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Oct 6, 2021
Have you ever struggled accepting a part of yourself?
Closeted homosexual highschooler Jun Andou is unhappy with himself, wishing that he could live a life where he gets married to a woman and has children. Then, he stumbles upon Sae Miura, who he finds out is a fujoshi, a fact she hides from others out of fear of being judged. Seeing how he tries to look past the fujoshi label, she ends up falling in love with him, and confesses.
The story exists out of several plotlines involving Jun. Through these, it explores many aspects of its core themes of self acceptance and homosexuality. They
are handled in such a way, that even if you're not gay yourself, the story is still understandable, moving, and even relatable at times.
One of the messages it portrays, is that of trying to look past the simplifications that we regularly apply to our real-life surroundings. Behind all the characters and their actions are emotions and motivations, that can make you understand why they act the way they do. Though some of these actions are a little uncomfortable. For example, Jun regularly meets up with an older married man for sex. While the man doesn't seem to be a bad person per se, he is not exactly healthy in his mind either, and can come of as creepy. You also get to see some moments of homophobia as well. However, it does all still serve the dramatic story.
What I like about this manga is how it intelligently tries to look into the thoughts and feelings of the characters, or at least give them some space. That way, it paints a bit more of a nuanced picture, where no one is entirely good or bad. It explores the tragic side of being unable to accept something that is a big part of yourself, and at times, it can get rather gut-wrenching.
Originally a novel, the manga seems to have kept its strength. Now told through panels, it has clean artwork, with attractive character designs, while not being stereotypical. The artist has clearly put in the effort to make everyone emotionally expressive, which adds to the weightier moments.
This manga has some beautiful messages, told in an intelligent way and with emotional depth. It was quite a good read.
Bonus: A recurring element is the main character's interest in Queen, occasionally drawing parallels with Freddie Mercury's own homosexuality. The translation that I found would recommend a song of theirs that was thematically relevant for a given chapter. That enhanced the experience, so when you read or finish a chapter, I can recommend you to listen to the corresponding song.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 20, 2021
A classic comedy series with entertaining shitbag characters and silly shenanigans.
Mangaka Rumiko Takahashi manages to sell Urusei Yatsura's premise. As the title suggests, everyone in this manga is some kind of faulty person. However, none of it is taken particularly seriously. There is no need to get upset over someone being an asshole here, given that it has little overall consequence on the next chapters, or that the characters themselves may kind of deserve it. The result is that the author manages to pull of lots of gags with them, helped by the scenario's she puts them in. These are often rather silly takes
on Japanese mythology mixed in with bizarre alien tech or cultures.
On top of that, she seems to be slowly working on a long-term story thread, building the characters relationships. Ataru, a shameless womanizer of a main character, strongly dislikes Lum, the attractive alien girl who was the OG waifu from the 80s, who doesn't always adapt to Earth's customs easily, and who is also infatuated with him. But this guy would much rather go after any hot girl that he stumbles upon, instead of recognizing that he already has what he says he wants, and keeps hooking up with a girlfriend Shinobu who in reality, has long given up on him, except not really. With 34 volumes, it is bound to be a slow journey, but one that takes place in the background of a solid comedy manga.
What Urusei Yatsura ends up as is a fairly entertaining manga with each chapter containing some good gags, but that needs to not be taken too seriously. Only for one to realise some kind of investment when there are genuinely romantic moments involving character development, however slightly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 26, 2020
A 1.5 hour long Konosuba episode that contains just about everything you'd expect.
You know how between all the goofing around, the gang sometimes does end up taking on a big bad from the Demon Lords army in the TV-series? Well here, the story is that plus all the setup necessary. So you can expect everyone to put their abilities to use (or misuse). In the meantime, there is plenty of room for a bit of exploration of the Konosuba world, more specifically the Crimson Demons and the characters of Megumin and Yunyun.
It is always nice to see everyone bouncing off eachother with their
flawed personalities. Usually this leads to the funny results you'd hope to see.
Whenever an anime series gets an additional movie, there's usually an upgrade in the animation department, and Konosuba is not really an exception. While it looks and feels the same as the show, when it needs to it pulls off a bit of neat sakuga, these cool camera pans that look fluid and have impact. But also, the art can go off-model or lack detail when the show needs a moment to be funny, and it works.
