Fly High is one of those Shoujo manga which has a protagonist who is "tough". It has a plot which you could probably have read but as you read deeper, you will find yourself drawn to read more. And no, it does not have a lot of fighting scenes which I totally expect to have.
warning! MAY contain spoilers.
So, the story is a good read. Though there may be times where in you'll get annoyed with Meru (like What-the-f***-are-you-doing kind of annoyed) you'll eventually get over it cuz of the explanation. It may have its down moment but well, what shoujo manga has not down
Mar 16, 2010
Warning!! might contain spoilers!!
Story: Boyfriend is kind of a typical shoujo manga. But somehow it has this "thing" that makes you want to read it 'till the end. The story is kind of common but the next thing you know the plot is actually kind of different. Like, if you thought that the guys likes her already,but it turned out that he's not really into her yet. I could talk about this as long as you want but it will result to a major Spoiler and I don't want that to happen. lol So yeah, its a cute story. Trust me, I'm not really drawn into reading ... Aug 27, 2009
D.Gray-man is totally one of my top 10 manga since it has all the things i wanted. It has humor, adventure, horror (a little) and romance(?!) lol
The characters are hard to forget. The story plot moves fast. Other than that, they are Hot! lol especially Kanda, Rabi and Allen. All in all, its awesome! Too bad its on hiatus though. Rumor has it that the mangaka was sued for plagiarism so i searched it up. I was frustrated because they made such a fuss over something that is SLIGHTLY familiar. If ever you could see the article then you will feel the same way too. I ... |