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Aug 27, 2022
It's an interesting read with a shit title. When I initially started this series, I went in with the headspace that this *could* result in a stereotypical power fantasy in a tower, and the first chapter, while interesting, still had the power fantasy mindset instilled in me.
What started out with a man complaining about his situation and eventually going towards a more revenge-type storyline, my hope was dwindling about whether or not this will end up in edgy drivel. Eventually, after this storyline is completed, you are left with an amazing ability to use for future reference, but I went in with a liking
towards his ability, but worry for his morals.
But what this manhwa appeals with isn't just its ability. Having an amazing ability is not what decides whether this is worth reading or not. Isekai is famous for this, for having an interesting premise but terrible execution. This manhwa is different because the storylines include a sympathetic storyline for NPCs. Yes, the NPC's stories are integral to the story. They are ancient stories long ago, from another world, and eventually, end with tragedy. This manhwa is not just about hitting hard and saving hot female girls. No, it's about exploring other stories with a cast that are wary of each other but also have abilities that even the main character struggles with. Yes, the main character is powerful, with probably the most overpowered ability, but the people around him are amazingly talented too and are respected individuals to remember. Not only that, the main character can insert what type of ending he's going for, and thankfully he's not the type to go, "Kill everything, fuck other people, I'm the most right person in this tower," he's got an actual interest in facilitating his connection to the world in a positive way.
Only one season has passed by so far, but I'm pleasantly surprised after that terrible SSS-type title.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 26, 2022
Truly a masterpiece, Pixar Cars have nothing against this gargantuan paragon of media. I have experienced every emotion known to humankind watching this, the amount of serotonin injected into me should be illegal.
There are no faults in this anime, and if there are it's because of the humans because the Molcars will never be at fault. If they went on a murder spree, I will still forgive them no matter what.
🐹/10 makes me cry every time. There is no doubt, no matter which angle you look at it, nothing can compare to this monumental moment of Molcar. Molcar is Justice.
(Staff, pls don't delete my review
again :( It's my 100% honest feelings)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 9, 2021
I've always enjoyed Odd Taxi throughout the entire ride, and its story was a surprise heavy hitter for me. Unfortunately, I can't express which part is so great without spoiling the story, as Odd Taxi is anime with mystery. Everything is odd, and the taxi itself is in the middle of it all.
Odd Taxi has had to fight its way to the top, and the fact that it made itself as well-loved as it is, is quite the feat. For those who don't know, Odd Taxi started with a score below 7, mostly from those who dropped the show immediately after seeing animals instead
of the cute anime girls or guys anime often accommodates us with. With its low audience members, it meant that every low score from people who had dropped the show impacted its score a lot. As the show aired, it went from below a 7 to hanging around the seven, and now after the entire story ends, it can proudly present itself with a high 8 score.
Without having to resort to gore and sex, Odd Taxi can still present itself as a mature show, even with the cartoonish-looking animal characters. The mysteries are fascinating and often have interesting outcomes. Occasionally, despite not doing this often because, in anime, the answers are so obvious you doubt yourself, Odd Taxi has this mystery I couldn't help theorize some moments. Despite making 2 big theories that were confirmed by the end of the show and being some of the biggest parts of the plot, there were still mysteries left unguessed. And they were not sudden random plot twists that weren't built into the show.
Every plot point is intertwined fantastically, and none of them felt like a waste of time. Every character is memorable and served their purpose. The ending wrapped itself nicely and still has itself be everything that it wanted to be, a mystery :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 8, 2021
Vivy is equivalent to a typical Hollywood blockbuster. Sometimes, despite gathering good writers and amazing high-standard visuals, sometimes it's nothing more than another expensive steak for a meal. It's not the best meal in the world, but it's still enjoyable (unless you are a blasphemer who doesn't like steak.) Well, guess what, I love expensive steak. Wagyu beef is disgustingly good, filet mignon is incredibly expensive but still an amazing experience. I would love to get more high-quality steak often in my life, but of course, I can't eat that same steak all the time.
