is all about the mysterious Mr. Araragi and how he's the don of showbiz, except half the arcs have nothing to do with
him at all. Leaving them feeling like unimportant filler to the overall storyline. Even the arcs which mention Mr. Araragi usually have nothing to do with school or being a teacher at all, and take place outside of school which takes away the greatest aspect of this story: Onizuka's unique teaching style. The prison aspect is interesting, however it feels like the author is making up plot-lines as he goes straying from what this manga was originally going to be. The whole plot is a clusterfuck of meaningless story arcs mixed with few plot points that actually progress the story.
Art: While the art isn't terrible I found the characters lacked the original designs present in the original GTO. The students in particular had no defining features and looked very similar. Another thing (this is personal preference) but I found that the bodies were extremely wide with very broad shoulders and I didn't think it matched the vibe of highschool kids. Overall though the art does look nicer as an aesthetic which is an improvement from the original.
Now the most appalling part of the story: The characters themselves. In the original series the characters were what defined the story as a masterpiece. The interactions between Onizuka and his students such as Kanzaki and Miyabi were brilliant and you could see the growth throughout the 200 chapters. In paradise lost characters come and go through a revolving door. After their specific story arc most of the characters disappear and never return. Remember the girl who's apart of women's wrestling, or the guy with daddy issues? Because I sure as hell don't. They were thrown away after their arc and never played any role in the story again. Compare this to someone like Kanzaki from the original series. After her personal story arc she plays a role in nearly every other portion of the story and is kept around as either part of the plot or for interactions between the characters. I could talk all day about how the students themselves are unimportant in this series but I'll move on to the travesty that is Onizuka in this series. Volume 11 (Kirishima arc). This volume completely ruined Onizuka's entire character through the one action of attempting to have sex with a highschool girl. Why include this? Throughout the whole series Onizuka controlled himself (sort of) because he wanted to be a respectable teacher, but in this one panel he's essentially become the very thing he punished for the whole series up to that point. On top of this he gets one-upped by Kirishima in nearly everything this arc ruining the whole unique aspect of his teaching and showing that somebody else can walk in and do everything he does but better. The only saving grace in terms of characters is the vice-principle Uchiyamada (sorry for spelling). He actually gets decent development and his personal arc was my favourite one of the series. In paradise lost he's seen as a respectable educator and human rather than the stingy human failure seen in GTO.
My enjoyment of this series is still a 5 simply because I loved the original so much and this one still provided some enjoyable and comedic moments. However I cannot give it higher than 1 simply because it trashes on the foundations of my favourite manga.
Overall this is a stain on the greatest manga ever written and i urge GTO fans not to put yourself through this hell.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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