This movie is a nice addition to the series, worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 30, 2019
Although it took me more than one episode to get into it, Kaguya-sama: Love is War provided me with entertainment that only got stronger as the show went on.
Kaguya and Shirogane have a crush on each other, but both are too proud to admit it. Thus many of their encounters turn into psychological games of getting the other to give in. Initially this made their relationship come off as a little creepy, given how they basically want to manipulate the other. This made me a bit wary at first, and the mind battles at first weren’t that interesting, nor did the presentation resonate with
me that much. Luckily enough, they began to shift away from these kinds of creepy thoughts and the show eventually focussed more on the comedic aspects of its premise. The reason I personally feel like this is for the better is because the romance would have been developing too slow, although it does get a teeny bit of development over its 12-episode run. Eventually, the mind games began to spread from just these two to other people as well, rounding the show out a bit more.
On the characters themselves: while I don’t find Shirogane himself that interesting, but enjoyable nonetheless due to his pride and inferiority complex, Kaguya has a more layered personality; cunning, manipulative and proud, but also comically silly. Raised in a wealthy home with a maid (great sidekick role from Hayasaka), which made her sheltered from others, and she has a constant need to prove herself (and probably an inferiority complex), which all shows through her quirky behaviour. While she does make you laugh, she can also annoy you, creep you out, and even make you feel for her.
And then there is Chika.
Oh Chika, that cute, kind-hearted little bitch that manages to screw over whatever Kaguya or Shirogane are plotting, and we absolutely love her. She may not notice what they are doing or that they are crushing on one another, but she isn’t stupid. Constantly playing around and there to mess around with others, either unknowingly or brutally cunningly. But always in a likeable, cutesy, even funny, manner.
Plus, there’s Ishigami, the suicidal loner otaku who is sympathetic, hilariously gloomy and cynical. A loser in the show, but a winner for us.
Now of course, the characters and their stories work even better, because of how this show is animated. It makes as much use of unique visuals and techniques as it could to make the scenes more compelling and funny, including some well-directed shot composition, colour grading and effects. On top of that the character designs are really good. Both Kaguya and Shirogane give of this elegant and cunning demeanour, but when the situation calls for it they can look goofy or cute just by applying body language. Then there is also Chika’s adorable and bubbly look, with pink hair, sweet happy face, with which she can still pull off multiple different dynamic expressions while looking cutesy, and big (but not pervy-looking) chest. Also, Ishigami’s effectively gloomy appearance.
The OP featuring the song “Love Is War” is fantastic. Showing the crazier side of the shows aesthetic combined with an old-school jazzy soundtrack, like an old James Bond movie, makes it hella fun to experience. Then there is the ED, which does deserve some credit for its production value, and its sweet aftertouch.
Though the Chika dance ending was only used once, it was very sweet and entertaining, and was great to look at, with the rotoscoping and all. I thought she looked really cute and it is a wholesome clip.
Every episode consists of two segments, each of them revolving around some conflict between two parties, that often comes off silly, because of how serious it’s taken. Although they aren’t always equally funny, what makes it entertaining is how everyone plays off of each other. And the parts were this is done especially well are often the best ones.
Although it took a while for me to really get into it at first, as the show went on it quickly developed itself into something I really liked, instead of just being ok. It is a solid show with good entertainment value and good production, I very much enjoyed it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2019
All right, so I recently watched this movie and need to get my thoughts out, cause this movie was lit.
First thing I noticed was the increased quality of the visuals, compared to the TV-series, in its big opening scene. Multiple complex visual shots that all looked impressive and fluid. Especially awesome was All Mights first on-screen moment:
So this big-ass villain jumps down from high in the air, speeding downwards towards a bunch of civilian cars. We see this movement from his perspective, and then switch to the civilians cowering in fear of their incoming doom. But then, for a fraction of a moment, a foot.
