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Jan 19, 2025
If you're into anime where the powerful impose their will on those below them with impunity, and having it framed like it is for everyone's best interest and perfectly natural if not caring, then this is the anime for you.
Lovely character designs. Beautiful animation. But all of that is lost on the darkness inside of these characters. Beneath the cute settings and mellow music lies a sinister reality. The male lead toys with the female leads emotions, hoping to elicit a response for his own enjoyment. When that backfires and she seems genuinely relived and happy she no longer is subject to
a forced marriage instead of his goal of making her upset and jealous. he instead pursues her and kidnaps her to bring her back saying "just kidding". He literally puts her over his shoulder and carries her away from her happiness, smiling the whole time. He does offer her "concessions" of more freedom, but they are for show. Its like when you give a toddler two choices to make them feel in control when both choices are what you as the parent want in the first place. Its the illusion of freedom. What makes it worse, is that every other character in the anime also look at every action as perfectly understandable and reasonable.
The groundwork is laid within the story for her to "come to her senses" and fall for the prince. The OP sequence lends further weight to that conclusion. However, this is much like 50 Shades of Grey in that it dresses up an extremely toxic situation as being caring. Except this seems more nefarious. At lease 50 Shades are dark and gritty. This show packages the poison with fun cartoon characters and fruity flavors.
Full disclosure. This review was written after watching 3/12 episodes. As of this writing, that's all that have been released. I will not be watching Episode 4, or any after, so this review will not be updated.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 3, 2025
There are a lot of medieval fantasy genre anime. They all tend to take heavy artistic licenses with the time period and fantasy settings. One theme that they rarely omit is that age gap relationships are common place and often prominently placed. So you have to ask yourself, is the age gap relationship there because its medieval fantasy, or is it medieval fantasy because they want to justify an age gap relationship.
The story hinges on the "consort" needing to be under 14 years old, for reasons. The main female lead is 10 years old. The nearly 20 year old
male lead says she's just his type, but wishes she was a little younger. Again, remember these statements are justified under that story point of needing to be under 14 as to make it seem not creepy. It fails at that. Some may point to this being a "reincarnation", so her mind is older than her 10 year old body, but come on, people try and use the "old soul" defense all the time.
I made it to episode 9 before dropping it. The relationship is creepy, but what finally did it in was the way both of them started sulking and using guilt trips on one another about "cheating" by merely being around others. The overall story itself isn't interesting enough to put up with that annoyance. And despite her being reincarnated, they don't really do much with that aspect other than to bring the incestuous royalty of her home land into the story and recognizing a few people.
While there is nothing overtly lewd, I can guarantee if your 10 year old daughter was interacting with a 19 year old man the way they do in this anime, you'd likely take issue and inform the authorities if not take it into your own hands. Episode 9 ends with them talking about the jealous feelings while the 10 year old sits in his lap alone in the bedroom in the dark. Some might think its cute, but I call it grooming and unhealthy co-dependence.
Oh but it does have good art and character designs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 7, 2024
Cute story
Cute characters
Interesting world building
Just the right amount of conflict to go along with the cuteness
This anime is kind of awkward. The dynamic between Dale and Latina is sweet but with serious undertones of creepiness that get more and more obvious as the series goes on. This continues to the point of thinking ‘he’s going to bang this little girl isn’t he?’ No matter what storyline there was, this fact was always simmering right under the surface. They knew what they were doing with the dialogue choices. And of course I made the mistake of looking up what happens after the anime ends. Well,
Japan is gonna Japan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 2, 2024
Imagine a world where the entire history of anime and manga were trained into an AI model, and then someone wrote a prompt like "setting: high school, topic: cosplay, includethemes: (harem, childhood friend, ), malepatheticnessfactor: 0.65, fanserviceweight:0.86, tropeweight:1.0". It feels like the output could be this show. Its not that its a bad anime. It has some enjoyable parts. But it feels soulless. The premise is generic. The execution is generic. The only thing it has going for it is its "plot". That may be enough for some. For a long time it was enough for me.
But lately it feels like many anime (and manga) are just cookie cutter products relying completely on tired tropes and fanservice to carry a mediocre core. This one is no exception. Story is an after thought. What story there is doesn't seem that emotionally engaging so leaves little impact or investment. True, the girls are attractive. 10/10 I would bang. But after that I would leave and wouldn't call again. As opposed to a best girl from something like Oshi No Ko, who I'd call back every night begging for more.
Based on the "3 episode rule" this one has failed to engage me to the point of feeling I need to continue watching. At no point was this an anime I looked forward to seeing each week. From the buzz I've seen in the comments so far, its mostly been around how toned down the fan service aspect has been as compared to the manga. That seems to track. But I doubt adding it would make up for its lack of substance. In short, if you're looking for a brain rot tier fanservice heavy trope fest, this one will fit the bill nicely. If you're looking for something story rich with depth and emotion, ignore a MAL score as inflated as the female characters chests and look elsewhere.
