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Sep 18, 2024
"Haha, something something, deer, horns!" The anime
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm an EXTREME lover of the 'random' comedy genre, anime or otherwise... And this is exactly what this show seemingly hyped itself as, so, i, like seemingly many others, was very excited for it to come, how widespread the 'shikanoko dance' meme alone is should be measure enough... But... Its simply not here.
Without spoiling anything, not that there's anything to spoil to begin with, both being a slice of life comedy without a plot, and setting its entire premise in both the trailers and the first couple of minutes of episode 1, this is
a slice of life anime about... Deer. And a deer girl, which also isn't a spoiler given she's literally on the cover.
What do you expect of such a show (comedy, slice of life), trailer hype aside? Well, comedy, maybe slice of life. What do you get? No slice of life, and next to zero comedy, aka, a major disappointment, just "haha, look, her horns are multifunctional and/or grow randomly, isn't that HILLARIOUS!!?"... No, no it isn't, and even if it was to someone or in a couple of instances, it grows old in an episode or two.. But there's NOTHING else to go on!
So yeah, despite decent production values, would absolutely NOT recommend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 29, 2024
What makes a story good?
Is it the animation? Picture quality? Art style? Sound?
Well no, duh, its THE STORY!
And well, far too many anime seem to forget that... Honestly i'm not sure at this point who the target audience for this, and many other shows is, because it feels like i've seen this show at least twenty times over before ever watching it!
There isn't much to be said about it honestly.. What are the strong sides? Well, as i said, art, animation, and generally great production values.
What are the weak sides? The most important - story and characters! Well, if you can call them that, they're
cardboard cutouts at best - the stereotypical tsundere, the classic average anime protagonist, and his friend, the classic average anime protagonist #2... NOTHING new or original about them, you've seen it all a thousand times.
Same goes for 'the plot', not only is very little of it revealed this season anyway, but also, if you can't predict what happens next from the little that does happen, this is probably your first, or maybe tenth or so anime watched!
All in all, i can't say its bad per se, but its utter lack of originality and plot makes for a really bland time... And i'd probably not recommend it to anyone aside newcomers to the medium.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 26, 2024
There really isn't much to say about this show.
Production values? There are decent at least, nothing amazing, but solid... And that's about it
But story wise... Oh boy. This is one of those rare shows that somehow manage to COMPLETELY fail ANY sort of exposition and storytelling! I'm not quite sure how such an epic fail in basically the most important component of any media (story) was achieved, nor how it got this high a score as a manga and became popular enough to make it all the way to an anime.
To put it simply, there's absolutely NO story to go around on for about
HALF WAY into the show, and worse than that, not a SINGLE character that raises any interest or anyone would ever want to root for no matter the circumstances... Everyone's the bad guys, and not the charming, 'special', 'misunderstood' or otherwise interesting type of bad guy either, but the most generic type of bad guy, including MC. There's no redeeming qualities to any of them, or any endearing aspects to go on...
So what would keep you watching? My answer - nothing, hence this is a must drop in my book, 4.3/10, just for the production quality.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 10, 2024
Downward spiral would be the best way to describe this show, in more ways than one.
It starts off pretty strong, with great animation, if a bit cliche - you know what's coming from a mile away if you've ever watched some shows before. From there, it ramps up into a gritty show that slowly builds up its story and holds the mark...
But here come the 'but's. First of all, the starting holds absolutely no meaning, because having his kid get murdered too is completely pointless - we've not known the character, his wife nor kid for any amount of time, and having his wife
get killed would have the same impact, not to mention there's absolutely no introduction scenes to the kid in the show... It would make much more sense to hold onto the reason for his revenge until much later, and instead of the kid use the time to flesh out the relationship between him and his wife more as the series progresses and we get to know MC more, THEN hit the viewer with her murder.
Secondly, around the mid point, the quality takes a huge dip, be it because of the tonal shift from ninja arts and normal fights to sci fi and robots, the shitty cgi used for said robots either due to budget cuts or the need for it because they wanted to differentiate them from normal fights, or both..