A shining foot. After that, a fist. The clothing may be different, but you immediately know who this guy is. For a moment, there is a frame of the villains physique being bended by his downward momentum and the pointed force of the punch aimed at him. His body shoots backwards. Then we're shown a frame of the hero, his mighty posture visible against the background, as he turns around, and announces that he is here.
What this movie keeps propping up is a level of excitement, one that you typically get from My Hero Academia: that almighty feeling of putting up this fight, mustering all you strength to lay down the villain, and in this series case, with a mystical energy beam of SMASH. Presented in high-tier visuals, for ultimate satisfaction and hype.
Now lets calm down for a minute and look at the story. As this movie ties into an already existing world based on a manga series, it can't have too much of an impact on the overall story. So don't go in expecting lots of depth, character development or a great plot. It's a one-and-a-half hour superhero movie tie-in, what WOULD you expect?
It's a fairly simple and straightforward plot, and to movie-veterans, probably very predictable. This doesn't make it less entertaining though. It's focused and decently paced, and pays off in the end.
Similarly with the characters, most of them are just kinda there. The two titular heroes (which in my mind, is a combination of either Deku, All Might, David and Melissa) are the main characters, and get the necessary depth and development to make it work. Everyone else is just acting out their character, and doing not much beyond that. Of course, had the movie put too much focus on them, it would have become a clusterfuck, so I'm happy with what the makers did. What I appreciate though is that they all get to do something, they're never useless. If they are, then they have less than half a minute of screentime.
The music... it's hero aca, all right. Greatly underscoring the big events, getting you hyped up. There were plenty of moments were I was feeling the excitement coming through.
I feel like, should you get something out of it, then it would be fun and excitement. And it succeeded, as the narrative nicely builds up to it, and then lets things loose in an animated frenzy that goes beyond most of what I've seen in the series.
Especially the very last fight, where it just goes tripping balls man. That's what I meant when I said a mystical energy beam of SUHMAAAAAAAAAASH.
In the end, this movie was mostly a fun tie-in to a beloved franchise. While not going much in depth, and being just ok at times when there wasn't much happening, it also gave hella hype, the sort that people love the series for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 24, 2019
Short-form comedy to help you get through the weekend.
Basically, every episode contains two segments where the always thirsty and always blushing Ueno tries to get something out of her crush Tanaka. Using her high-tech nifty inventions, she tries to get him to think sexually about her, like looking at her panties, groping her, or even hold hands!
Naturally, this always backfires on her, but not always how you would expect it.
Ueno is a tsundere who can't confess to Tanaka, so she will try to get his attention in ridiculous, overly complex, and hilarious ways. However, this boy Tanaka is so dense, black holes are
jealous of him. Whereas this would usually just make him annoying, here it makes him so annoying, that it becomes funny.
Yes, this anime has a crude sense of humor. The very first segment is about drinking purified urine. Others have jokes involving sexual harrasment (that is always a direct consequence of someones actions). But what keeps it funny is how outrageous it can be. The anime has a rather light-hearted tone, and its short length makes it an easy watch.
Animation-wise, not much to write home about, as the animation itself is pretty simplistic and limited. The character designs are very decent though, especially those of Ueno and Tanaka, as they complement their personalities.
Sure, this type of show might not speak to everyone, but if you feel like watching something easy, but fun, maybe you should give it shot. I had a fun time with this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 14, 2019
Sinking away into her thoughts, while laying around doing little to nothing, she starts pondering her existence more and more. And so, a relatable story takes form.
It centers around the daily life of Izumi Sumi, a self-loathing, bored 25-year-old woman who keeps thinking about why she is alive. She feels like she doesn’t do much, and there is nothing really happening in her life, resulting in an endless spiral of boredom. Aside from that, she’s constantly worrying that she isn’t doing things right. Often she realizes that she is distancing herself from others out of a sense of anxiety, and then blames this
on herself. When looking back on something that just happened, she is momentarily plagued by feelings of regret and self-doubt, realizing her way of doing things and why she did them.
Yes, a lot of these situations she is in, can be quite recognizable.
Though admittedly, the manga is focussing fully on this, leaving little room for other things. Still, it is clear things are being fleshed out little by little in a slice-of-life manner. Every chapter introduces a new bit of concept that relates to her overall theme. And with that, I began feeling more familiar with the main girl.
