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Jun 8, 2024
This anime is not for everyone, just because you have funny colours, robots and Godzillas and looks like a standard anime to watch... it's not. Most people watching this are either children or, sorry for the term, "illiterate" people.
This is why the score is so low, even though the story is so D*** GOOD! It's the only explanation possible for such unfair rating.
Hear me out, this anime will give you the most convoluted science class you will ever have in your whole life. And to make it worse/better (depending how your brain is developed) it presented to you at light speed. If I had to
summed up the entire anime in a sentence would be. "Do you know what "Schrodinger cat" is?
Yeah if you don't, than this anime is probably not for you.
Its a super underrated anime that was bashed by braindead people who can't even question things they take for granted because they are in front of them and where never used for anything different. The story is so real, that makes you question reality on it self, and this is the plot device for the entire series. And probably the only logical way to make a "Godzila" situation be real in the 1st place.
And this anime delivers it so wellllllllllllll!
How? The characters, you have all type of characters combined in a very well rounded cast, their conversations are super high intellect and if you pay attention, you will see what is to come and how much potential this anime has.
I don't want to spoil anything, cause this anime got me hocked since episode one and I couldn't stop watching it. Because you really don't see very good Animes with some deep story as this one.
This made me remember they 1st time I watched Steins;Gate dang I knew something big was coming and this anime calls out the exact same vibe that will culminate in the end and blend everything together so well, it's so satisfying.
I swear that Animes should be judged per single series(and not seasons) and by age rating. So you can have all the proper metrics to justify if an anime is worth the watch or not. And this one is worthy, if you are a smart person or interested in science to a degree (I wasn't) you will enjoy it sooooooooo much.
Plus the Opening intro music is a dang BANGER! Come on on this alone the anime should be worth 7/10 right there!
The anime is super colourful, the story is so on point and develops as it should without any BS! The anime as no fillers, is all full story non-stop from the get go till the end!
Easily a 8/11 assuming mature people are actually watching this.
Ps: My mom approves of this anime! She really does!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 9, 2024
Do not let the scores and 1st season deceive you, this anime starts strong, it develops very mildly during the first season... but the real meat of the story comes in the 2nd season and makes this whole season 1 so much more memorable. I really dislike having good anime destroyed by "early scores" given buy clueless people who did not bother to watch the entire series seasons. And this seems to be the case with this one.
It might look a like your everyday shojo that’s very forgettable, but you couldn't be more wrong about it. Think of the first season as something happy to
prepare you for the clash that the 2nd season is about to come crash on you. Most of the happy moments happen in this season and everything is blown away with the next season, trust me you are not expecting what is to come... I wasn't either. Hence, why I value all this season as to give now so much more!!! The emotional baggage is high, be prepared, this story will conclude properly so don't worry about loose points. Also if you are a teenager, this anime might not be for you, come back here when you grow up some more, unless you like the genera.
I would say, watch this, enjoy it the happy moments now, the story will get serious with the *moving away" part of her that's to come in the 2nd season, there is a reason why I hate the fact you are not allowed to attribute a single score to a single series, but the fact ppl can score seasons individually makes this series look worse than it actually is, just because the story didn't develop quick enough, gets thrown away before seeing what is yet to come. The emotional punch you will be getting after you see stuff develop all the way till the end. Will be worthy the wait.
I won't be giving a score of 10, because the Art used in this animation, feel a bit budget like, not going to lie. Might mess around with ur emotions a bit, but, was a good watch nonetheless.
My mom approves it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 6, 2024
Good anime, quite well adapted to the today's time. My guess for the low reviews is due to the audience being to young and not fare well with "loss" and very adult themes in general. Which is something you will be experience a lot in this anime, sometimes it will be very brutal... and gory hence why I think the artistic direction for this anime fits... here's why:
Artistic direction, although is not your tipical bright Anime show, it actually fits the Anime mood very well. Has the show isn't exactly your happy go lucky show and things don't go the way you expect most
of the time.
Sound wise, was good enough in my opinion.
If you been wanting to watch a seinen show, this is one you can watch, I think the middle part of the Anime was a bit weird, but anything past the Cult part is still quite good.
