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Dec 5, 2023
For a story about anthropomorphic animals, Beastars says a lot about humankind and the importance of communication to break through differences. Although the concept and themes of Beastars are strong with philosophical and psychological layers to unpack, the series isn’t always sure of it's own identity. During the mid-way point of Beastars characters and plot lines are all too frequently forgotten for new ones- I understand the need for the story to go past Cherryton Academy for the larger message of interspecies relationships but main characters are barely in the story anymore. The character writing of Beastars was a strong point, each character had great
themes exploring their insecurities with their animal identities in different ways but after a while this development goes in circles. The conclusion of their archs doesn’t feel right despite having a lot of meaningful matter. That aside, the good still significantly outweighs the bad. Beastars is still a great manga that could have been one of the best, it just lost its way but there was never a time I thought it was outright bad nor undeserving of a read. The analogies for twisted parts of our own human society are Beastars strong suit and make me wish I could score it higher.
Beastars is a constant battle of brain vs brawn and it’s still worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 9, 2023
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia delivers a simple yet effective story which will warm your heart all the while avoiding stereotypes, generic plots, fanservice overtaking the story, cliches etc. A problem I've found with recently released romance animes are they either throw you in the deep end with the romance developing in the first episode or the romance doesn't develop at all. Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia allows you to care for the characters before the romance. The romance elements make the story sweeter but it's not the stories entire core nor all it has to offer. It makes me happy to see something like insomnia explored
so deeply. It's something a lot of people struggle with but you never see represented in media for more than an off-hand comment. It's genuinely moving seeing the two protagonists bond over their shared struggle, trying to combat it together all the while discovering a new hobby. The characters are in depth and feel like real people you could meet in your life rather than something you'd just see in anime. Overall Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia is a very wholesome experience perfect for when you want a feel good show or a pick me up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 6, 2021
Ever since I was young I was interested in the fashion industry, especially Japan’s, so I was excited for Runway de Waratte yet didn’t hold my breath, and I’m glad I didn’t. This show has an inescapable essence of mediocrity. The cinematography is lacking and overtly boring. This doesn’t make the show itself fundamentally bad, because it’s not, but it doesn’t have any distinguishing factors to make it ‘good’. It kept my attention for the most part, and it was still enjoyable enough of a viewing experience, but it’s frustrating that it couldn’t go just that tiny bit further. The purpose of the show is
to make you root for these character’s dreams, but I just wish they had given more of a reason to rather than ‘she’s short’ and ‘he’s poor’. A lot of the time the intended hard-hitting moments don’t hit at all because we don’t have enough knowledge of the characters to care. Something that doesn’t help with this is the constant ubsubstainted crying. It’s almost laughable how easily a character will fall to their knees like the worlds over so in term the moments that are meant to hit home, don’t. Chiyuki the female protagonist is pretty decently written, she’s incredibly hard working even when she fails constantly but she isn’t pinned as perfect, at one stage she’s quite jealous of another model. This is a good thing, a flaw! However Ikuto has no flaws to the point it’s genuinely irritating to go along with. The character writing certainly isn’t the worst I’ve seen, but like many things in this show it could use a bit more oomph. The most redeeming part of the series for me was seeing the inner workings of the industry, even if not overly deep commentary on it, it was interesting enough. You get a little look of life on both the modelling and designing side and that if anything is what will keep you watching. The last few episodes are disappointing, especially considering it was meant to be a pay off of sorts, but the rest surely sufficed. Despite being a mediocre show, there really isn’t much out there that covers the same environment, at least to my knowledge. So for that reason I’d still recommend Runway de Waratte if you have any interest at all in the world of fashion, just don’t expect too much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 3, 2021
When watching Horimiya one question constantly grazes through my head; if only. If only they had given ANY time for character development and backstory before making the relationship progress rapidly in minutes, maybe then I could actually care about the characters. It's laughable that the premise is *oh my god this girl and boy who look a certain way at school actually have completely different personalities!* - why is it laughable? The premise is done and explored within the first 4 minutes of episode one. It doesn't even give the viewer time to fully grasp the preconceived self of the mc's, no it does not.
Instead it serves as nothing better than the synopsis so when not explored, IT MEANS NOTHING! Everything in Horimiya is meaningless fluff. It's a speed run of a romance story, which is why I can't engage or connect with any of the characters nor plot points. I need time to care, to understand why this relationship is so important. There's nothing to grasp onto in Horimiya. Nothing to make me remember the anime for years to come, nothing that will make it remain a relevant classic for years to come, nothing that makes it more than another mid romance anime. It's as 4/10 a show as you can find. If you want nothing more than meaningless fluff, which due to the massive hype it's evident most of the community do, then great, here's your meaningless fluff. I must say that I actually was really excited for Horimiya, I've heard from countless people it's fantastic, one of the greats. I can't speak for the manga, though I'm told it's much the same but even when taking Horimiya with a grain of salt, I can't help but feel more disappointed than I have for a while. It's rare for a romance anime to take the spotlight these days, and with only a bit of effort, it could have meant stuff, it could have been MEANINGFUL fluff, but instead I'm stuck here saying if only, whilst I watch yet another mediocre show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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