6/10 - Not bad / Nothing special. Dropped (for now) after 3.5 episodes. Too much other quality anime this season. May pick it up again later after its full run if I am in the mood for an anime like I described above. These tend to be easier to stomach binging all at once instead of letting its mediocrity stew over the course of 6 months.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 2, 2024
There really isn't much to say about this anime. Its an ecchi series, so the entire draw is the "plot". Past that, there is no real plot. Something about some dude needing to bang a bunch of chicks to gain magic power to defeat the evil demon king. Pretty basic middle school stuff involving illusions of grandeur and main character syndrome with sex as the magical catalyst. That said, just like many anime protagonists for years now, the male lead is completely and utterly pathetic. So despite needing the power of these girls, he cant really get it because
he turns into a babbling fool any time they show the slightest interest in him. And in true anime fashion, that makes these extremely attractive women want him even more. "Plot" armor aside, he would be slaughtered immediately in this world (but then we wouldn't see anymore anime titties if he dies, right?). Every other character is more interesting that the protagonist, and even then they are pretty one dimensional. There has essentially been 0 character growth for anyone in 8.5 episodes. I truly hate dropping series this late, but my time is limited and I don't see this getting any better than it already is, which is south of mid at best and seems to be getting worse the more they dig in on his pathetic nature. I made it through the first 5 minutes of the 9th episode today before deciding to drop it. Boobies cant save this dumpster fire. Not in 2024 where they are a dime a dozen, even in Japan. Its rating in the 6s on MAL is completely buoyed by those who will give 10s to anything that shows nipples. If you want some uncensored ecchi fun this season, check out Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete instead. It has interesting characters, actual character growth, great humor and plenty of titties and ertoic antics.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 2, 2024
If your kink is severe social anxiety than this anime is for you. It's like Bocchi the Rock, if Bocchi was completely without talent or character growth. If you're someone who doesn't get into the fetishization of mental illness, then you probably wont like this. Literally all this anime is would be "protecc the cute helpless animal" with some yuri baiting.
Yes the character designs and animation are good. The base story plot is somewhat interesting. But I watched weekly the first 7 weeks and it was tough to get through the last few weeks. Each week the protags voice and way of
talking got more and more grating. I have social anxiety, and know many who do. None of us talk like this and stutter -every-single-syllable. Let alone in a whiny baby voice. Its a cheap stereotype played to appeal her cuteness to the target demographic of those who want to protect her. That's all. The loose semi-interesting plot (cute girls building model rockets) was not enough to offset the annoyingness of other aspects of the anime. I stopped quarter of the way through episode 8 the day it came out, and decided today to try and finish it off since it had finished airing. I made it through another quarter of the episode before punting it to the dropped list. No way I could handle another 4.5 episodes of this. The constant stuttering of the protag and the "tsundere" just ripping on the protag was too much, and I remembered why I stopped watching in the first place. I say "tsundere" since that word lately seems more and more exaggerated and an excuse to be a total b*tch to everyone rather than a genuine story device.
In all, this was a show that had potential but failed on execution, in a strong Fall 2023 Lineup where it was overshadowed at every turn. Still, I'm sure many will enjoy based solely on the cute girls, but that just isn't enough for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 3, 2023
This one started out really strong. I was all in for a "kill them all" type anime. And it seemed like that's what we'd get. It was easy to get invested in the demise of the human race. They were horrible. The humans were jealous creatures that hated witches because they were not as powerful as them, so sought to destroy them. They hated magic. They used science to overcome the magic and the witches. However, within a few episodes, the humans attacks seemed more like magic than the actual witches. Their techniques would be hard to
distinguish from the magic jutsu BS from Natuto, down to the calling out of the attack name as they do it. Alll of the characters are unbelievably dumb, and it feels like everything is done just for the shock value vs any semblance of a plot. At this point the story is so disjointed that its hard to see (or care) where it is headed anymore. After week 1 it was near the top of my rankings for the season, and now I'd rank it somewhere in the middle.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 16, 2023
This anime has essentially no plot and has very one-dimensional characters. But that's ok, since that's not why you watch this kind of show. This series mostly focuses on "plot". It's essentially Anime Looney Tunes with Titties. Ridiculous situations, over the top reactions and a lot of screaming.
Plot - As I said, there isn't really one. ". Well, there is, but its mostly buried beneath gratuitous fanservice and schtick comedy. It pops up from time to time to remind you its there, then devolves back into the hijinks. The gist of the plot is there's a guy (MC) whose father was a POS, and
his being a POS is connected to their bloodline. MC doesn't want to be a POS, but his familial "urges" make that difficult. He decides to become a monk to learn to deal with this, but the temple he goes to has since become a nunnery full of big breasted teenage girls (because of course it has). A secondary plot point is that his father owes this particular temple a lot of money, so now he does too and needs to work it off since this temple is about to be shut down for being so poor, thus he cannot leave. Mix in a foreign exchange student who is essentially a female version of the MC and also trying to suppress the urges, along with a double agent trying to ruin it for them, and you have a weekly 20 minute dose of absurdity.
Characters - Classic ecchi anime where the women are there for eye candy and have very straight forward personalities dedicated to being as seductive as possible while remaining ditzy. The male character is also over the top and stereotypical in the sense of "natural urges" overwhelming any sense of dignity. It often feels like the IQs of all these characters hover in the mid double digits. It's not very deep. You're likely not going to form any connection to any of these characters, but you keep coming back just to see what dumb stuff they'll do and say next.
