One of my favorite comedies. Definitely worth a read but dont take it extremely seriously. approach it like its Don Quixote.
Personally I didnt think the story had any ups or downs, it was extremely consistent and entertaining all throughout.
Art style isnt that important to me but in certain areas it highlights the comedic value of the characters (especially ofc L and Light).
I hope it was intentionally written this way but even if it wasnt my reasons for liking it wouldnt change.
Most people like it for this exact reason, and You too as well. Even if it isnt something that would cross your mind, but lets
Sep 9, 2024
Totsukuni no Shoujo
Very poetic, lot of religious elements that can be traced back to the crusades and their uselessness if you think about it long enough, to be honest you don't even need to- the suffering that comes with religiousness and clinging onto something that would fill us humans with a purpose and understanding of ourselves is clearly represented and is even mentioned.
Not to mention the obvious "parenting 101" elements which are basically 75% of the manga. A psychological trip that challenges concepts you'd rather not think about, and accept them as they are. Some are incapable of such task, that's how Shiva and Albert came ... Jul 31, 2024
Oyasumi Punpun
at its very core, modern romeo and juliet.
what this manga represents in itself is harsh reality, thats why its probably one of the most divisive pieces as far as i saw on forums and alike. if you dont like it, thats perfeclty fine- some people use fiction to escape reality and not fight it. if you are that type, then this story is most likely not for you. the story revolves around the characters, the characters drive the story forward, now thats obvious every story works this way but in this case the characters ARE the story, alas they are multi-layered as such. lots of double ... |