Jul 6, 2023
"Who Made Me A Princess" is an engaging and captivating manga that combines elements of fantasy, romance, and drama. The story revolves around Athanasia, a young girl who is reincarnated as the princess of a magical kingdom. However, she soon discovers that her life is in danger due to a curse placed upon her by her own father, the king.
One of the strongest aspects of this manga is its well-developed characters. Athanasia, the protagonist, is a likable and relatable character who undergoes significant growth throughout the story. Her determination to change her fate and protect herself from harm is inspiring. The supporting characters, including the
charming prince, Lucas, and the loyal knight, Claude, add depth and complexity to the narrative.
The artwork in "Who Made Me A Princess" is beautifully done, with detailed illustrations and expressive character designs. The manga effectively captures the emotions of the characters, enhancing the overall reading experience. The vibrant and colorful visuals also bring the fantasy world to life, immersing the reader in the story.
The plot of the manga is intriguing, filled with suspense, political intrigue, and unexpected twists. It successfully blends light-hearted and comedic moments with more intense and dramatic scenes. The pacing is well-balanced, keeping the reader hooked and eager to know what happens next.
Another notable aspect is the romantic subplot, which adds an extra layer of sweetness to the story. The growing relationship between Athanasia and Lucas is portrayed with care and tenderness, making it enjoyable to follow their interactions.
However, one potential drawback is that the story occasionally rushes through certain plot points, leading to missed opportunities for deeper exploration or character development. Some readers may also find the plot predictable at times, especially if they are familiar with common tropes in the fantasy genre.
Overall, "Who Made Me A Princess" is a delightful manga that will appeal to fans of fantasy and romance. It offers a well-crafted story, compelling characters, and beautiful artwork that will keep readers eagerly turning the pages.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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