And lastly the story, that is basically not revealed until the last third of the show, and turns out to be downright pathetic. There's basically three main silly little stories :
1, MC's, who's the simplest and stupidest, and i'd consider a substory - bla bla, ninja code says you can't love and have friends, bla bla, he fell in love anyway and got a friend, bla bla, he ran away into hiding, had a kid, and then he, his kid, and wife got murdered for having a family and leaving the clan, but he has an immortality 'ninja art' and now is on his revenge that he gets by the end
2, his friend, that's also basically a sub story - basically he also broke the code by being friends with MC and his wife, and they swore to be friends and stuff, but then ran away and left him behind. And he decides to kill MC, cuz he feels betrayed and his friend broke the clan law and other utterly idiotic reasons, but in the end decides to help MC
And 3, which is actually the MAIN but also LEAST fleshed out story - just a medic war veteran who saw too much horrors and decided to take over the world and FORCE peace lol, because that's DEFINTELY how things work! And for that he needed robots..? Idk, this part, like most things in the show doesn't make sense, as these robots aren't shown to be all that special, and the fights in them, if anything, look far weaker and slower than the normal ninja fights.. Also the NORMAL ninjas look more than overpowered enough to take on the world leaders as per bad guy's plan.
This gives birth to more utterly redundant characters and subplots such as the useless Aryan looking Mark Zuckerburg evil CEO type that makes the robot stuff and his bodyguard Ninja that the Villain assigned to him and told her to protect, but then decided to kill because she FOLLOWED HIS ORDER and he didn't cancel it! (Utter lunacy), the bunch of baddie's henchmen that don't even deserve a mention with how idiotic they are (mc's firend one of them), and the near pensioner policeman along with his sidekick (new poliecegirl recruit who's a double agent) who was probably the best character in the show as far as her plot, story, fleshing out, and reasoning goes, but who got killed off for absolutely no good reason.
Final score - 5.4/10, just for the art of the first episodes, probably not recommended, unless you really like ninja stuff and don't mind stupid plots. And even then you'll hate the robot fights.
Frankly, i'd say it could have been a good show if they cut half the characters and the silly robot stuff, and the runtime to 6x30 or 6x40 min episodes instead of 13x24 min, but alas.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 30, 2024
EXTREMELY disappointing
Basically all that's needed to sum this up. Or, 'afk game' / 'autoclick adventure' as i saw someone name it.
I've read the novel, past the point the anime shows too, and its nothing to write home about... But the anime is on a whole other level of bad. The first contributor to the show being bad is the original story not being anything impressive to begin with... The second is the utterly horrid pacing - the prologue alone took 2 episodes, or 1/6th if you will. Next up in line is mediocre directing that doesn't rewrite nor make use of anything good in the
source material in favor of all the bad, and tries to adopt stuff 1 to 1... Especially where it doesn't count! And finally there's the mediocre action and lack of animation that said lack of action presents, which means you'll need to complete about 10~ episodes before you'll see anything remotely impressive in terms of story or action... At which point i'd say its basically too little too late.
Not recommended to anyone. 5.4~/10 is probably a bit too harsh a sentence all things considered, but the boredom and sheer degree of generity and mediocrity you'll experience watching this show would present it as a pretty honest rating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 18, 2024
"Iz good"
About all that is needed to sum up the show, definitely recommended, especially if you like zombie stuff, but even if you don't.
But 'good' is not great, so... Here's why it isn't more than another mostly forgettable good-decent show that i evaluate at about 7.2...
First of all the great stuff - production quality. As far as that goes, its basically through the roof, some great stuff all over, from good songs and visuals for op and ed, to consistent quality of animation, even the backgrounds, which is no small feat for zombie stuff since the ruined backgrounds need to be all that more detailed,
and drawing a mob of zombies is no easy task, especially without any cg usage... Everything is well designed, memorable and colorful, the characters are very fun.
But, sadly that's all, the main part of any story, aka, THE STORY is... Well, bland. It started with a blast and a good idea overall, but aside the initial spark of originality with that, and the fun and comedy going on, there isn't much story or character depth, and it devolves into just one more forgettable story about random stuff, hence the name 'bucket list' (of the dead), most of it is just the characters fooling around with stuff they want to, wanted, or just got the idea of doing.
