Mar 2, 2021
This is my first ever review so bear with me.
Gundam AGE is one of the coolest ideas for a Gundam series ever. It has Three generations spilt into a 49 episode series. Each generation has its own protagonist and new characters. I was really intrigued by this premise and I wanted to know why this is one of the black sheeps of the Gundam series. Anyways lets start the review.
This story had so much potential. The premise is so good. The execution however is not that great. Generation 1 is fine enough even though it wastes time with a pointless arc. It should've been just
10 episodes so more time could have been given to the second generation. The second generation was probaly the best even though it suffers from the problem of not having enough time to properly expand its story. The OVA Memory of Eden does kind of help a bit but not by much. The third generation is where my problem with the story is. A lot of the plot points that were introduced in first and second generations just comes crashing to the ground in the third generation and the ending is so garbage. Everything just feels so rushed in last few episodes. Honestly the third generation is the only reason why I gave the story a 4. It hurts the series so much.
I really like the art style here. Its not perfect and it doesn't look as good as Gundam 00 in my opinion but it does look nice. The colors are nice and bright and everything is animated well.
The mech designs however are a mixed bag. I like the Gundams and all of the Earth Federations mobile suit designs even though most of them look a little too generic in my opinion. My main problem with mobile suit designs is with the U.E suits. They look so out of place in Gundam and were obviously only made that way so kids could tell who the bad guys are.
The sound track is pretty good. No track felt out of place and misued. The main standout are the Gundam themes every single time I heard one of them I couldn't help but get a bit excited!
The songs for the OPs and EDs were pretty good too. They matched the vibe of each arc pretty well.
Hoo boy Gundam AGE has some major problem with its characters. Its not that many of them are bad its just that the series doesn't give them enough time to develop. Most characters just get forgotten about and never mentioned again episodes after they are introduced. When they try to have emotional moments with characters that have barely been developed it just ends up feeling really flat.
Enjoyment: 6
I'd say this is a fairly fun watch. The battles are fun, and the pacing is ok.If was a kid watching this I would've probably liked a lot more but as a grown adult its still fun.
Overall I'd call Gundam AGE serviceable. It scratchs my Gundam and mecha itch and its good enough entrypoint for kids to get into Gundam if they don't want to watch the Gundam Build series. For adults I'd only recommend it if your ok with watching a series with obvious flaws.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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