I wouldn't say this is a master piece by any means but been a while since I watched anything remotely close to Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 and this one fits the bill. But the current 6 rating on MAL, I find it very unjustified.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 20, 2020
Guess ppl come to this anime expecting cheap comedy and combats that last for 100episodes or something... its the my only guess to why this anime has scored so low. [Spoilless Review]
It doesn't deserve it, this anime is quite good on its own, first of all its a Seinen anime, not a Shounen of course Battles aren't going to last long or be polished enough because it doesn't matter to the plot, they aren't the main focus of the anime anyway. Non-child friendly topics going to be discussed often(but they aren't filosofal or anything, just mature stuff), some might be tough for children to comprehend
even though the female character looks like it came out of a Shounen manga or something. She does goes through a huge development in personality, and intelectual growth and for that alone is worth the watch.
I'm confident this is an anime you will enjoy, as you grow older, cause some of the situations that are represented in the anime do happen in our world constantly, although we don't have faires and magicians around irl of course.
Clearly the fights are simple, straight to the point, no need to rumble on the same battle over decades before you get to progress the story. Also they aren't 100% perfectly animated but it kinda works out. The story is alwasy rolling so there are nearly no fillers in the anime.
The interactions between 2 polar oposite characters is gold in this series, for me. What's more hilarious then having a Cop who has bad mouth and be poorly behaved partnering-up with a high royalty Alien knight girl that also as short temper and knows little to nothing about the world she is coming to work on?
[Final Verdict]
Is this anime wroth your time? Yes it is! As mature content? Yap, some not a fan-service type of anime of course, but since you are dealing with cops has main protagonists, you can expect some prostitution/blood/murders/etc. Can I watch this anime with a more mature audience? Yes you can!
I gave it a 10/10, but I know this anime could easy score 8-9 if more matured ppl watched it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 24, 2020
So I have watched the entire anime, and honestly I have no Idea why tbis anime is ranked at 6/10... It doenst make any sense. Really it doesn't!
Story, is great. Heart warning, interesting follows its own pace and enjoyable. As far as I know, its based on the original game, and it follows it for thebmost part.
Sound, its ok, I isnt a master piece but for the anime its a perfect fit.
Characters are quite nice and have very destintive qualities. The main char might look a bit "bland" but since in the original game he is a "Silent Protagonist" there really isn't much you
can add to it or else it would stop being relatable. The girl character that travels with the main protagonists my seem naive and bland as well, but keep watching and she will reveal to why she is the way she is. The girl Knight is quite something on its own right, i like her a lot.
Really I dont understand why you guys hate this anime so much... is not often u see an anime this well animated. I do recomend this to anyone. If you are interested you might also checke the games that are hiting the west tgis month (4/27th March).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 20, 2019
I have been in to anime for a few decades now and unfairly, this anime is one of those that has been drowned in low ratings, due to the nature of its name making people, maybe, expect this to be an action-filled-well-packed anime of sorts, but when in reality it's not exactly what it is about.
This is more of a mature plot oriented anime, it focus on a entirely different aspect, child raising that transcend race and even family bounds.
Fights are kept to a minimum, since they aren't the main nature or plot of the anime it self, but rather, focus entirely
on character development, cultural diferences and values of this world. (And no, its not an Isekai, its a Fantasy.)
(Story) - Spoil Free -
The story is focused entirely on an Adventure that finds a Child Demon wondering in a dangerous forest alone. These two have some troubles on communicating, since both come from different places, are from different Races and different kingdoms. Although, the Adventurer, with a "broken language skills" its eventually able establish a mean of communication somewhat with the Demon, things move on from here.
Eventually he finds out there is nobody to take care of this small demon (which has a peculiarity in one of its horns, that raises high suspicion) and can not fend for it self. Plot wise, this will mainly focus on the life of these two, that's the key plot definitely. But fell free to watch it yourself from here on, things start to get interesting. Magicians, Demons, Elfs, Mystical Creatures, its a world packed with those <3.
Its a little generic, but the feelings get pass across without an issue. Plus I think it fits well with the theme. If you saw stuff like Usagi Drop, it falls on that category although a little on the more fantasy style.
Its mainly about these two, the Adventurer and the Child Demon. Don't want got too much in detail here, since this is what makes this anime shine to our eyes. But to put it blunt, although the theme of the story sort of gloomy, the characters are quite up bright. You will definitely look forward to it.
I couldn't possibly not enjoy this, as I tend to favor more mature animes over wacky Shonens where protagonists pull special skills out of god knows where and bamm kabamm everything and kills enemys for no reason. This one does quite a good job at explaining and keep things simple in a way you can enjoy it without much ado. Definitely kept me and my mumm hooked up till the end and wishing for more.