Not to say there's no character arcs of sorts and its not still fun and interesting to watch, but, as i said, its nothing too special. With the start, which is good and original its fun, as i said, realizing 'you're a zombie', working 24/7 and getting home just to sleep, and life being so horrible you're having more fun in the frigging zombie apocalypse and looking forward to it than your life normally was nearly a 10/10 start, and its very relevant too because many people feel that way too.
But its kind of a downhill from there, because mc who seemed to made an oath to only think of having fun and living life on his terms forgets all about it, being brave and forward one episode, a semi coward or insecure the next (with a couple cycles of completely unneeded drama), a hero in one more, and finally a literal doormop after he meets his boss. Its really weird and inconsistent with that, as well as the lack of worry and thought about his parents (for the others too, although they do mention them here and there for just a sec before forgetting all about it and going back to their fun) until they actually go to them where its suddenly becomes important.
The way the situation with his boss is resolved is really weird and anticlimactic too, i don't mean the fact they don't kill him or somehow get revenge, and even save him, which is ok, i mean the fact that for the show's start, about the zombie apocalypse being better than being a corporate slave, and him further being a doormat for a whole episode despite all of his resolve to live HIS life on HIS terms in previous episodes, after being nearly erased as a person again, he leaves with... AN APOLOGY, bowing as low as you can while standing up like the good little corporate Japanese slave he is... This is extremely disappointing and unsatisfying, and goes against the whole premise!
Luckily, from there its back uphill, with the show getting better again (lowest point being the episode with him being a doormat to his boss and apologizing at the end of it, as well as the couple other moments with really stupid drama and indecisiveness like the part with the stewardess, with our two heroes unable to secure a tiny group of people, and end up them all get killed by a single zombie, and then running away), but as i said, doesn't end up becoming anything special either. The baddie arc was kinda weird and weak though, also preachy and incomplete (there was more to it in the manga).
And then there's also the whole drama about the delays of releasing episodes, but frankly i don't care about that, they did a great job (with sadly not too great source material) and did finish it, that's all that matters. All in all, as i said, a pretty decent show, would still recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 22, 2023
Okay so, i guess many people rush to rate this season high because compared to the trainwreck of last season it seems pretty good... But its anything but that! Starting off, i rate this season 4.4/10, and would NOT recommend it to anyone at all.
If you only watched the anime... Its just bad, not as horrible as i rated it, but not great either - tons of new characters appearing seemingly out of nowhere, all sorts of nonsensical stuff going on without any explanations given, and a TON of context missing due to the previous season being basically stolen with how much was cut
and how horrid it turned out to be. So maybe somewhere around 6/10, which is still somewhere on the low side.
But as a novel reader, this was downright painful to watch! Let's start with the elephant in the room... The story's antagonist. 3 seasons in, and we've yet to learn or hear ANYTHING of them! That is, in the anime, meanwhile in the novel they ARE mentioned, and by the end of this season where supposed to be known... But... Nope! And with next season previewing Kutten Rou, and Shielt Vielt, seems we won't learn of them in s4 either, if it'll even come at this rate!
But at the same time, we WHERE shown the people related to the main antagonists, just that, the anime felt like NOT MENTIONING IT AT ALL for the last two seasons! Them being Kyo and the two random dudes that attacked mc and the sword hero, which from the comments about those episodes i saw people where understandably very confused about. Putting that and the story aside, on a surface level, the season's not too bad - the visuals and sound stuff is okay, voice acting, most of everything is decent or good...
But yeah when you come back to the characters and story, it fails big time. The most interesting and fun parts of it where cut. The main antagonists? Cut. The characters all act completely different from the novel, as if they copy pasted and replaced Naofumi with the most generic shounen protagonist they could find, nothing left of his edgy, awkward, sharp tongued and self proclaimed villain self, nor of Raphtalia's sassy and rebellious attitude of verbal battles with him, putting him in his place, etc. At some point i even had to ask - WHO EVEN ARE THOSE CHARACTERS??? Some other major parts of the story and character arcs where cut too. So yeah, If last season was downright horrible, this one is just plain bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 24, 2023
So, just like in previous season reviews, i'm putting morality aside, at least for a while, both because presenting different world views and moralities in different worlds and times is something that i think is interesting to explore and shouldn't be avoided, no matter how horrible they may be, and because both the people defending this show, and people criticizing it seem to be dead set on either defending the morality of it all 'because its a different world' and saying the critics are too sensitive, or insist on including said morals and making their negative reviews around those, as opposed to the actual flaws
of the show (and its previous seasons), of which it has MANY... And si i will just review the show for its strengths and weaknesses...