Enough about steak. The story of Vivy itself isn't very
complex as it makes itself out to be, though the time travel aspects are interesting and they manage not to fuck up the concept. Though because of the constant jump in time, the other characters are often left weak in development through screen time, and the relationship chemistry with Vivy is hardly there other than Matsumoto. Occasionally, the new current story might not be as great as the others (I never could get Diva's existence), but otherwise, most were quite interesting and provided us with some quality music and fights. Speaking of which, the highlight of the show would be the animation and music. Wit Studio never fails us to bring some of the best-animated fight scenes to watch, and it is amazing to watch. The music itself is a banger, and always enjoyable to watch. It really enriches the scene itself and brings a fun time.
Would I say Vivy is perfect? No. Would I say Vivy is a 10/10 for me. Yes. Especially in a world where main female characters are often only made for the horny, only do cute stuff for us to watch (which isn't bad, but it sucks that the majority of female lead anime is known for cute girls being cute and nothing else), or part of a romance, Vivy is clearly not made for being just a pretty apple to the eye in the most part (perhaps you could see the idol part as fanservice), which makes it more respectable in my eyes. I'm just going to pet this show, and hold it close as it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 27, 2021
Fuck y'all. This is the kind of food I want. No more of that same shit, I want animal planets.
Cells at Work? Nah man, we don't focus on fictional anime females or males. This here is where actual culture lies, the true justice of the ever-loving but still cruel hands of nature: animals. Learning about the body in a digestible way is fun and all, but fuck, I wanna know the useless information. Like the fact a mother bear can get pregnant from multiple other bears at the same time, with every single one of her children being from different fathers while not yet being
born. Family day must be very interesting for bears.
This one dude, what a man, anyways this dude is single-handedly responsible for creating the saviours of our planet. He has created the sea otters, rabbits, seals, penguins, anything cute in the animal kingdom, he was the true origin. Thank you man, you have saved us all. If he decided to be a leader of his own religion, I will worship him. One other guy, the old man, truly has the best taste though. Horses are to be worshipped, I agree old man.
Reject humanity, become monke. We must become one with the wild.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 25, 2020
Gintama is the show I come back to when I'm depressed.
That should y'all how much love I have for this show.
It's just very good at stopping tears, but somehow, it's pretty good at producing them as well. Quite impressive.
This anime has trained me in the Art of Seiyuu. After watching some of my favourite episodes of this show about the millionth time, I have come to obtain quite the excellent ear for the voices of these characters. Now, I have a new topic to scream at the screen while watching anime, and that is yelling out Gintama character names if a character shares
the same voice as them.
At this point, when I don't know what to put up for the weebs, I rely on Gintama. It's just a great backup.
Anyways, lemme just get to the point, Gintama has completely taken over my life. Because of that, it deserves a 1/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 24, 2020
Every moment of this anime is enjoyable and plain ol' fun, simply because every single moment is absolutely bat-fucking-shit insane. This anime just dives straight into the juice with no regard and has absolutely no shame as their entire world literally runs on rap.
Want to rob a bank? Rap. Want the win a war? Rap. Want your E-girl you stan to love you back? Rap. You could literally threaten a whole entire city by rapping. It's like this world runs on Yu-Gi-Oh! logic, which is the best logic btw. 10/10 worldbuilding.
Fuck having a story. I want to absolutely enjoy myself. Maybe one day I'll go
get the homies and get absolutely shit face as I enjoy this. 10/10 would rewatch.
Doesn't help that unironically, the songs are outright bangers and the editing is god-tier. Not everything is CG, but occasionally there is some. If CG is not your cup of tea, honestly this has one of the better CG in anime, nothing is janky, and maybe if you squint hard enough, you'll miss half of it. Not a problem. The world probably turned CG because the raps are so insane the universe had to adjust to the massive 10-foot johnson the characters are waving around (including the god damn ladies) so that it could survive another day.
One guy literally shrieks in the opening because he's too busy choking himself over office work as he sings into his old ass cellphone for a mic. This is not a sentence I just made up. This anime is balls to the walls, bonkers. Every episode so far has not failed to make my blood pumping.