The chapters are short, making them easy to read through. As for the artstyle, it’s clean and simple, adding to its readability, but it also manages to bring out Sumi’s emotions and thoughts well. Sumi herself has a nice design, kinda cute, but gloomy still.
I have to note that there are some moments of diegetic fanservice, or fanservice that fits the context of the scenes. Because of course, when you walk around in your house most of the time, there is bound to be one or two underwear or bath scenes. Moreover, in one chapter, the MC gets a call from a cute, attractive co-worker, who lays on bed in underwear, highlighting the contrast between the two.
Overall, this manga provides an interesting concept that could probably only be provided this way in manga. The anxiety is presented with more nuance than it might be otherwise. It’s not overly dark or tragic or such, more melancholic. Going fully for its relatable concepts, there will be quite a lot of readers out there who will be hit by them. I personally found it a nice read, while also recognizing the bits of Sumi’s daily life and struggles.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 3, 2018
Sweet, now I got your attention.
All right, if you are into High School DxD, you’re gonna like this. If you are not, then why are you still here? If you haven’t seen it, then go watch the other seasons first, otherwise you’re going to be clueless.
In fact, for those who have mostly forgotten, I’ll give a 4-sentence summary of what previously happened(Then I'll immediately get into the review.):
Issei has the Sacred Gear of Red Dragon Emperor DDraig. He has become a demon of the Gremory Household, most of which consists of girls who are attracted to him. Already he’s gone up against numerous
villains, having his powers developed to the point of many different abilities, including control of a mecha suit. (Juggernaut being the unstable but powerful version, as can be seen in the recent special “Taiikukan-ura no Holy”.)
To be honest, I’m not surprised the girls are into Issei. He’s got a heart of gold, is loyal, brave and goofy. And a bumbling pervert. Which is fitting for a series this fond of boobs. (Also makes for a funny character flaw.) All of the girls have felt empowered by him at some point in previous seasons, and personally, I kinda like him too. Although, I have to admit that their attraction to him sometimes gets turned up to near-absurd levels you only see in ecchi harems. Whether that’s a bad thing or not depends on you and how you interpret the Rule of Sexy (“It doesn’t really have to make sense as long as it is sexy.”).
Since most of the character development has been done in previous seasons, they don’t really get much in Hero. They are still the same however, as they should. Issei is still lewd but nice, Asia is still cutesy, Akeno is still teasing, Koneko is still kuudere and Rias is still Rias. As for the minor characters, there are only a few who are getting considerable screentime. One of them being Rossweisse, since she’s relatively new here. Then there are the antagonists, one of them stemming from the clusterfuck that is the Khaos Brigade and who is underdeveloped. The other one is Sairaorg Bael, who is pretty cool, being someone without powers becoming strong by training and who feels the need to prove himself because of this, and whose character is pulled off well enough. Anytime when the characters do get fleshed out a little it can make for endearing moments, which is probably one of the reasons people like the series.
Now, the biggest concern that I have heard from those who are into DxD, is that the animation has changed. Particularly the character designs, which have been simplified. Since apparently BorN wasn’t quite the success, the series has gone from TNK to relatively new studio Passione, who then used an artstyle of their own. Some people may have found the design change difficult to accept.
However, simplifying the design has somewhat worked in the shows favour. By doing this, it has become easier to animate, and it gives the characters a softer look. (Being a fanservice show, having them look softer… might definitely work in favour of the show. The women are also quite voluptuous.) On top of that, it manages to blend in nicely with the general atmosphere and style of the show.
On the other side, it doesn't have great animation per se. While it does look fine overall, with bright colours and decent fights, occasionally there are small issues like characters without shadows, awkward walking animation or facial expressions or something that just doesn’t look that smooth. It can be distracting, but it doesn’t necessarily have a large effect on the overall quality, since most of the parts that need to look good, look good. So yeah, mostly some fights and fanservice.
Quick summary: “Issei and some of the characters go on a Kyoto school trip, and there are a bunch of fox-youkai over there. Something is going on with that.”