Art - Good animation. Obviously a lot of attention paid to the female forms, but its the facial expressions of the MC that add to the hilariousness of this anime.
Voice Acting - A lot of high pitched anime girl voices. Which to me is like nails on a chalkboard. I prefer female characters who don't use the cutesy falsetto, but that's a pretty deeply engrained aspect of Japanese culture so its pretty hard to escape, especially in these type of shows. Haven't watched the English dub, but dubs generally are even worse in this regard since sounding like a 10 year old is significantly culturally different.
Overall, its enjoyable from a comedic standpoint and even more so if you're into scantily clad anime girls. If you're not and prefer a serious show with substance or a good story, be warned this is not the series for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 18, 2023
Disclaimer: Initial review after episode 3. May change view in the future (for better or worse).
Update After Episode 4: More of the same. I'm dropping this from the weekly watch rotation and may pick it up after its completed its run. There's just too much better content this season.
Visually stunning, especially the first episode. The art and animation is top tier. Of course there is concern that this level of detail and attention cannot be maintained across an entire 13 episode season. Which is worrisome since, for the most part, it's what's carrying this show. Outside of the visuals, its yet another slice
of life romance set in school centered on a bashful male lead who gets embarrassed by a girl even breathing in his vicinity as well as his over the top reactions to pretty much everything. Those anime are a dime a dozen, and even then are overpriced. The hook is that the main female protagonist forgets her glasses (a lot), and the ensuing hijinks. By hijinks, I mean her thinking plastic bags are cats, being unable to read a text book an inch from her nose, or interacting with people without having any idea of who they are. Essentially, all things that are intended to make her look cute (sic. dumb). The thing is, that gets old very quickly and to date appears to be the sum of her entire personality. Rather than finding it endearing, at this point its just kind of annoying, which is problematic since we're only 4 episodes into the season and there's really not any indication it will be anything more than a show focused on a single gag. As someone who wears glasses, the idea that someone this blind can consistently just not notice she's not wearing her glasses nearly every day is unfathomable. There's some indication she's doing this all on purpose, but if that's the case it really doesn't make much sense and lends further proof to how shallow her character development really is.
This may be worth a watch at some point, but in a season crowded with other great anime, its left behind in the dust. If you have limited time to watch anime, this is definitely not the one to spend it on. That said, if you're only looking for an anime to scratch that "cute girl falls for the forgettable boy trope" itch, this might be able to help with that. Though I'd recommend something like 'Kubo-san wont let me be invisible' over this any day. I keep seeing from manga readers that it will get better eventually, but that's the rub. When it comes to anime in the streaming age, you've got to give people a reason to keep watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 17, 2023
This is a preliminary review after 3 episodes.
Premise: MC is obsessed with the school goddess to the point of "stalking" her by everyone's (including his own) definition. Goddess continually tells him to leave her alone, which he doesn't. This continues for years. One day MC wakes up and decides to stop, because he's become a "realist" about her being out of his league. From there, the story is a series of reasons why this was a bad thing and a journey towards true love. Harassed goddess girl now seems to miss being harassed but acts in the typical anime trope of the girl who cant
express feelings (that only manifested once he stopped) and gets angry when he talks to other girls, goddess girls friend keeps trying to get MC to interact with her again, MC is teased by everyone else for now being a normal guy after being a caricature stalker for so long, and the guys sister who spent years telling him the girl was out of his league now feels bad and and says its dumb to give up on love. It's essentially an obsessive otakus wet-dream for justifying their inappropriate treatment of the objects of their affection. "See, they really want it, they're just playing hard to get". I'd say I'm not surprised since this is from Japan after all, where they have a real issue with this behavior and yet need to pander to the demographic most prone to it for sales. It's usually not so blatant though. The one salient point they made, about his behavior alienating her from others and leaving only loneliness in his sudden absence, was squandered by validating the Stockholm syndrome result rather than both of them building meaningful relationships with others. There's still 9 episodes to go, but it feels like the trajectory is set from story flow so far. With the way this is going and fact its billed as a romance, its essentially looking to turn into the anime version of Family Matters where anime Urkel finally wears down his prey after years of obsessive annoyance.
Absent that, the art, animation and soundtrack are decent. However this appears to be an average slice of life anime focused on high schoolers that doesn't really distinguish itself outside of its problematic messaging. I typically enjoy the school slice of life shows, but the nature of this one has me torn on whether to finish it or not since there are plenty of others that fill the same need without the questionable messaging. I'll likely give it a few more episodes before deciding.
EDIT after watching Episode 4. Perhaps the Japanese wasn't as bad, but the subtitles were.
Friend "Maybe hes one of the people you feel you can belong with"
Girl "Huh? Hes not who I belong with. He stalks me and its annoying!"
Friend "Whether it makes you feel comfortable or uncomfortable, doesn't it make you feel happy that there's someone who likes you?"
WHAT?! Yeah No. This is 100% stalker apologist propaganda. I cant do this anymore. Dropped.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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