Spoilers, its mostly weaknesses. So, starting off with the art... Its okay. There's certain moments with major dips, and overall its not nearly as good as last seasons, which i'd also say had their problems art wise with inconsistency and lack of good fights and fluidity outside a couple select moments (everyone likes to link Rujerd's tiny 'fight' where he's just standing there and wiggling his spear for a couple seconds while the camera rolls around him before he gets ko'd as if its some amazing feat of animation, which its not), but overall i'd say these previous seasons at least did scratched 'good' territory... Here its just okay. Voice and music? Its pretty good, as per usual for this show... Directing is fine. And... Well, that's it for everything i can praise or comment on positively at all!
Everything else meanwhile, aka the most important part really, being the characters and story, is not just sub par, but downright horrible. Starting off with Rudy, who was never an interesting character to begin with, being just your average Japanese mc with all the usual traits (shy, polite, respectful to higher ups, insecure (aside perverted moments), etc), aside his introduction as scum, which seemed to be there for that redemption story that never comes, and which the anime tones down as much as it can (in the LN and WN he's MUCH worse). And with it toned down, and with a newfound 'wholesome' twist on it all (which wasn't in the WN at all) even in previous seasons he's reduced to next to nothing, but in this season outside a few select moments (which mostly come down to comedic moments and his 'relic' and roxy's statue), he's somehow even worse. In the start he's a husk of even that lacking character, convinced he was dumped, and wandering about aimlessly and looking miserable (think gurren laggan depression arc, but more spineless and far more useless), despite the previous season showing otherwise and seemingly suggesting he learned his lesson about being a shut in, figuratively and literally.
And this brings me to the first arc of this season, the depression arc. There's not much to say about its first half, he just takes on jobs alone (offscreen) and with another when they decide to take him, acting extremely passively and quietly. Then we get a certain 'violent mind reader' as i call the character trope, aka someone that comes in, sees through his fake smile and constant politeness, and says they don't like them... To a complete frigging stranger they basically never saw or crossed ways with! After Rudy snaps, releasing his emotion and pent up anger, and punches him in the face a few times however (which strangely enough seems to hurt RUDY'S HANDS more than Zoldat's (super lazy naming btw, as usual, zoldat being 'soldier' in slavic languages) face) he does a 180 and suddenly goes full on 'bro' mode. 11/10 writing there lol
The other 'important' character is some other random girl around his age in that adventuring group he was in, which hates him at first, then starts to like him for no reason, and when he saves her, decides to give him her virginity... Because yes, that's how these things go lol! With the side effect of being dumped being ED however, when he decides to fuck her, he can't get it up... So he's once again crushed, and the strange girl whispers 'scum/garbage', cuz yeah, its TOTALLY how someone would react in such a situation! Newfound 'bro' comes to the rescue and suggests a few solutions but none work, then, after a drink, he gets mad starts to badmouth this bitch (and sorry, i can't exactly describe someone who acts in those ways any other way), with her standing behind him. After some drama from her, our 'hero' just decides to end it all there and then, because that's TOTALLY how those things happen! Zoldat saves the day (?) despite having less than half a second to react, SOMEHOW... Oh, and since this whole arc has been changed a lot and is basically an LN afterthought, we'll never see this girl again until the very end of the show, many, many seasons away (if they get that far)! Totally worth the time, right?