Definitely giving it a 10 this anime more then deserves a bit fat 9 at the very least. Always love to watch a more "realistic" range of emotions along with mutal interactions among the cast. I believe, the older you are, the more enjoyable this series will be for you. PLEASE DO GIVE IT A CHANCE!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 25, 2019
Remember Goblin Slayer backlash? Yap, its the same issue, and was it bad? Exactly, it wasn't! Hence why this poor reception by the media. (A Brief and Spoilless Review is my main intention.)
- The anime starts off in an aggressive tone, as expected of a Seinen(grown up's anime gender) if you are a sensitiv person or plan to watch this with someone else, you better consider it. Due the nature of the plot it self, "Masters and Slaves", those roles are assigned, immediately after you get someone to play a random-game and have the "Win or Lose" roles assigned. The winner gets supremacy over the
loser. There are some small rules in place etc to prevent exploits and life threatening situations, but bluntly speaking... the winner can demand anything(including sexual services) anytime, as many times he/she wants with no bounds.
- But this is not all, if you are familiar with another series called "Liar Game", you will find some "twisted plot twists". The Story isn't a straight forward one(in a "protagonist wins all and all ends well" sense) and it will expand in size, to a point it of being more than just "games, so you will see quite some twisted cast of characters with good or damental intentions. Even the protagonists aren't inset of losing either, yes sh!t happens. Plot twists are a recurrent thing in this type of series, if you hunger for them, you are in for a treat.
- There is bound to be some "fan service", but it isn't has intrusive has many other series. But be mindful of it, that it can escalate pretty quick!(which its a nice thing when done correctly, in my honest opinion)
- Although all characters in the series look random, in reality, they are all connected in a way or another. The protagonists are funny and cocky. But overall everyone has simple or more complex motives/drives, others stronger than others. And age wise, its quite diversified.
- After the 1st episode, its when you going to start getting the scope of the real size of things and how they actually work. Consequently, same goes for how small the Protagonists point of view were until then.
[Enjoyment & Overall]
- Personally, after have watched almost a thousand series, I consider this one to be quite enjoyable one, specially if you are a more open minded person. I found this anime quite interesting, entertaining, edgy and mature the twists just keep opening more my apetite for more.
- But do me a favor, make sure you watch it all before you judge. A good thing that can be a decisive factor for its the "ending", at the very least it felt "satisfying", most big plot quests will be answered by the end as well so you can relax and enjoy the show till the end whiteout need to god for the source material.
PS: The Score of 6/10 does not reflect this anime potential the slightest, this is anime to be at least a 8/10, hence why I'm here doing yet another review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 24, 2018
Yo, just to make sure everyone's on the same page, there is a "spiritual sequel" to this manga called " Re-Birth 2 The Life Taker ". But follow the official sequel for the time being "Sai:Taker"-
[STORY]9: I would actually give it a 10 at the very least, but I wanna keep this review faithfull and not biased. (Spoiler free and direct information)
-Good Points? This is a manha, and as you have guessed, yes the story does not follow standard patters like the typical japanese Mangas do. So you will have a fresh story to enjoy. It might look ur typical shounen but show goes quite
deep to the point you could label it has Seinen, action will be part of the main story, so you won't get tiring dialogs(not that it's totally exempt of them). If you like some blood, you are going to have it. And of course, no the characters don't fight because "Yes" there is a very good motive *tic*tac*.
-Bad Points? ITS TO SHORT FFS!(Which can also be considered a good point, since it wasn't tirelessly extended like big names of the genre)
-Some ecchi is expected, moral conducts will be judged, some outcomes will look predictable (but they aren't most of the time, which is a great particularity of a manha).
-The story is refreshing, if you are open minded and taboo free... you are going to love it! Be ready for the thrill of moral/immoral actitudes tornado, its just getting started!
Although the manha started a few years ago, its art is a little mixed in between old and new manga style. The art follow's the korean trends/standards with a slightly japanese touch to it. The dynamics effects, makes you fell that they are alive and strong. The fight motions are what you would expect for an action based manga(nothing "Oh!Great" like, but decent enough!). I assume this manha was probably released monthly, since the art, backgrounds, artistic touches look very detailed.
Story is not by any means entirely predictable, and things won't always end "well"... (sorry, kinda repeating my self here)
I only don't give it a 10/10 because, I personally fell, most of the girls in the story wear almost the same haircut somehow(sometimes making me a little confused and hard tell them apart)
Main Character: The typical "I will do no wrong, and abide by justice all times!" hero. And honestly, he has lots of flaws, sometimes i have a hard time telling whos the real main character here.
