I watched this show from start to finish because I thought the tropes were interesting and surprising, which a strange combination of post apocalyptic/ global crises type fiction and magic and science, featuring the unlikely protagonist who is something of a 14 year old terrorist leader in a short skirt.
The plot was often very decompressed and... weird, it was never clear where the writer was going with it... but by the end it all came together in a novelish sort of way.
In conclusion, I guess the series is good but not great.
Dec 25, 2013
Galilei Donna
This is an adventure series with a studio Ghibli meets The Da Vinci Code sort of feel. Unfortunately it never establishes a believable or consistent tone and it feels like the writers were really struggling to bring it all together, so even when they have good ideas, they were awkwardly executed. Plot stuff seems to happen not for logical reasons, but because it has to happen to wrap everything up.
The first two episodes were really good... the rest did not live up to the high standards set by those early episodes. I'm not the only one that had that reaction, ... Dec 18, 2013
Shinsekai yori
I had no idea this was an anime or novel when I read the manga so can't comment on how it compares. The cartooning is very well done, though there is a lot of fan service, which is somewhat weird, since when its not doing fanservice it's pretty well crafted science fiction horror blend.
Having only read 4 chapter so far, it seems the fan service is leading to some genuine relationship places, which is very interesting. Too soon to say what I think of it overall, but this is certainly an above average scifi manga with an interesting world slowly being revealed. |