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The Breaker
In both series, an unpredictable teacher is assigned to a group of troublesome students. Both teachers are quite unusual, and both seem to stumble into fights in order to protect their students. Not to mention that both of them have a sort of favorite student which happens to be bullied in one way or another.
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Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san
The kind of humor in both series is the same. One of the most obvious differences between the series is the fact that sexy commando's artwork is somewhat lacking, on the other hand, this seems to enhance the effect of the humor in this series. The composition of the main parties are somewhat the same, with one of the character's personality bordering on plain ridiculous, another one which points out the "inconsistencies" or whatever the main character does as wrong, and a female character which is mainly oblivious to whatever is happening. Not to mention the pet, which looks a bit normal at times, but exhibits some behavior which hints at it being some kind of weird creature.
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The main heroine in both of these series has multiple personalities, both of which change at unexpected situations. The hero of both stories also dedicates himself to cure the heroine's condition.
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The artwork of these two series is similar. Also, the mood for the story is more or less the same as the first arc of gacha gacha.