Secondary Characters: Sister and Childhood Friend (yeah the classic), although sort of typical, is not like they have mindless personality. His sister, specially, personality wise is probably one of the strongest points of the entire manha. And his Childhood friend, isn't much of a letdown, she actually packs a "punch"(no pun intended)!
Evil Characters: Your typical villains, but since the story resolves about "extending your life"... most of them can't be really labeled has "evil" at all. Just blame the circumstances. And you could call them "mature villains"
Yeah, I mean, I had read this manha previously and it hooked me up entirely yet again once I decide to give it a go...again!! You will definitely vibe with this one, give ita try!
Afterword: I wish I could buy the manga but its not on sale anymore, and I think it only got translated officially in French, even if u find some old english translations be ready to pay up somewhere between 100-200€ for a volume...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 6, 2014
In this "Episode" you will be watching a small portion of the schools training, (mainly focused on Sohoku) a little while before Inter High at Hakone occur. Should you waste time to watch this? Well why not, you get to know a bit more about Onoda's anime merchandise and relationship with his "Climber Senpai"!
Also if you still did not watch the anime, this episode might be a bit spoiler so check the first 20 episodes, before you come watch this!
Good points of this special episode is that you get to see a little morel development between a Senpai and Kohai's Friendship, I'm referring to Makishima
and Onoda the Team Climbers of course! Is something that got me curious about, since both characters are way to different one from another and they must tag along for almost half a day.
For a moment I though, maybe I should not waste time watching this, but half way I though opposite, glad I did.
Regardless my score give to this episode, I must say, I did not get hooked up for another anime so much has this one in the past couple of months. If you don't know if its worthy or not, just give it a try! And if I may add, I'm not much of a Anime Sport's Fan myself and nor I like to watch "ongoing" anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 5, 2013
Mod Note: This review was initially posted for the animation short, Drifters, and was subsequently merged into Hellsing: The Dawn.
First Impression: For those who are fan animes like Fate-Stay Night, Shingeki no Kyouji or of the so called Hellsing, here is a very good series presented you by Hirano Kouta, that it will stun your senses. Be warned that blood, gore and symbolism are well present in this series.
Overall: The story is quite bad at start, but once you get in to it things change drastically. For those who where fans of great animes and stories that involved a World War Clash of
Heroes of the past and tales, this one will grasp your attention right away.
Story(1st till 9th Chapter): The story starts with the protagonist, Shimazu Toyohisa from Sengoku era, a strong man, nephew of Shimazu Yoshihiro. That fought his "last battle" bravely and bloody! At some point he found him self surround by a straight forward Hall, with many doors. And a strange "secretary man" that says nothing more then " Next? "
Toyo yells at the man asking for an explanation of why was he brought here out of the air.
Suddenly a window like Portal, shows-up and swallow’s Toyo inside it and brings him to a "old new era", where humans try to role over other species(ex: elfs, dworfs, hobbits, etc).
Fully wounded, near death, Toyo is rescued by 2 little boys Elfs that found him in the woods almost lifeless. Due to some lost words spelled by Toyo they assumed he was not a native from that world and there for was called a "DRIFTER".
Meanwhile, attempting to take the unknown "Drifter" to the castle they got surprised for another Drifter, who claims to kill them if any other step is taken upon "its" presence. the Elfs explain the situation in a rush and are forced to leave under fear, leaving Toyo in the cares of this person.
Toyo wakes up all bandaged up and the 1st thing he see's in his front is a person who claims to be the famous Nobunaga. (A "king" like in Japan with a story ending in betrayal a few decades before Toyo's time).
Without knowing where he is or what to do, he immediately decides to rush for an attacked village, where the children Elfs who saved him live, and became a carnage assault on a group of humans who started killing Elfs indiscriminately when the rumour spreads saying that Elfs had aid a Drifter.
Now in this unknown world there are two well known groups (or factions if you so prefer) Drifter and Offscouring. Both of those groups hold a variety of heroes from the past of our actual world that will soon clash.
Art: Its Hirano Kouta's Art, there is nothing to say here.
(If you watched Hellsing's OVA's even better.)
Sound: Perfect like always! They got good picks definitely, will catch your attention.
Enjoyment: Guaranteed
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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