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Oct 21, 2023
Am i the only one who's seeing that none of this hits the same!?
This adaptation is so stale its basically a corpse, there's no impact, no petrifying dread.
Dragons are supposed to be utterly terrifying beyond description, they're supposed to be more ominous than AOT titans.
How do these supposedly deranged fanatical arbiters of death, appear so un-intimidating!?
Where is the demented madness, twisting & contorting the faces of those caught in a hellish nightmare!? where is the the absolute horror, that has peoples minds shattered & brought to ruin? where is the overpowering desolation & insurmountable despair that makes someone lose grip on reality?
Where is the
deathly evil stares of dragons who see humanity as less than the most vile pests, the psychotic expressions of an apex predators contempt for the very notion of your existence, you aren't even food for sustenance, you are a profane detestable stain on reality, your very slaughter brings divine pleasure.
These humans aren't just fighting for their lives in the face of extinction, by the hands of incomprehensible malevolent force.
They're fighting against walking embodiments of atrocity, fighting their very sanity, for the will to show a hollow resistance against futility, to delude themselves into the lie that for even a second they aren't already in the jaws of massacre.
That's the whole idea. that was the biggest thing going for this series.
It might as well have had the mind-broken tag.
BUT, what's the point in adapting something, if your just gonna skip the context, emotional baggage, inner turmoil?
If you're just gonna sanitize it all!? why even bother!?
Yet another example of "just read the manga instead".
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 31, 2020
for crying out loud, what a way to derail the plot, such a fucking joke
that pathetic ending makes me feel the urge to bleach my brain
MC gets the stupid, goes all ptsd because of nanomachines and takes it upon himself to doom humanity to pretechnology, if he wanted to off himself so badly whys he gotta bring everyone else down with him, you were the one who inspired humans to challenge godzilla, killing yourself is just a cheap way to escape that responsibility, you've already reduced humanity this extent and now you wanna skip out on being held to account, skip out on life, kill
some innocent bystander, make things worse, reduce humanity even further, when did you suddenly become a total utter piece of shit
not only is it a waste of life, time, effort, resources, everything, but humans will simply rebuild their technology anew, so instead of solve anything, you've just ruined things for whoevers left behind, and made humanity toil yet some more over a dull slave like existence
the plot even went so far as to delete all the aliens too, as if reality is ever so cleanly tied up in a bow like that
ffs, only a four year old wouldn't question that garbage ending
what am a supposed to feel but disdain?
wow i just realized! even the nanobots are gone, soon humans may even go extinct without the nanoblades to defend themselves with, hahahahahah, wtf!?
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 20, 2019
Probably the only good anime about crazy people, why? because it doesn't sensationalize or glorify them, it treats the characters as semi-ordinary humans with some highly irregular idiosyncrasies, rather than batshit gore fiends utterly driven by unfounded blood-lust.
Most of the series i had an uneasy feeling of dissatisfaction, especially with Rachel who didn't seem to make any sense as a character, but i'm glad to have held hope long enough for the reveal, because making it through to the reveal really does put things in perspective finally.
Its not any better than good or any worse than bad, but its not just your average either, if
anything its beyond any kind of /10 rating, rating it would seem like an insult, and i don't mean that in any "sacred loyal fanatic sense", its not beyond criticism of-course (nothing is!), but it doesn't seem fair to compare it to any pre-existing series of similar genre, because most in the genre is absolute garbage, made purely for the ugly ie; gore-philes.
The worst thing this does for me is remind me how disgusting people are, not because of the anime or the characters themselves, but when you think about how twisted the viewers are, how they cant help themselves but insert their putrid tasteless fantasies, it makes you realize that people aren't all that great in the first place, and this doesn't have all that farfetched of a plot.
Of course it does tend to spin up laws of physics a bit, but i find that's not very atypical of anime in the first place, so as an avid watcher i can still suspend my belief just enough.
I give it a -/10.
One thing i have to say is; i can see why people dropped early, and i don't blame them either, there simply wasn't enough incentive to stay with it till the reveal, and there wasn't really any assurance it'd even happen, in a way it helps to create its own mood by holding out, but there's too much competition for that kind of writing.
A nice anime that strays from the beaten path, good watch if you want something different
Quality for an anime about crazy people, doesn't glorify itself
Only puts itself together if you stick with it
Doesnt compare to the typical trash of the same genre
Anime physics as usual, take that how you want
Watch it or don't, the typical 3 episode rule doesn't really work here
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 14, 2018
ugh what a tedious ending, i hate when characters have to sacrifice themselves on the altar of humanity, regardless of all the effort up till then
seriously whats with the sudden unjustified character changes, change of hearts, instant ability to pilot advanced technology because "vidya gayms", etc talk about poor establishment
and the inadequate english voice acting doesn't help either
nothing has been resolved, this simple victory doesn't mean anything to the meta narrative
all i am now is jaded by the whole story, feels like a total waste of time
and it doesn't matter how many premises you have as long as you tie it together, i liked all
the premises here, but the narrative just didn't cut it
the only thing i really got out of this was the enjoyment of the opening music
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 6, 2018
this whole thing is too meta for its own good
there's so many unanswered questions, like how the world logic can support its own ending, and the people left behind
if the rules can be broken all it would take is an ability that surpasses the rules to redesign reality, ie; magane, who's abilities could potentially perpetuate themselves, just like the ending loop
if you think about it, the ending is just the right kind of vague that resonates within the world logic, its not a cliffhanger but its not really an ending either, it kind of poses the idea that the world will continue on, in its
own unique unquantifiable way, despite everything
its lack of ending and its vagueness leaves infinite room for a sequeal, because by the world logic another event is only inevitable, which increases any chances of a sequal
and yet a sequel is not inevitable, and by that logic altairs origional plan would only speed up the inevitable end, so in the end when she gets something special, she looses it only moments later due to no longer existing, essentially she looses to her own logic and she changed nothing
its kind of depressing
when are we gonna get a story where somebody actually gets to subject the world to their will rather than being subject to the will of the world
this story almost does that but it also doesn't at the same time, which is pretty much how i felt the most of the time i was watching this, as if it was only half a world
it lacked a sense of certainty; which may very well just be a result of translation, but it still only leaves me with dissatisfaction
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 24, 2017
at first everything about it seems interesting, everyone seems innocent, even the vamps, you know somethings gonna happen, but it cant be all that bad, maybe things will turn out different
oh and suddenly it all turns stupid, everybody shows their "true colours", and nobodies innocent
well except for the vegan vamps, who were all fair game apparently
"pitchforks for everyone"
this anime just seems like an excuse for somebodies gore fetish, the whole plot just turns into garbage
its like reading an account about a witch trials or something, only in the modern age, and apparently nuance is still entirely lost on everyone
i guess it tries to humanise vampires, but nobody even got a chance before they were all burnt at the stake
and its not even interesting or unique in the way it delivers the plot, its just goes from 0 to full nutjob like the flick of a switch, and there's absolutely no explanation, nor any brakes on the crazy train
it would actually make sense if it turned out to be a giant experiment, and the reason people went ballistic was because the water was being pumped with drugs or something
there's just something off about the entire thing
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 24, 2017
the plot goes in reverse after episode 9, but those few episodes were 9/10, a compelling story and great scenes altogether, with a decent setting and combat system
but everything after that was only worth 2/10, all immersion was sabotaged, and any sense of interest was lost
this is hard to review under the MAL format, because halfway through it goes from being one thing and then turns into a never ending flashback, making it more like two separate anime
and the flashback wasn't that entertaining or important to the events leading up to it, and it didn't even keep the same pacing
this whole anime was totally botched
by whoever was in charge
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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