Two episodes in, and I began to see that it was fast-paced as heck. There can be little time to breath in between scenes, and sometimes I would forget what just happened. However, the story isn’t that complex, so it’s not too hard to follow. As usual with DxD, the story isn’t anything impressive, but still just engaging enough to keep you watching and when combined with the characters, it actually makes you care.
Ok, so DxD still has a soundtrack that fits with its style. This being the nice beats and bittersweet melodies. When this music gets played under a scene, it tends to fit the tone and not be overshadowing anything, while being turned up a notch when the moment calls for it. The OP and ED songs are nothing special really, although the ED has some memorable visuals. Not to say that these are bad, since they are pleasant to listen to. As for the voice acting, the people are just doing their job and are doing it well.
The series manages to do what sold it in the first place. For most of us, this would not only be the sexy fanservice, but also at least two or three likeable characters and an even more likeable protagonist, a story that manages to be engaging, and just overall decent animation and soundtrack. High School DxD is kinda silly, but knows what it is and has a lot of charm. This season itself is not necessarily better than previous seasons, but not much worse either. For most of the time, while it had some small issues, it was entertaining. And finally, that is what counts the most.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 12, 2018
The beloved shounen series is back again, adapting some of the manga’s finest arcs.
Although it starts with a slightly unnecessary, but well-handled recap episode, it gets right to the story afterwards, starting off with some cool set-up and character moments. Then, things get serious.
Suddenly, villains are everywhere, putting everyone to a test.
What is so loveable about shounen is the theme of not giving up and pushing to the limit, overcoming your obstacles no matter how great they are. Which BNHA exemplifies. On one side with the battles themselves. Especially the fight between Izuku and the physically superior Muscular will have you hyped,
with its awesome visuals, set-up and epic sound. On the other side with the characters.
In the first arc of the season, multiple characters get a lot more time to shine, showing what they are made of. So we get to see them use their powers more and work together. Aside from that, class B also gets a spotlight on them after they were introduced in Season 2. Not forgetting to mention the cool villains, each of them unique and promising, with special mention here to Toga, Twice and Dabi. It’s so great to see everyone getting moments of character. The large cast of BNHA has always been entertaining due to its diversity and organic feeling, mostly with all the interactions taking place between classmates. All of the characters are likeable and quirky, but they are also distinct and unique in their own way.
The animation is on point again with its artstyle, cinematography and most appealing of all: the simply awesome fights. Studio Bones reminds us again what they are known for.
As for the opening, it took a little while to get used to. However, it still has some great visuals and a track that will be in the playlists of many fans, even if the two of them don’t seem to mix together at first. The ending is loveable and cute, giving some nice time spent with everyone in manga panel style. However, let’s not forget the epic music that plays at the moments it counts. You know, the moments that will stick out in our memories.
There were moments that made my heart race. I’m enjoying the anime thoroughly, and will see it through towards the finale, expecting to see more of what we love about Boku no Hero Academia.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 28, 2018
A combination of a great superhero in a great medium, Batman Ninja made for an entertaining romp, giving something for both fans of the character and anime to enjoy.
The story is pretty straightforward, focusing mostly on the Batman vs Joker part. Everything is fast paced and seems to be fuelled by the Rule of Cool (as expected from the writer of Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill), making for some truly awesome stuff going on. Rarely does the story waste time or stretch things out, keeping me entertained from beginning to end.
Speaking of entertained, while some might be sceptical about the CGI, the
blend between this and the drawn art is stunning. The action is well-directed and fluidly animated and since most of what’s happening is action, I feel blessed.
Now, as for the characters, the people behind the scene stayed true to the source material, letting them keep their quirky personalities. Although most of the side characters don’t get a lot of time to shine, this doesn’t take away from the overall story.
To top it off, the music does a fine job of underscoring scenes, making the dramatic scenes more dramatic and creating more hype during the fights. As for voice actors (in the dub, maybe I’ll edit this when I’ve seen the sub), they deliver pretty good performances. I have to give a special mention to the Joker, whose voice seems more hammy than I’ve heard before.
Well, I most certainly had a fun time with this one. Definitively, I’d recommend it. If you’re a fan of Batman like me, watching Batman Ninja is a must.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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