And next up is the magic academy arc. Basically the usual 'shady god' guy tells him to go there. He refuses. He tells him he will cure ED there... AND HE AGREES TO GO IMMEDEATELY! Quality story right there~... So YES, the whole following arc, and the whole major story driving force in this WHOLE SEASON in general is mc's ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION! What happened to the previous one you may ask? aka finding, rescuing and reuniting his family? Eh, who cares right? At best an afterthought. Not like it was a major driving point in the previous season's second half, and will be in the future! Oh wait. Should i say any more about how 'good' that arc turns out to be? The whole thing is basically made of several minor stories in the academy with a ton of time skips in between and the usual 'school life' crap you've seen a thousand times over in other shows... All on the background of his childhood friend pulling off a superman on him and being unrecognizable by merely wearing sunglasses and a different hair color... And pretending to be a man. Their behavior is exactly that of any other school romance show btw - never ending useless drag on, although it has a slight reasoning behind it and actually goes somewhere by the end at least... Which doesn't make it any less bad though. As such, Rudy and Sylphie are just as boring and insufferable as the characters of any other school romance. What makes the whole ordeal even worse, is that due to the wholesome twist they keep putting on, and the time skips, also hiding his inner thoughts unlike the WN, there's MAJOR interesting world building and plot points that's been completely discarded (which was also a major issue with s1 part2, but that at least had SOME redeeming factors elsewhere)!
The couple of more interesting characters that pop up are barely present, aside one that is actually important to the MAIN plot of the show and not this shitty season, but that's less than just 1 episode of 12. So, as you see, even outside the morality questions both sides like to bring into this debate (in which i also lean against the show, as i can't exactly root for someone with the mind of a 40-50 year old man being excited by 7-12 year old girls even later on in the show, during and after his supposed 'redemption', although i still find the rest of the world setting interesting), its and extremely badly thought out and dull story... Which brings us to the verdict - unlike the first half of the first season, i would NOT recommend this one to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 26, 2023
Shortly and simply put, this is yet another entry in the 'i don't know why konosuba was good so i'll pretend its the writer' series.
Now, i love konosuba, don't get me wrong, both the initial series and the movie. But there's a slight difference between me and most other fans - i read, or rather TRIED to read the novel! And well, this brings me back to my previous point - konosuba, the novel, along with the other artist's works are simply... Not too good. What made the show good then? The staff. About half the jokes appeared out of some changes in writing and
freedom for the voice actors and their individual talent, as well as great directing and understanding of the source material and comedy, expressive and silly animation work... They took an 'ok at best' product and elevated it to greatness.
The result was the great initial series we all know. But it also brought the problem i mentioned earlier - attributing the success of the series to the original writer instead of these additional and very important factors. The consequences? Other studios picking up other works from the author, thinking its the source of the success of the series, without allowing the same freedoms, without having the needed talents nor putting in the same effort, resulting in the 6/10 "kemono wrestler", 7/10 (and even that is overrating it imo) "combatants will be dispatched", and lastly this little 7/10 prequel, all of which aren't nearly as interesting nor funny as konosuba.
Now don't get me wrong, this prequel, and other shows aren't BAD by any means and also have their moments, but all in all, they're just average and not special in any way unlike the show which made them happen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 24, 2023
*spoiler free review*
Now, let me start with that i'm a sucker for apocalyptic and post apocalyptic stuff, so both from the description and trailer, i was already nearly sold and going in with high expectations, especially with the visuals looking pretty interesting...
What came of that? The show almost completely betrayed that description and my expectations of it being the said genre! Am i disappointed though? Absolutely not. In fact its one of the very best things i watched in quite a while, even if there's definitely quite a bit of room for improvement, and won't be as interesting and pleasant to watch for many, as
it touches on some rather unpleasant topics.
In short, there's a need to alter the genre and description of what it is about exactly - while post apocalypse definitely plays a factor, its not at all the focus nor nearly as apocalyptic as the standard you'd usually think of when hearing the term. Instead, it'd be much more accurate to call it an adventure and mystery anime with psychological aspects.
Downsides - as many other anime, its incomplete, as in both the fact the manga goes on and the story isn't resolved, and that, due to the nature of the show, leaves FAR too many questions, that's on top of the show being decently convoluted, so much so that i think a second watch would be useful for most. Some episodes have noticeable animation and other quality dips, some story bits in both the show and manga don't make too much sense and/or could be handled better, and finally, there's the hard to deal with topics.
If you can handle heavy topics though, and with decent chances of a second season coming, i'd say its definitely worth a watch!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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