If you liked
I-Revo: Ice Revolution
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Ballroom e Youkoso
similar unexpected sport, Dancing and figure skating. protag gets into sport, gets crush, there's a samegender athlete who is much better than them at the same dance school/rink, continues in sport to try and change themself, quirky award-winning male coach.
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I-Revo: Ice Revolution
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Tetsugaku Letra
protag who initially practiced one sport, after an encounter begins to practice another. I-Revo is more shounen-typical despite having a female main character, while Letra straddles the bar with a more shoujo style of dealing with emotions and friendships. little bit of gender bending in both, Letra with the shoes and I-revo with her skating style and initial appearance. Letra has a bigger focus on relationships and the impact one has on the people around them as well as looking at things with a more realistic treatment. I-revo is a typical sports manga but for figure skating, with a girl who wants to reconnect with her femininity as the main character. Smaller cast of characters, shonen-typical character strength and technique based learning, more focus on humour, energy, and an excellent art style. The romance is more cliche than what is present in Letra, but letra has a good grasp on complex relationships so that's not surprising.
If you liked
Tetsugaku Letra
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Ballroom e Youkoso
Boy who wants to change his way of living starts learning how to dance. Letra has a focus on the complex relationship between people and the impact you can have on someone else's life. Ballroom is styled more typical sports shounen, but has better pacing and is turning out nicely so far.
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Hikaru no Go
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Kono Oto Tomare!
Not completely similar, but there a quite a few common elements. Somewhat of a delinquent main character, the focus on a traditional Japanese passtime (HnG= the game of Go, KoT= playing the Koto), the struggles to improve, one genius player raised in the game/instrument by their family, a solid supporting cast, and Hikaru no Go does have some club type elements more at the beginning as well. There's a decent balance of comedy in both, and they both make something that you would probably actually find boring seem very interesting and engaging. HnG has a supernatural element to it, and is more focused on the rival aspect it seems, but they have a similar feel.