I'm tired from watching most anime from this season. They've released so many (and that means a lot of bad ones), so taking a break and watch an anime I'm entertained 24/7 of the time is certainly helpful. This ain't really a serious review, bc come on, this show isn't meant to be taken seriously. If you are watching this through critical lenses, than you are watching this wrong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 25, 2020
I have mixed feelings about this. So much so that I'm unsure if I would change my ratings or not, considering I do think I'm giving this show a little too many points but I can't really give it too much of a low score either.
First of all, I did read the source material, so watching this feels so different. A lot of content was skipped or changed to make the 13 episode runtime while probably covering over 100 chapters, and boy does that show.
Any lore, techniques, or basically any information about the characters or the world around them are basically skipped and
only show the fighting, which, while animated quite nicely, cannot hold the show by itself. And when I mean skipped, I literally mean skipped. There are people close to the main character who despises his grandpa, but whoops, you don't get to see that nor will it be built up so whenever a scene would come up, it would have no emotional backing.
I can definitely see why people are just calling it a stereotypical fighting anime because fighting is all that they're basically adapting. Occasionally they cover the main character's past and motivations, but even that is severely missing some parts. All I can say is that this is a poor but well animated adaption that you should honestly read the source material to get more of an enjoyment while only watching the fight scenes of the anime (which is basically the whole anime).
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 11, 2020
It seems there are people here that lost interest in the "cautious" gimmick quite quickly, but I never got tired of it. Every time Seiya is being ridiculously overly cautious, it always brightened my mood up, especially with Rista doing the straight man character trope. The two side characters are also enjoyable, as I don't mind them just being backpack characters with nothing else to do. They are a refreshing break from Seiya's straight-faced personality and Rista's thirst.
The cautious archetype is one that I relate to as a resident hoarder in games, always buying excess amount of items in case I forget later, and
buying/keeping one of everything in case I want to use it later down the road. Grinding happens way too often when I'm gaming, so I totally understand why Seiya always going back to the Goddess world, which, by the way, is amazing and pack-full of content for a place that's only supposed to be a training ground. There's always one or more hilarious Goddess introduced each time, and it is absolutely amazing.
However, my rating would be much higher, maybe even reaching the "10"s if it wasn't for the latter half of the anime. The story takes a turn by adding plot-twist that kinda ruins the jokes of the former half of the anime, and put in some contrived reason for Seiya being cautious. Honestly, we don't need an explanation of why Seiya is cautious, especially when it's a character trait that many people share. Being forced to become cautious is less funny than being naturally cautious because that just makes the "cautious" jokes more burdened than they need to be. Not only that, having a previous relationship with Rista kinda ruins their current dynamic, and the fact that she scored with him ruins her own thirsty joke, like what was the point of that. The backstory was half-assed, and almost completely demolished this entire anime for me.
This does not mean most of the anime wasn't good though, as it was still an enjoyable ride until the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 11, 2020
From the get-go, the anime surprised me from its unique style. When it comes to anime, I love it when they go the full length, and make the lineart thicker, not only does it mean more effort was put into the visual aspect of the anime, but also that it looks snazzy too. The presentation was phenomenal, as they strayed from the path of usual anime storytelling, and I liked it, though sometimes I might've thought that it was too much, it did not take away anything from the story.
The characters were fascinating to watch, and the designs were god-tier level I swear. I definitely
am prepared to see many Hanako cosplays in the future, that's for sure. Almost every episode worked in a monster of the week format, which made this show fun to watch casually. The characters each had their charm to them, even if they were villains or side characters. I find myself always searching for those familiar background characters who randomly chime in the background all the time, the yellow-haired guy who talked about a hamster, I'll never forget you.
Not only are they interesting, but the seven wonders always kept me intrigued throughout the story. Each of the supernatural identity is incredibly cute and delightful, but the fascinating subject of the Seven Wonders always absorbed me into the mystery. Each one of the characters introduced into the Seven Wonders were impressive, with really strong character personalities and designs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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